Contemporary Problems of International Relations and Global Politics

Major: International Relations, Social Communication and Regional Studies
Code of subject: 8.291.00.M.017
Credits: 3.00
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Lecturer: Lutsyshyn Halyna, Doctor of Political Science, Professor., PhD Klymczuk I.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: КЗ 3Ability to communicate effectively with the general scientific community and the public on topical issues of international relations and world politics, to present and discuss the results of their scientific work in Ukrainian and foreign languages; 7. Ability to self-develop and self-improvement throughout life, responsibility for learning, motivating and managing the work of others to achieve goals, the ability to both autonomous and teamwork during project implementation. КС. Thorough knowledge of current problems of international relations, theories, concepts and research methods in the field of international relations and world politics; 2. Understanding of theoretical and methodological bases of scientific researches in the field of international relations, public communications and regional studies, ability to apply them effectively for analysis and forecasting of problems and tendencies of development of global and regional international systems; 3. Ability to effectively apply methods of analysis, modeling and forecasting in conducting research in the field of international relations; 4. Understanding of modern international processes, features of functioning of international institutes; 5. Ability to independently develop a program of specific research in the field of international relations, to provide expert assessment of current international events and processes; 6. Ability to use and implement the latest information and management technologies in the field of international relations, to solve applied problems of international relations, to make effective decisions; 7. Ability to develop and implement projects, including own research, which provide an opportunity to rethink existing or create new knowledge. ЗН 1. Ability to demonstrate knowledge of modern concepts, understanding of theoretical and practical problems, history of development and current state of scientific knowledge in the field of international relations, public communications and regional studies. ЗН 2.Ability to demonstrate knowledge of theoretical and methodological foundations, conceptual and categorical apparatus of international relations, public communications and regional studies. ЗН 3.Knowledge and skills of scientific research of topical issues of international relations, development and implementation of new innovative projects in the field of international relations. УМ 1. .Apply the acquired knowledge and understanding for scientific analysis of global and regional systems, typical of a chosen field of research; УМ 2.Investigate and model phenomena and processes in complex dynamic systems of international relations. УМ 3.Apply a systematic approach, integrating knowledge from other disciplines and paying attention to socio-political aspects in solving theoretical and applied problems of the chosen field of research. УМ 4.Combine theory and practice, as well as make decisions and develop a strategy for solving scientific and applied problems, taking into account universal values, social, state and professional interests. УМ5.Work effectively both individually and in a team. УМ 6.Independently conduct research and apply research skills in the field of international relations, public communications and regional studies. Ком.1. Ability to communicate effectively at the professional and public levels in native and foreign languages. Ком 2.Ability to present clearly and effectively the results of the study (including foreign language) discuss the outcomes and transfer the acquired knowledge. АіВ. 1Ability to adapt to new conditions, make decisions and initiate original research and innovation complex projects. Аів.2. Ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the and get new professional knowledge.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisite: Co-requisites:
Summary of the subject: The modern world has changed tremendously over the last few decades. Along with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and other political changes, the processes of globalization in the economic, technical and social spheres intensified. The information revolution and the increase in international trade have intensified these processes. Modern diplomacy must take an active part in international communication, responding accordingly to the new challenges of the XXI century and adapting the forms and methods of diplomatic activity to the requirements of today. A change in the means of conducting diplomacy also leads to a change in the role of the ambassador. It is obvious that in the XXI century the requirements for a diplomat will increase significantly. Having no routine activities for collecting information data, thanks to technological progress, the diplomat of the new formation must prove himself primarily as an experienced analyst, manager and coordinator. His role as a mediator between formal and non-governmental diplomacy, his ability to identify and mobilize non-governmental resources to achieve state goals. But above all, the new generation of diplomats must calculate when and how government diplomatic resources can be presented to other actors to achieve their goals in the international arena.Thus, the evolution of the system of international relations requires adaptation and change from traditional diplomacy, its forms of conduct and structural organization. However, in turn, the basic postulates of diplomacy remain unchanged, only adapting to modern requirements. This testifies to the importance of the centuries-old practice of conducting foreign affairs and its inseparability, regardless of the intensity of modern processes of world transformation.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (40%): oral interviews, presentations at seminars, participation in discussions, business games, group classes, case studies, preparation of presentations on a given topic, student projects, essays, participation in discussions. Examination control (60%) - three-level testing.
Recommended books: 1. Foreign policy information and modern diplomacy: Sat. lectures and articles of the department. mass communication and public relations YES MFA RF / resp. ed. and comp. Yu.B. Cough. - M.: Biznes-Press, 2001. - S. 140–186. 2. Humeniuk B. Diplomacy of the globalization era: new challenges and tasks / Humeniuk B. // Foreign Affairs. - 2008 -№ 12. 3. Humeniuk B. Diplomacy of the globalization era: new challenges and tasks / Humeniuk B. // Foreign Affairs. - 2009. -№1. 4. Zlenko AM Diplomacy and politics. Ukraine in the process of dynamic geopolitical changes / Zlenko AM -Kharkiv: Folio, 2003. - 559 p. 5. Zonova TV Modern model of diplomacy: the origins of formation and prospects for development / Zonova TV - М.:ROSPEN, 2003. - 336 p. 6. Zonova TV Diplomacy of foreign states: textbook. allowance / ed. T.V. Zone; MGIMO (U) MID RF. - М .: РОССПЭН, 2004. - 351 с. 7. Kissinger G. Diplomacy / Kissinger GM : Ladomir, 1997. - 848 p.