Alternative Sources of Heat

Major: Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
Code of subject: 7.192.07.E.024
Credits: 3.50
Department: Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
Lecturer: DSc., Prof. Vasyl Zhelyh
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The discipline "Alternative sources of heat" is one of the main ones for the preparation of masters under the educational program "Heat gas supply and ventilation", the purpose of which is to acquire knowledge and skills for students when solving issues of using natural sources of energy, sun, wind, water, organic waste, which can replace electric energy, solid fuel during the reconstruction and installation of existing heat supply systems, taking into account energy saving measures. The acquired knowledge is consolidated in practical and laboratory classes, as well as during the performance of coursework and control work.
Завдання: The study of the academic discipline involves the formation of the necessary competencies in students: integral competence: The ability to solve problems of a research and/or innovative nature in the field of construction and civil engineering; general competence: ZK 06 Striving to preserve the environment; -special professional competence SK 03 Ability to develop and implement projects in the field of construction and civil engineering. CK05 The ability to conduct surveys, tests, diagnostics and calculations when solving complex problems of a research and innovation nature in the field of construction and civil engineering
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: - know the design features of solar collectors: flat and vacuum; basic schemes for preparing hot water using a solar installation; - to know the method of technological and thermal calculation of the solar hot water supply system; - master the method of solar system calculation: determining the area of ??solar collectors; calculation of the capacity water heater volume; calculation of the volume of the expansion tank; - master the calculation methodology and selection of a biogas plant; determination of its economic effect; practical application of the biogas plant. As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following program learning outcomes: RN 06. Apply modern mathematical methods for statistical data analysis, calculation and optimization of design parameters and technological processes of construction of buildings and structures. RN 09. Collect the necessary information using scientific and technical literature, databases and other sources, analyze and evaluate it. UM 1. Specialized skills/problem-solving skills necessary for conducting research and/or carrying out innovative activities with the aim of developing new knowledge and procedures AiV 3. Ability to continue learning with a high degree of autonomy.
Required prior and related subjects: Accompanying and following academic disciplines Air ventilation systems Design of heat supply systems Design of gas supply systems Economics and construction management Design of heating systems VIM technologies in engineering systems and structures Industrial technologies and cleaning of ventilation and technological emissions Completion of master's qualification work Heat and cold supply systems Discipline of choice
Summary of the subject: The basic concepts of non-traditional energy sources that are alternatives to conventional energy sources are presented. The main types of primary and secondary energy sources are considered. The applications of solar, wind, water and biogas energy are described. Schemes of active and passive use of solar energy are shown; basic elements of wind power plants; structure of biogas plants. The discipline is intended for masters of the educational program "Heat and gas supply and ventilation" full-time and part-time. The concept of non-traditional energy sources. Forms of energy existence. Energy situation in Ukraine. Ways of energy saving in construction. 8 Energy sources, their classification. Renewable energy sources. Non-renewable energy sources. Types of primary energy sources. Types of secondary energy sources. Alternative solutions for new energy production technologies. The concept of "clean energy". The main characteristics of the main types of energy. Operating costs for the installation of energy-saving heating systems. Passive systems for the use of solar energy. Heat absorption. The phenomenon of the thermosyphon. Methods of regulating the inflow of solar radiation through translucent solar collectors. Inclined and horizontal solar heating systems. Combined uses of solar energy. Active energy use systems. Types of heat carriers. Flat and other solar collectors. Generalized performance characteristics of the collector. Additional heating. System design. Separately arranged collectors. 8 Preparation of hot water with the help of solar energy. Features of designs of solar water heaters. Solar hot water supply systems for household needs. Re-equipment of houses for installation of solar collectors. The use of solar energy in air conditioning systems. The principle of operation of an absorption refrigeration machine running on solar energy. Solar refrigeration systems in air conditioning systems. The use of solar energy in steam compression plants. Accumulation of heat and cold. Directions of development of solar UPC. Wind energy. The main characteristics of wind conditions. Dependence of wind speed on the nature of the terrain. Elements of wind power plants (rotors; support; safety mechanism; generator; energy accumulators). Blade-type rotors. Snail type rotors. Blades of blade-chain type. Concentrating rotors. Precautionary and regulating mechanisms. Methods of energy storage (batteries, compressed air, water tanks, etc.) 6 Water energy. Conditions for calculating the amount of water. Dam location and flow measurement methods. Types of water dams. Biogas is a product of anaerobic fermentation. The main stages of methane formation. Factors influencing the process of methane formation. Characteristics of raw materials for anaerobic fermentation. 8 Classification of biogas plants. Household biogas plants. Industrial biogas plants. Pilot biogas installation. Separation of biogas plants by: temperature regime; technological process; fermentation scheme. Construction of biogas plants. Download system. Bioreactor. Mixing system. Heating system. Industrial biogas plants. Reduction of environmental pollution. Schemes of technological process. Basic technical data of the set of equipment for anaerobic fermentation KR-9-1. Economic effect from operation of biogas plants.
