English Language For Academic Purposes, part 1

Major: Applied Mathematics
Code of subject: 8.113.00.O.001
Credits: 4.00
Department: Department of Foreign Languages for Humanities
Lecturer: Havryliuk M. V., Fychyla O.M., Baibakova I.M.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: To formulate general and academic speech competences (linguistic, cosio-linguistic, professional, socio-cultural, and pragmatic) to allow postgraduate students communicating in academic and their professional environment.
Завдання: General competences: acquiring declarative knowledge and skills, the competence of existence and aptitude for studing; self-assessment and self-evaluation skills and aptitude for selfstudy which may help students take up lifelong learning even after graduating from the University. Professional competences: acquiring professional communicative speech competences (linguistic, socio-linguistic, pragmatic) to communicate in aademic and professional environment.
Learning outcomes: As the result of studying the discipline students should be able to demonstrate such learning outcomes: • to communicate in a foreign language within familiar academic and general professional environment • to discuss general learning and special issues in order to reach understanding • to prepare public speeches in a number of general questions of political, economic and cultural spheres applying relevant means of verbal and non-verbal communication • to find new textual, graphical, audio and video information on issues related to general academic and professional activity contained in foreign language materials (both printed and electronic) using relevant search methods • to analyze information from foreign language sources in order to receive data necessary for fulfilling general academic and professional tasks • to write a number of documents in a foreign language required for participation in international academic events, students’ exchange programs as well as for employment. LR1 accomodate to new circumstances, make independent decisions and initiate original research-innovative complex projects LR2 realize the necessity of lifelong learning with the purpose of acquiring new professional knowledge and skills.
Required prior and related subjects: Foreign language (B2 level)
Summary of the subject: The curriculum for the descipline "English for Academic Purposes" is destined for the 3rd stage of higher education due to educational-scientific program for obtaining the degree of PhD for those learners who have B2 level in a foreign language (according to the general European recommendations on learning and teaching modern foreign languages). At the end of the course, students are supposed to have C1 level in a foreign language which is considered to be an intermediary stage between intermediate and advanced lavel of knowledge of a language. The course is practically oriented which allows learners acquiring professional communicative competence. The course is rendered through integration of language knowledge and skills in general and specific situations that may occur in professional and academic environment. Special attention is paid to individual activity of a student.
Опис: Module 1. (reading) International academic conferences; University teaching, learning and research; academic publications; international cooperation. (listening) Attending a conference; troubleshooting; networking; presentations. Module 2 (speaking) Socializing; presentation skills. (writing) Academic correspondence; writing a summary; describing visual data.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control and differential credit. Assessment methods: - oral and direct questioning; - questioning in writing; - random oral questioning; - presentations during practical classes; - tests; - activity assessment; - evaluation of proposals, original decisions, suggestions, etc. Credit - Oral component - Written test
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control: listening, monologue and dialogic speech, reading, writing. Control test. Final control: differentiated test/credit. The distribution of points according to a 100-point scale Total for thediscipline 100 Current control (CC) Classroom work 30: Listening 5 Reading 5 Speaking 10 Writing 10 Control test 40 Self-study 30: Exercises from textbooks 5 Lexical and grammatical tests in Virtual Learning Environment 5 Extracurricular reading 5 Vocabulary of educational and special professional vocabulary 5 Monologic speech 5 Dialogic speech 5
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: Listening - Complete comprehension of the listening material. Students have to demonstrate the ability to comprehend and reproduce, interpret, memorise the material and perform oral and written tasks. Reading - students demonstrate the knowledge of the reading material; they are able to reproduce all the facts correctly; certain inconsistencies are allowed, however, students should demonstrate critical thinking, the ability to analyze and lay out the material consecutively. Students understand and can explain most of the words in a text, can translate and use them participating in a discussion. Speaking - students are able to express themselves on a given topic using lexical and grammar constructions, speak fluently and support their point of view by the help of language means and participate in discussions. Writing - students possess an appropriate level of knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. A written paper should be concise, coherent, logical (an essay, a letter, a summary, etc.) Presentation assessment criteria Presentation is prepared in accordance with the topic suggested and a plan devised by a student. The rules of a presentation and its format should be observed. A student demonstrates deep knowledge of a subject presenting the material clearly, logically, critically. Analytical approach and additional material to the topic are required. Presentation itself should be complex, coherent, argumentative, with an individual approach to solving a problem.
Recommended books: • English for academics (book 1) ( 2014) .Cambridge university press and the British Council, CUP • English for academics (book 2) ( 2014) .Cambridge university press and the British Council, CUP • Azar, B.S (1999) Understanding and Using English Grammar. New York: Pearson Education. – 437 p. • Ek, J.A. van and J.L.M.Trim (2001) Vantage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. – 187 p. • Evans, V. (1998) Successful Writing. Blackpill: Express Publishing. – 116 p. • Kay, S. & Jones, V. (2001) Inside Out. Oxford: MacMillan Publishers Limited. – 160 p. • Murphy R., English Grammar in Use. CEF Level: B1 Intermediate - B2 High Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. • Quick Placement Test (2001) Oxford: Oxford University Press. – 26 p.
Уніфікований додаток: Lviv Polytechnic National University guarantees the protection of the rights of learners with special educational needs. Inclusive education services are provided by "No Limits" Service, the one providing educational opportunities and continuous individual accompaniment for the disabled and those with chronical diseases. An essential means of implementing inclusive education policy in the University is Professional Development Program for teaqchers and technical staff in the sphere of social inclusion and inclusive education. Postal address: Karpinskoho St., 2/4, teaching building 1, room 112 E-mail: nolimits@lpnu.ua Websites: https://lpnu.ua/nolimits https://lpnu.ua/integration
Академічна доброчесність: The policy of academic integrity of the participants of the educational process is based on the academic integrity principles taking into account the norms of the "Regulation about Academic Integrity at Lviv Polytechnic National University (approved by the Academic Board of the University on 20 June, 2017, minutes 35)