Fire Dynamics

Major: Civil Safety
Code of subject: 7.261.01.E.015
Credits: 6.00
Department: Building Constructions and Bridges
Lecturer: Professor, Doctor of Technical Science, Associate Professor Shnal Taras Mykolayovych
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The goal of the discipline is to acquire the skills and abilities of the scientific and technical substantiation of the criteria for the identification and assessment of the dynamics of fire development, mastering the skills and abilities to develop, propose and implement engineering and scientific and technical solutions to increase the level of fire safety, taking into account the dynamics of the development of fires, taking into account the requirements, national and international standards.
Завдання: The study of an educational discipline involves the formation of competencies in students of education: general competences: K.13 The ability to optimize methods and means aimed at stopping the action of dangerous fire factors, saving lives and preserving people's health during fires. K17. The ability to analyze processes, the state of objects and predict possible threats of fire. professional competences: FCS 1.1. The ability to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the state of fire safety and design measures to ensure the requirements of NTD in order to ensure fire safety. FCS 1.4. The ability to ensure the implementation of fire safety requirements based on the existing requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: master: - theoretical and practical bases of dynamics of fire development; - principles of fire safety of buildings and structures; mathematical models used in the study of fires be able: - analyze the causes of the fire and its consequences - assess the level of danger in the event of a fire - use modern measuring equipment, modern measurement methods - Identify processes and develop their working models, interpret mathematical models in non-mathematical content, determine the assumptions and limits of the model, mathematically describe the experimental data and determine their physical nature, make qualitative conclusions from quantitative data, model the studied processes PH03. Investigate fires, predict their occurrence and development, assess the effectiveness of the fire safety system of the appropriate level, the risks of fires and their consequences. РН07. Apply effective methods and tools to study the mechanism of fires and fire risks, including methods and tools of mathematical and computer modeling, statistical data analysis.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites Technical mechanics of liquids and gas Theory of development and cessation of combustion
Summary of the subject: Development of indoor fires. Principles of fire safety of buildings and structures. Calculated temperature-time curves and models of fire development. Nominal temperature-time curves. Fire models - parametric fire. The magnitude of heat release (rate of heat release RHR). Parametric temperature-time curves. Natural models of fires. Local models of fires. Developed models of fires
Опис: Development of fires in premises Principles of ensuring fire safety of buildings and structures Calculated temperature-time curves and fire development models Nominal temperature-time curves Fire models - parametric fire The amount of heat release (rate of heat release RHR). Parametric temperature-time curves. Natural models of fires Local models of fires Advanced fire models
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control is assessed by two components: performance of control work according to requirements (15 points), oral defense of control work (15 points). Credit control includes 2 stages: test control in the environment of ANS (40 points) and oral examination (30 points).
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: The current control is evaluated according to two components: performance of the control work according to the requirements (15 points), oral defense of the control work (15 points). Credit control includes 2 stages: test control in the ANS environment (40 points) and oral interview (30 points).
Recommended books: Karlsson B, Quintiere JG (1999) Enclosure fire dynamics. CRC Press, Boca Raton Dougal Drysdale An Introduction to Fire Dynamics Fire resistance and fire protection of wooden structures: Textbook. Manual T Shnal - Lviv: National University Publishing House «…, 2006 Fire resistance and fire protection of metal structures TM Shnal - TM Shnal – Lviv .: Lviv Publishing House…, 2010 DSTU-N B EN 1991-1-2: 2010 Eurocode 1. Actions on structures. Part 1-2. General actions. Actions on structures during fire (EN 1991-1-2: 2002, IDT) DSTU-N B EN 1993-1-2: 2010 Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures. Part 1-2. Terms. Calculation of structures for fire resistance (EN 1993-1-2: 2005, DSTU-N B EN 1995-1-2: 2012 Eurocode 5. Design of wooden structures. Part 1-2. Terms. Calculation of structures for fire resistance (EN 1995-1-2: 2004, IDT)