Опис: Concept of unconventional energy sources. Forms of existence of energy. Energy situation in Ukraine. Ways of energy saving in construction. Energy sources, their classification. Renewable energy sources. Non-renewable energy sources. Types of primary energy sources. Types of secondary energy sources. Alternative solutions for new energy production technologies. The concept of "clean energy". The main characteristics of the main types of energy. Operating costs when installing energy-saving heat supply systems. Passive systems of using solar energy. Heat absorption. Thermosiphon phenomenon. Methods of regulation of solar radiation input through transparent solar collectors. Inclined and horizontal solar heating systems. Combined options for using solar energy. Systems of active energy use. Types of heat carriers. Flat and other solar collectors. Generalized operating characteristics of the collector. Additional heating. System design. Separately arranged collectors. Preparation of hot water using solar energy. Design features of solar water heaters. Solar hot water supply systems for domestic needs. Conversion of buildings to install solar collectors. Use of solar energy in air conditioning systems. The principle of operation of an absorption refrigerating machine operating on solar energy. Solar refrigeration units in air conditioning systems. Application of solar energy in vapor compression installations. Accumulation of heat and cold. Directions for the development of solar power plants. Wind energy. Main characteristics of wind conditions. Dependence of wind speed on the nature of the terrain. Elements of wind energy installations (rotors; support; safety mechanism; generator; energy accumulators). Blade-type rotors. Snail-type rotors. Blade-chain type rotors. Concentrating rotors. Safety and regulatory mechanisms. Energy storage methods (batteries, compressed air, containers with water, etc.) Water energy. Conditions for calculating the amount of water. Dam location and flow measurement methods. Types of water dams. Biogas is a product of anaerobic fermentation. The main stages of methane formation. Factors affecting the process of methane formation. Characteristics of raw materials for anaerobic fermentation. Classification of biogas plants. Household biogas plants. Industrial biogas plants. Pilot biogas plants installation Division of biogas plants according to: temperature regime; technological process; fermentation scheme. Construction of biogas plants. Loading system. Bioreactor. Mixing system. Heating system. Industrial biogas plants. Reduction of environmental pollution. Schemes of the technological process. Basic technical data of the equipment set for anaerobic fermentation K-R-9-1. Economic effect of operating biogas plants.
Assessment methods and criteria: Assessment of students' knowledge in the discipline "Unconventional energy sources" is carried out in the form of current controls, and semester control of knowledge, which is carried out at the end of the semester. Current control of students' knowledge in the discipline "Unconventional energy sources" includes the following forms of assessment: Assessment during practical work: - Survey or testing of students' knowledge of theoretical material - 0.5 points for each lesson during the semester (8 lessons). Assessment during laboratory work: - Score for performance and defense of laboratory work - 10.0 points. Assessment of independent (in particular, individual) work: - Evaluation of individual course work - 30 points. Points are awarded for the correct performance of individual course work and its defense. Semester control of knowledge includes the results of the current control of students' knowledge, which was conducted during the semester, and examination control. Exam tasks are also built on three levels of difficulty. The maximum amount of points for the exam task is 50. Oral component - 10 points. To this number are added the results of the current control (maximum - 40 points). The maximum number of points for the semester control is 100. The actual number of points received by the student is transferred to the state final grade.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Assessment of students' knowledge in the discipline "Non-traditional sources of energy" is carried out in the form of current controls and semester control of knowledge, which is carried out at the end of the semester. The current control of students' knowledge in the discipline "Non-traditional energy sources" includes the following forms of assessment: Evaluation during practical work: - Survey of students' knowledge of theoretical material – 2.5 points for each class during the semester for full-time students; – 2 points for each class during the semester for correspondence students; Assessment during laboratory work. Assessment for performance and defense of laboratory work: – full-time study form 4 laboratory works – 20.0 points; – correspondence form of education 2 laboratory works – 10.0 points; Evaluation of independent (in particular, individual) work: - evaluation of completed individual course work for full-time and part-time students - 100 points. Points are awarded for correct completion of individual course work and its defense; - evaluation of completed individual control work for correspondence students - 16 points. The semester control of knowledge includes the results of the current control of students' knowledge, conducted during the semester, and examination control. Exam tasks are also structured according to three levels of difficulty. The maximum number of points for the exam task is 50. The oral component is 10 points. The results of the current control are added to this number (maximum - 40 points). The maximum number of points for the semester control is 100. The actual number of points received by the student is transferred to the state final assessment.
