Innovative Technologies in Hydraulic Engineering

Major: Hydrotechnical Construction, Water Engineering and Water Technologies
Code of subject: 7.194.01.O.003
Credits: 6.50
Department: Department of Hydraulic and Water Engineering
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof., PhD Іgor Popadiuk
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • know the laws of vortex fluid motion and features of turbulent fluid flow, and the laws of hydrostatics, kinematics and dynamics of a viscous liquid; • be able make measurements and calculation major hydromechanical quantities; • to understand the terminology and computational fluid mechanics device.
Required prior and related subjects: • Water supply and drainage Fundamentals of CAD Water supply networks Networks of drainage Water intake structures
Summary of the subject: Work in the EPANET system Work in the SWMM system.  The role and importance of water supply in the improvement and improvement of living conditions of the population and in improving production. The role of sewage in the protection of nature. Connection of sewage system with water supply, improvement. Main regulatory acts on water protection sources of water supply. Water supply system as a complex of interconnected structures. Water balance, its composition. Techno-economic comparison of variants of design solutions of water supply systems Improvement of the treatment facilities. The main indicators of the water supply system as one of the main. Resource-saving technologies in the use of water resources Principles of classification of water supply systems of enterprises. Possibility of turnover and reuse of water in various sectors of the national economy. Value of turnover as a measure to reduce discharges of contaminated wastewater into natural reservoirs.  Mathematical model of the water supply network. Tidal graphs. Receiving and regulating reservoirs, reserving and damping. Basic requirements for water quality used for household needs of the population, sanitary substantiation of these requirements Modern methods of preparation of drinking water and sewage treatment Preliminary purification of natural waters by filtration through natural barriers (dunes, dams, embankments). Preparation of water using phytotechnologies. Local cleaning of drinking water.
Assessment methods and criteria: • current oral examination (30%) • final control (exam): written-oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Asatur K. H. Hydromekhanyka/ K. H. Asatur, B. S. Makhovykov.- M.: S.-Peterburh. hornyy yn-t, 2001.- 253s. 2. Loytsyanskyy L.H. Mekhanyka zhydkosty y haza/ L.H. Loytsyanskyy.- M., Nauka.- Uchebnyk dlya stud. vuzov.- 1987.– 736 s. 3. Shashyn V.M. Hydromekhanyka: Ucheb. dlya tekhn. Vuzov/V.M. Shashyn.- M.: Vyssh. shk., 1990.- 384s.