Home/ Majors directory/Building Constructions, Products and Materials Technologies/Technology of Wall, Decorative and Insulating Materials
Technology of Wall, Decorative and Insulating Materials
Major: Building Constructions, Products and Materials Technologies
Code of subject: 7.192.04.E.022
Credits: 5.00
Department: Building Production
Lecturer: D.Sc. Marushchak U.D.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PRN 2. Knowledge and understanding of scientific principles underlying construction and civil engineering, in particular the organization of production of building structures, products and materials
PRN 4. Deepening of knowledge of specialization "Technologies of building designs, products and materials": innovative technologies of manufacturing of modern building materials and products; technology of concrete and reinforced concrete structures; technology of wall, finishing and insulating materials; preparation and renewal of production of building structures, products and materials.
PRN 8. Acquisition of adequate knowledge and understanding related to the specialization "Technology of building structures, products and materials", the scale of which will be sufficient to successfully organize and conduct research in the production of building structures, products and materials, to form and represent the results of professional activity.
PRNS 1. Apply the acquired knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve problems of technology development of building structures, products and materials, using known methods.
Required prior and related subjects: Innovative technologies for the manufacture of modern building materials and products
Economics and construction management
Reinforced concrete structures of factory production
Research in construction
Estimates and cost engineering in construction
Summary of the subject: Building ceramics. General data. classification of building ceramics. wall ceramic products. Ceramic brick. Effective wall products. Silicate products of autoclave hardening. Fundamentals of autoclave curing technology. Types of silicate concrete and products from them. Paints and varnishes. Technology of heat-insulating materials. Acoustic materials technology. Technology of insulating materials based on bitumen, tar and organosilicon substances.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports from laboratory work, oral examination (30%)
• final control (control measure, test), written and oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1.Рунова Р.Ф., Шейніч Л.О., Гелевера О.Г., ГОЦ В.І. Основи виробництва стінових та оздоблювальних матеріалів – К.: КНУБА, 2002. – 354 с.
2. Саницький, М. А., Позняк, О.Р., & Марущак, У. Д. (2012). Енергозберігаючі технології у будівництві. Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки.
3. Гоц, В. І., Павлюк, В. В., & Шпилюк, П. С. (2016). Бетони і будівельні розчини : підручник. Київ : Основа.
4. Рунова, Р. Ф., Гоц, В. І., Гелевера, О. Г., Константиновський, О. П., Носовський, Ю Л., & Піпа, В. В. (2017). Основи виробництва стінових та оздоблювальних матеріалів. Київ : Основа.
5. Рунова Р.Ф., Новосельський Ю.Л. Технологія модифікованих будівельних розчинів - К.; КНУБА, 2007. -256 с.
6. Дворкін Л.Й., Дворкін О. Л. Опоряджувальні будівельні матеріали. – Рівне.: НУВГП, 2011. - 291 с.
Technology of Wall, Decorative and Insulating Materials (курсова робота)
Major: Building Constructions, Products and Materials Technologies
Code of subject: 7.192.04.E.024
Credits: 2.00
Department: Building Production
Lecturer: D. Sc. Marushchak U.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PRN 2. Knowledge and understanding of scientific principles underlying construction and civil engineering, in particular the organization of production of building structures, products and materials
PRN 4. Deepening of knowledge of specialization "Technologies of building designs, products and materials": innovative technologies of manufacturing of modern building materials and products; technology of concrete and reinforced concrete structures; technology of wall, finishing and insulating materials; preparation and renewal of production of building structures, products and materials.
PRN 8. Acquisition of adequate knowledge and understanding related to the specialization "Technology of building structures, products and materials", the scale of which will be sufficient to successfully organize and conduct research in the production of building structures, products and materials, to form and represent the results of professional activity.
PRNS 1. Apply the acquired knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve problems of technology development of building structures, products and materials, using known methods.
Required prior and related subjects: Innovative technologies for the manufacture of modern building materials and products
Economics and construction management
Reinforced concrete structures of factory production
Research in construction
Estimates and cost engineering in construction
Summary of the subject: The course work involves the development of technological lines for the production of wall products (ceramic bricks and stones, cellular silicate products, products of concrete wall small pieces, reinforced concrete wall products), finishing (decorative facade tiles, dry construction mixtures, gypsum plasterboard sheets and plasterboard sheets). , acoustic and thermal insulation products, etc.
Assessment methods and criteria: Defence of Course Work (100%)
Recommended books: 1.Рунова Р.Ф., Шейніч Л.О., Гелевера О.Г., Гоц В.І. Основи виробництва стінових та оздоблювальних матеріалів – К.: КНУБА, 2002. – 354 с.
2. Саницький, М. А., Позняк, О.Р., & Марущак, У. Д. (2012). Енергозберігаючі технології у будівництві. Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки.
3. Гоц, В. І., Павлюк, В. В., & Шпилюк, П. С. (2016). Бетони і будівельні розчини : підручник. Київ : Основа.
4. Рунова, Р. Ф., Гоц, В. І., Гелевера, О. Г., Константиновський, О. П., Носовський, Ю Л., & Піпа, В. В. (2017). Основи виробництва стінових та оздоблювальних матеріалів. Київ : Основа.
5. Рунова Р.Ф., Новосельський Ю.Л. Технологія модифікованих будівельних розчинів - К.; КНУБА, 2007. -256 с.
6. Дворкін Л.Й., Дворкін О. Л. Опоряджувальні будівельні матеріали. – Рівне.: НУВГП, 2011. - 291 с.