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: Assessment of students' knowledge in the discipline "Non-traditional sources of energy" is carried out in the form of current controls and semester control of knowledge, which is carried out at the end of the semester. The current control of students' knowledge in the discipline "Non-traditional energy sources" includes the following forms of assessment: Evaluation during practical work: - Survey of students' knowledge of theoretical material – 2.5 points for each class during the semester for full-time students; – 2 points for each class during the semester for correspondence students; Assessment during laboratory work. Assessment for performance and defense of laboratory work: – full-time study form 4 laboratory works – 20.0 points; – correspondence form of education 2 laboratory works – 10.0 points; Evaluation of independent (in particular, individual) work: - evaluation of completed individual course work for full-time and part-time students - 100 points. Points are awarded for correct completion of individual course work and its defense; - evaluation of completed individual control work for correspondence students - 16 points. The semester control of knowledge includes the results of the current control of students' knowledge, conducted during the semester, and examination control. Exam tasks are also structured according to three levels of difficulty. The maximum number of points for the exam task is 50. The oral component is 10 points. The results of the current control are added to this number (maximum - 40 points). The maximum number of points for the semester control is 100. The actual number of points received by the student is transferred to the state final assessment.
Recommended books: Навчально-методичне забезпечення 1. Електронний навчально-методичний комплекс «Нетрадиційні джерела енергії» . Сертифікат №00821 від 04.06.2014р. 2. Желих В.М. Нетрадиційні джерела енергії: конспект лекцій / В.М. Желих, О.Т. Возняк, Ю.С. Юркевич. – Львів: Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009. – 84 с 3. Інструкція до курсової роботи з курсу «Нетрадиційні джерела енергії» для студентів спеціальності 7.092108 «Теплогазопостачання і вентиляція»/ укладачі: В.М. Желих.- Львів : 2013.- 22 с. 4. Методичні вказівки до лабораторної роботи №1 з курсу "Нетрадиційні джерела енергії" для студентів спеціальності – 7.06010107, 8.06010107 «Теплогазопостачання та вентиляція» на тему: «Дослідження роботи сонячного колектора та ефективності гравітаційної геліосистеми» / Укл.: В.М. Желих, С.П. Шаповал, Б.І. Гулай, Н.А. Сподинюк – Львів, 2014. – 13 с. 5. Методичні вказівки до лабораторної роботи №2 з курсу "Нетрадиційні джерела енергії" для студентів спеціальності – 7.06010107, 8.06010107 «Теплогазопостачання та вентиляція» на тему: «Дослідження роботи геліосистеми із штучним спонуканням руху теплоносія» Укл.: В.М. Желих, С.П. Шаповал, Б.І. Гулай, М.Є. Касинець – Львів, 2014. – 12 с. 6. Конспект лекцій. 8. Рекомендована література Базова 1. Кудря С.О. Відновлювані джерела енергії. За заг. ред. С.О. Кудрі. Київ: Інститут відновлюваної енергетики НАНУ, 2020. 392 с. 2. . Нетрадиційна енергетика: основи теорії та задачі: Навч. посіб. Львів: «Магнолія 2006», 2018. 188 с. 3. . Альтернативні джерела енергії : бібліогр. покажч. Л.М. Локотош ; ред. Л.А. Жолобко. Івано-Франківськ : НТБ ІФНТУНГ, 2016. 70 c. URL : 4. . Адаменко О. Альтернативні палива та інші нетрадиційні джерела енергії. О. Адаменко, В. Височанський, В. Льотко, М. Михайлів. Під ред. В. Льотко. Івано-Франківськ: Полум’я, 2000. 