Home/ Majors directory/Project Management/Financial Literacy
Financial Literacy
Major: Project Management
Code of subject: 7.073.13.M.019
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of project management
Lecturer: ScD., Professor Ilchuk Pavlo
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - know: the essence and types of money, electronic money, cryptoassets and cryptocurrencies; methods of personal finance management; the essence of taxes and personal tax culture; principles of state registration and termination of activity of a natural person-entrepreneur; private entrepreneurship; savings and personal investment; financial technologies and money transfers; types of financial fraud and personal financial security;
- be able to: take into account the basic economic laws, principles and apply elements of knowledge of the discipline in the management of personal finances; plan personal finances; assess the impact of inflation on personal well-being; choose the taxation system and register as a natural person-entrepreneur; save and invest efficiently; use credit products; use financial technologies and make money transfers; ensure personal financial security
Required prior and related subjects: -
Summary of the subject: Financial literacy and the role of money in society
Personal finance
The impact of inflation on the welfare of the population
Taxes and tax culture
Savings and investment activities
Financial technologies and money transfers
Financial fraud and personal financial security
Assessment methods and criteria: - current control (oral examination, laboratory classes, tests (30 %)
- final control (control measure – test): written-oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Finansova hramotnist. Finansy. Shcho? Chomu? Yak?: navchalnyi posibnyk / avt. kol.; – K., 2019. – 272 s.
2. Finansovo-ekonomichna hramotnist: pidruchnyk [u 2-kh chastynakh]. Ch. 1: Osnovy natsionalnoi ekonomiky, ekonomiky rehioniv ta finansovoi systemy Ukrainy / za red. O.B. Zhykhor, O.V. Dymchenko. Kyiv: Vydavnychyi dim «Kondor». 2017. 1024 s.
3. Kizyma T.O. Metodyka vykladannia finansovoi hramotnosti: navch. posib. / T.O. Kizyma, V.V. Pysmennyi, S.L. Koval, N.I. Karpyshyn ta in.; za red. d.e.n., profesora Kizymy T.O. – Ternopil: Osadtsa Yu.V., 2017. – 200 s.