Research Methods in International Economic Relations

Major: lnternational Economic Relations
Code of subject: 8.292.00.O.009
Credits: 3.00
Department: Management and International Business
Lecturer: Dr.Sc., prof. Ihor Oleksiv
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. To generalize, think critically and analyze the phenomena and problems studied, to show flexibility in decision-making on the basis of logical arguments and verified facts in the conditions of limited time and resources on the basis of general scientific methodology. 2. Analyze and apply conceptual models, scientific achievements of domestic and foreign scientists, fundamental postulates and theories, paradigms of global economic development, the latest approaches to the functioning and development of the world economy and international economic relations. 3. Have analytical thinking and methods of systematization of information processing of large data sets, evaluation and forecasting of economic and social phenomena. 4. To identify scientific and practical problems, to prepare scientific texts and reports, to carry out public approbation of research results in both state and foreign languages, to demonstrate oral and written communication. 5. Apply information technology, modern methods of modeling and forecasting using the latest application packages and software products for scientific substantiation and confirmation / refutation of hypotheses. 6. Ability to use modern information and communication tools and technologies to ensure effective scientific and professional communications. 7. Ability to formulate their own author's conclusions, suggestions and recommendations.
Required prior and related subjects: -prerequisite: Management, Econometrics, Statistics -co-requisite: Qualitative Research Methods
Summary of the subject: Business research strategies. Research design. Planning research project and formulating research questions. The nature of quantitative research. Sampling. Structured interviewing. Structured observation. Secondary analysis and official statistics. Content analysis. Quantitative data analysis. Ethics in business research.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Current control (30%): project; - Final control (70%): semester control (written (50%) and oral component (20%))
Recommended books: 1. Bryman A., Bell E. Business Research Methods. Oxford University Press. 2007. 2. Whitley B.E. Principles of Research in Behavioral Science / Whitley B.E. – New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002. – 668 p. 3. Gujarati, D.N. Basic econometrics / D.N. Gujarati. – Printed in the United States of America: 3rd. ed. McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1995. – p.840. 4. Black K. Business statistics: contemporary decision making, Southwestern College Publishing 2001.