270 с. 5. Калетнік Г.М. Біопалива: ефективність його виробництва та споживання в АПК України: Навчальний посібник. Г.М. Калетнік, В.М. Пришляк. К: «Хай-Тек Прес», 2010. 312 с. 6. Альтернативні джерела енергії. Енергія вітру : Навч. посіб. С.В. Сиротюк, В.М. Боярчук, В.П. Гальчак. Львів : «Магнолія 2006», 2018. 182 с. Допоміжна 1. Напрями розвитку альтернативних джерел енергії: акцент на твердому біопаливі та гнучких технологіях його виготовлення : монографія / О. С. Полянський, О. В. Дьяконов, О. С. Скрипник та ін. [за заг. ред. В. І. Д’яконова] ; Харків. нац. ун-т міськ. госп-ва ім. О. М. Бекетова. – Харків : ХНУМГ ім. О. М. Бекетова, 2017. – 136 с. 2. Кудря С.О. Нетрадиційні та відновлювані джерела енергії / ?Підручник. – Київ: Національний технічний університет України («КПІ»), 2012. – 495 с. 3. Енергоефективність та відновлювані джерела енергії. Під заг. ред. Шидловського А.К. – Київ: Українські енциклопедичні знання, 2007. – 559 с. 4. Атлас енергетичного потенціалу відновлюваних джерел енергії України / за ред. С.О. Кудрі. – Київ: Інститут відновлюваної енергетики НАН України, 2020. – 82 с. 5. Фундаментальні аспекти відновлювано-водневої енергетики і паливно-комірчаних технологій / за загальною редакцією Ю.М. Солоніна. – К.: «КІМ», 2018. – 260с. 6. Варламов Г.Б., Любчик Г.М., Маляренко В.А. Теплоенергетичні установки та екологічні аспекти виробництва енергії. – К.: ІВЦ "Видавництво "Політехніка", 2003. – 232 с. 7. Желих В.М. Системи сонячного теплопостачання інтегровані у світлопрозорі фасади будівель. Василь Желих, Ірина Венгрин, Степан Шаповал, Мар’яна Касинець, Христина Козак, Володимир Пашкевич. Дата публікації: 2018/9/3. Журнал «Вентиляція, освітлення та теплогазопостачання», випуск 26. Стор.62-68. 8. Желих В.М. Визначення теплових характеристик горизонтального грунтового теплообмінника геотермальної системи вентиляції. Дата публікації 2017. Видавець КНУБА»Енергоефективність в будівництві та архітектурі». Випуск № 9 с.75-79 Інформаційні ресурси 1.Державне агентство з енергоефективності та енергозбереження України. Департамент відновлюваних джерел енергії. URL: 2. ДТЕК відновлювана енергетика. URL: 3. Енергія майбутнього сьогодні. URL:;; Посилання на дисципліну у ВНС НУ «Львівської політехніка»: Заняття проводитимуться на платформі Microsoft Teams.
Уніфікований додаток: Lviv Polytechnic National University ensures the realization of the right of persons with disabilities to obtain higher education. Inclusive educational services are provided by the Service of accessibility to learning opportunities "Without restrictions", the purpose of which is to provide permanent individual support for the educational process of students with disabilities and chronic diseases. An important tool for the implementation of the inclusive educational policy at the University is the Program for improving the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers and educational and support staff in the field of social inclusion and inclusive education. Contact at: St. Karpinsky, 2/4, 1st floor, room 112 E-mail: Websites:
Академічна доброчесність: The policy regarding the academic integrity of the participants of the educational process is formed on the basis of compliance with the principles of academic integrity, taking into account the norms "Regulations on academic integrity at the Lviv Polytechnic National University" (approved by the academic council of the university on June 20, 2017, protocol No. 35).

