Home/ Majors directory/International Relations, Social Communication and Regional Studies/Historical Sociology of International Relations
Historical Sociology of International Relations
Major: International Relations, Social Communication and Regional Studies
Code of subject: 8.291.00.M.014
Credits: 3.00
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Lecturer: PhD in Political sciences, associate professor Demchyshak Ruslan
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: -ability to demonstrate fundamental knowledge of modern theories, concepts, history of development and current state of research in the field of international relations and world politics;
-knowledge and skills of scientific research of current issues of international relations, development and implementation of new innovative projects in the field of international relations;
- ability to apply the acquired knowledge and understanding for scientific analysis of global and regional systems;
-ability to study and model phenomena and processes in complex dynamic systems of international relations.
Required prior and related subjects: Current issues of socio-humanitarian sciences. Methods and methodology of research of international relations
Summary of the subject: Origins and formation of the Historical Sociology of International Relations. Neo-Marxist and neo-Weberian trends in HSIR. Wallerstein's world-system concept. Scientific concepts of P. Anderson and A. Frank. The theory of geopolitical dynamics by R. Collins and views on the process of globalization E. Giddens. M. Mann about power in the XXI century. R. Bendix's modern society. B. Moore on industrial society. Factors in the formation of civilizations W. McNeill. D. Nay's concept of soft power.
Assessment methods and criteria: Сurrent control (40%): recitation, speeches at seminars, review writing;
Final control (60%): exam (three-level testing.
Recommended books: 1) Wallerstein; [per. from English. N. Tyukina]. - M .: Publishing House "Territory of the Future", 2006. - 248 p.
2) Martinov Yu. A. Historical Sociology / Yu.A. Martinov. - K .: "Rada", 2004. - 288 p.
3) Martinov, A. Yu. Historical sociology for the advancement of globalization [Electronic resource] / A. Yu. Martinov // Ukrainian society. - 2006. - No. 5. - S. 23-29.
4) Maslovsky, M. V. Formation of modern paradigms of historical sociology / M. V. Maslovsky // Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod University. N. I. Lobachevsky. - 2007. - No. 1. - S. 281-285.