Alternative Sources of Heat (курсова робота)

Major: Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
Code of subject: 7.192.07.E.027
Credits: 2.00
Department: Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
Lecturer: DSc., Prof. Vasyl Zhelyh
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The discipline "Alternative sources of heat" is one of the main ones for the preparation of masters under the educational program "Heat gas supply and ventilation", the purpose of which is to acquire knowledge and skills for students when solving issues of using natural sources of energy, sun, wind, water, organic waste, which can replace electric energy, solid fuel during the reconstruction and installation of existing heat supply systems, taking into account energy saving measures. The acquired knowledge is consolidated in practical and laboratory classes, as well as during the performance of coursework and control work.
Завдання: The study of the academic discipline involves the formation of the necessary competencies in students: integral competence: The ability to solve problems of a research and/or innovative nature in the field of construction and civil engineering; general competence: ZK 06 Striving to preserve the environment; -special professional competence SK 03 Ability to develop and implement projects in the field of construction and civil engineering. CK05 The ability to conduct surveys, tests, diagnostics and calculations when solving complex problems of a research and innovation nature in the field of construction and civil engineering
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: - know the design features of solar collectors: flat and vacuum; basic schemes for preparing hot water using a solar installation; - to know the method of technological and thermal calculation of the solar hot water supply system; - master the method of solar system calculation: determining the area of ??solar collectors; calculation of the capacity water heater volume; calculation of the volume of the expansion tank; - master the calculation methodology and selection of a biogas plant; determination of its economic effect; practical application of the biogas plant. As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following program learning outcomes: RN 06. Apply modern mathematical methods for statistical data analysis, calculation and optimization of design parameters and technological processes of construction of buildings and structures. RN 09. Collect the necessary information using scientific and technical literature, databases and other sources, analyze and evaluate it. UM 1. Specialized skills/problem-solving skills necessary for conducting research and/or carrying out innovative activities with the aim of developing new knowledge and procedures AiV 3. Ability to continue learning with a high degree of autonomy.
Required prior and related subjects: Accompanying and following academic disciplines Air ventilation systems Design of heat supply systems Design of gas supply systems Economics and construction management Design of heating systems VIM technologies in engineering systems and structures Industrial technologies and cleaning of ventilation and technological emissions Completion of master's qualification work Heat and cold supply systems Discipline of choice
Summary of the subject: The basic concepts of non-traditional energy sources that are alternatives to conventional energy sources are presented. The main types of primary and secondary energy sources are considered. The applications of solar, wind, water and biogas energy are described. Schemes of active and passive use of solar energy are shown; basic elements of wind power plants; structure of biogas plants. The discipline is intended for masters of the educational program "Heat and gas supply and ventilation" full-time and part-time. The concept of non-traditional energy sources. Forms of energy existence. Energy situation in Ukraine. Ways of energy saving in construction. 8 Energy sources, their classification. Renewable energy sources. Non-renewable energy sources. Types of primary energy sources. Types of secondary energy sources. Alternative solutions for new energy production technologies. The concept of "clean energy". The main characteristics of the main types of energy. Operating costs for the installation of energy-saving heating systems. Passive systems for the use of solar energy. Heat absorption. The phenomenon of the thermosyphon. Methods of regulating the inflow of solar radiation through translucent solar collectors. Inclined and horizontal solar heating systems. Combined uses of solar energy. Active energy use systems. Types of heat carriers. Flat and other solar collectors. Generalized performance characteristics of the collector. Additional heating. System design. Separately arranged collectors. 8 Preparation of hot water with the help of solar energy. Features of designs of solar water heaters. Solar hot water supply systems for household needs. Re-equipment of houses for installation of solar collectors. The use of solar energy in air conditioning systems. The principle of operation of an absorption refrigeration machine running on solar energy. Solar refrigeration systems in air conditioning systems. The use of solar energy in steam compression plants. Accumulation of heat and cold. Directions of development of solar UPC. Wind energy. The main characteristics of wind conditions. Dependence of wind speed on the nature of the terrain. Elements of wind power plants (rotors; support; safety mechanism; generator; energy accumulators). Blade-type rotors. Snail type rotors. Blades of blade-chain type. Concentrating rotors. Precautionary and regulating mechanisms. Methods of energy storage (batteries, compressed air, water tanks, etc.) 6 Water energy. Conditions for calculating the amount of water. Dam location and flow measurement methods. Types of water dams. Biogas is a product of anaerobic fermentation. The main stages of methane formation. Factors influencing the process of methane formation. Characteristics of raw materials for anaerobic fermentation. 8 Classification of biogas plants. Household biogas plants. Industrial biogas plants. Pilot biogas installation. Separation of biogas plants by: temperature regime; technological process; fermentation scheme. Construction of biogas plants. Download system. Bioreactor. Mixing system. Heating system. Industrial biogas plants. Reduction of environmental pollution. Schemes of technological process. Basic technical data of the set of equipment for anaerobic fermentation KR-9-1. Economic effect from operation of biogas plants.
Опис: Concept of unconventional energy sources. Forms of existence of energy. Energy situation in Ukraine. Ways of energy saving in construction. Energy sources, their classification. Renewable energy sources. Non-renewable energy sources. Types of primary energy sources. Types of secondary energy sources. Alternative solutions for new energy production technologies. The concept of "clean energy". The main characteristics of the main types of energy. Operating costs when installing energy-saving heat supply systems. Passive systems of using solar energy. Heat absorption. Thermosiphon phenomenon. Methods of regulation of solar radiation input through transparent solar collectors. Inclined and horizontal solar heating systems. Combined options for using solar energy. Systems of active energy use. Types of heat carriers. Flat and other solar collectors. Generalized operating characteristics of the collector. Additional heating. System design. Separately arranged collectors. Preparation of hot water using solar energy. Design features of solar water heaters. Solar hot water supply systems for domestic needs. Conversion of buildings to install solar collectors. Use of solar energy in air conditioning systems. The principle of operation of an absorption refrigerating machine operating on solar energy. Solar refrigeration units in air conditioning systems. Application of solar energy in vapor compression installations. Accumulation of heat and cold. Directions for the development of solar power plants. Wind energy. Main characteristics of wind conditions. Dependence of wind speed on the nature of the terrain. Elements of wind energy installations (rotors; support; safety mechanism; generator; energy accumulators). Blade-type rotors. Snail-type rotors. Blade-chain type rotors. Concentrating rotors. Safety and regulatory mechanisms. Energy storage methods (batteries, compressed air, containers with water, etc.) Water energy. Conditions for calculating the amount of water. Dam location and flow measurement methods. Types of water dams. Biogas is a product of anaerobic fermentation. The main stages of methane formation. Factors affecting the process of methane formation. Characteristics of raw materials for anaerobic fermentation. Classification of biogas plants. Household biogas plants. Industrial biogas plants. Pilot biogas plants installation Division of biogas plants according to: temperature regime; technological process; fermentation scheme. Construction of biogas plants. Loading system. Bioreactor. Mixing system. Heating system. Industrial biogas plants. Reduction of environmental pollution. Schemes of the technological process. Basic technical data of the equipment set for anaerobic fermentation K-R-9-1. Economic effect of operating biogas plants.
Assessment methods and criteria: Assessment of students' knowledge in the discipline "Unconventional energy sources" is carried out in the form of current controls, and semester control of knowledge, which is carried out at the end of the semester. Current control of students' knowledge in the discipline "Unconventional energy sources" includes the following forms of assessment: Assessment during practical work: - Survey or testing of students' knowledge of theoretical material - 0.5 points for each lesson during the semester (8 lessons). Assessment during laboratory work: - Score for performance and defense of laboratory work - 10.0 points. Assessment of independent (in particular, individual) work: - Evaluation of individual course work - 30 points. Points are awarded for the correct performance of individual course work and its defense. Semester control of knowledge includes the results of the current control of students' knowledge, which was conducted during the semester, and examination control. Exam tasks are also built on three levels of difficulty. The maximum amount of points for the exam task is 50. Oral component - 10 points. To this number are added the results of the current control (maximum - 40 points). The maximum number of points for the semester control is 100. The actual number of points received by the student is transferred to the state final grade.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Assessment of students' knowledge in the discipline "Non-traditional sources of energy" is carried out in the form of current controls and semester control of knowledge, which is carried out at the end of the semester. The current control of students' knowledge in the discipline "Non-traditional energy sources" includes the following forms of assessment: Evaluation during practical work: - Survey of students' knowledge of theoretical material – 2.5 points for each class during the semester for full-time students; – 2 points for each class during the semester for correspondence students; Assessment during laboratory work. Assessment for performance and defense of laboratory work: – full-time study form 4 laboratory works – 20.0 points; – correspondence form of education 2 laboratory works – 10.0 points; Evaluation of independent (in particular, individual) work: - evaluation of completed individual course work for full-time and part-time students - 100 points. Points are awarded for correct completion of individual course work and its defense; - evaluation of completed individual control work for correspondence students - 16 points. The semester control of knowledge includes the results of the current control of students' knowledge, conducted during the semester, and examination control. Exam tasks are also structured according to three levels of difficulty. The maximum number of points for the exam task is 50. The oral component is 10 points. The results of the current control are added to this number (maximum - 40 points). The maximum number of points for the semester control is 100. The actual number of points received by the student is transferred to the state final assessment.
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: Assessment of students' knowledge in the discipline "Non-traditional sources of energy" is carried out in the form of current controls and semester control of knowledge, which is carried out at the end of the semester. The current control of students' knowledge in the discipline "Non-traditional energy sources" includes the following forms of assessment: Evaluation during practical work: - Survey of students' knowledge of theoretical material – 2.5 points for each class during the semester for full-time students; – 2 points for each class during the semester for correspondence students; Assessment during laboratory work. Assessment for performance and defense of laboratory work: – full-time study form 4 laboratory works – 20.0 points; – correspondence form of education 2 laboratory works – 10.0 points; Evaluation of independent (in particular, individual) work: - evaluation of completed individual course work for full-time and part-time students - 100 points. Points are awarded for correct completion of individual course work and its defense; - evaluation of completed individual control work for correspondence students - 16 points. The semester control of knowledge includes the results of the current control of students' knowledge, conducted during the semester, and examination control. Exam tasks are also structured according to three levels of difficulty. The maximum number of points for the exam task is 50. The oral component is 10 points. The results of the current control are added to this number (maximum - 40 points). The maximum number of points for the semester control is 100. The actual number of points received by the student is transferred to the state final assessment.
Recommended books: Навчально-методичне забезпечення 1. Електронний навчально-методичний комплекс «Нетрадиційні джерела енергії» . Сертифікат №00821 від 04.06.2014р. 2. Желих В.М. Нетрадиційні джерела енергії: конспект лекцій / В.М. Желих, О.Т. Возняк, Ю.С. Юркевич. – Львів: Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2009. – 84 с 3. Інструкція до курсової роботи з курсу «Нетрадиційні джерела енергії» для студентів спеціальності 7.092108 «Теплогазопостачання і вентиляція»/ укладачі: В.М. Желих.- Львів : 2013.- 22 с. 4. Методичні вказівки до лабораторної роботи №1 з курсу "Нетрадиційні джерела енергії" для студентів спеціальності – 7.06010107, 8.06010107 «Теплогазопостачання та вентиляція» на тему: «Дослідження роботи сонячного колектора та ефективності гравітаційної геліосистеми» / Укл.: В.М. Желих, С.П. Шаповал, Б.І. Гулай, Н.А. Сподинюк – Львів, 2014. – 13 с. 5. Методичні вказівки до лабораторної роботи №2 з курсу "Нетрадиційні джерела енергії" для студентів спеціальності – 7.06010107, 8.06010107 «Теплогазопостачання та вентиляція» на тему: «Дослідження роботи геліосистеми із штучним спонуканням руху теплоносія» Укл.: В.М. Желих, С.П. Шаповал, Б.І. Гулай, М.Є. Касинець – Львів, 2014. – 12 с. 6. Конспект лекцій. 8. Рекомендована література Базова 1. Кудря С.О. Відновлювані джерела енергії. За заг. ред. С.О. Кудрі. Київ: Інститут відновлюваної енергетики НАНУ, 2020. 392 с. 2. . Нетрадиційна енергетика: основи теорії та задачі: Навч. посіб. Львів: «Магнолія 2006», 2018. 188 с. 3. . Альтернативні джерела енергії : бібліогр. покажч. Л.М. Локотош ; ред. Л.А. Жолобко. Івано-Франківськ : НТБ ІФНТУНГ, 2016. 70 c. URL : 4. . Адаменко О. Альтернативні палива та інші нетрадиційні джерела енергії. О. Адаменко, В. Височанський, В. Льотко, М. Михайлів. Під ред. В. Льотко. Івано-Франківськ: Полум’я, 2000. 270 с. 5. Калетнік Г.М. Біопалива: ефективність його виробництва та споживання в АПК України: Навчальний посібник. Г.М. Калетнік, В.М. Пришляк. К: «Хай-Тек Прес», 2010. 312 с. 6. Альтернативні джерела енергії. Енергія вітру : Навч. посіб. С.В. Сиротюк, В.М. Боярчук, В.П. Гальчак. Львів : «Магнолія 2006», 2018. 182 с. Допоміжна 1. Напрями розвитку альтернативних джерел енергії: акцент на твердому біопаливі та гнучких технологіях його виготовлення : монографія / О. С. Полянський, О. В. Дьяконов, О. С. Скрипник та ін. [за заг. ред. В. І. Д’яконова] ; Харків. нац. ун-т міськ. госп-ва ім. О. М. Бекетова. – Харків : ХНУМГ ім. О. М. Бекетова, 2017. – 136 с. 2. Кудря С.О. Нетрадиційні та відновлювані джерела енергії / ?Підручник. – Київ: Національний технічний університет України («КПІ»), 2012. – 495 с. 3. Енергоефективність та відновлювані джерела енергії. Під заг. ред. Шидловського А.К. – Київ: Українські енциклопедичні знання, 2007. – 559 с. 4. Атлас енергетичного потенціалу відновлюваних джерел енергії України / за ред. С.О. Кудрі. – Київ: Інститут відновлюваної енергетики НАН України, 2020. – 82 с. 5. Фундаментальні аспекти відновлювано-водневої енергетики і паливно-комірчаних технологій / за загальною редакцією Ю.М. Солоніна. – К.: «КІМ», 2018. – 260с. 6. Варламов Г.Б., Любчик Г.М., Маляренко В.А. Теплоенергетичні установки та екологічні аспекти виробництва енергії. – К.: ІВЦ "Видавництво "Політехніка", 2003. – 232 с. 7. Желих В.М. Системи сонячного теплопостачання інтегровані у світлопрозорі фасади будівель. Василь Желих, Ірина Венгрин, Степан Шаповал, Мар’яна Касинець, Христина Козак, Володимир Пашкевич. Дата публікації: 2018/9/3. Журнал «Вентиляція, освітлення та теплогазопостачання», випуск 26. Стор.62-68. 8. Желих В.М. Визначення теплових характеристик горизонтального грунтового теплообмінника геотермальної системи вентиляції. Дата публікації 2017. Видавець КНУБА»Енергоефективність в будівництві та архітектурі». Випуск № 9 с.75-79 Інформаційні ресурси 1.Державне агентство з енергоефективності та енергозбереження України. Департамент відновлюваних джерел енергії. URL: 2. ДТЕК відновлювана енергетика. URL: 3. Енергія майбутнього сьогодні. URL:;; Посилання на дисципліну у ВНС НУ «Львівської політехніка»: Заняття проводитимуться на платформі Microsoft Teams.
Уніфікований додаток: Lviv Polytechnic National University ensures the realization of the right of persons with disabilities to obtain higher education. Inclusive educational services are provided by the Service of accessibility to learning opportunities "Without restrictions", the purpose of which is to provide permanent individual support for the educational process of students with disabilities and chronic diseases. An important tool for the implementation of the inclusive educational policy at the University is the Program for improving the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers and educational and support staff in the field of social inclusion and inclusive education. Contact at: St. Karpinsky, 2/4, 1st floor, room 112 E-mail: Websites:
Академічна доброчесність: The policy regarding the academic integrity of the participants of the educational process is formed on the basis of compliance with the principles of academic integrity, taking into account the norms "Regulations on academic integrity at the Lviv Polytechnic National University" (approved by the academic council of the university on June 20, 2017, protocol No. 35).