Institutional Sociology

Major: Sociology
Code of subject: 7.054.01.O.3
Credits: 5.00
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Savka Viktor, PhD
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Ability to communicate with representatives of other professional groups of different levels (with experts from other fields of knowledge / types of economic activity). Ability to apply modern sociological concepts, concepts and theories to describe and explain social phenomena and processes. Ability to present the results of social research and social projects in Ukrainian and foreign languages. Apply modern sociological concepts, concepts, theories and results of empirical research to describe and explain social phenomena and processes. Be able to analyze empirical data using modern methods. Prepare reporting documents and research papers based on the results of social research in accordance with the established requirements. Solve ethical dilemmas in accordance with the norms of professional ethics of the sociologist and universal values. Summarize the results of their own research in various forms (abstracts, articles, reports, presentations, etc.). Be able to collect, systematize and summarize social information in professional activities. Monitor and evaluate social projects and programs according to existing criteria. Specialized conceptual knowledge, including modern scientific achievements in the field of professional activity or industry. knowledge and is the basis for original thinking and research. Critical understanding of problems in the field and on the border of fields of knowledge. Specialized problem-solving skills required for research and / or innovation in order to develop new knowledge and procedures. Clear and unambiguous communication of one's own knowledge, conclusions and arguments to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to students. Responsibility for contributing to professional knowledge and practice and / or evaluating the performance of teams and teams.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: • Sociology of postmodernism and globalization co-requisite: • Sociology of social problems • Modern Ukrainian society: a sociological analysis • Modern Ukrainian society as a society of risk • The role of religion in modern society • Practice on the topic of master's qualification work • Execution of master's qualification work • Defense of master's qualification work
Summary of the subject: Origin and stages of development of institutional theory. The essence and classification of social institutions. The system of social institutions of society. Dynamics of social institutions. Fundamentals of institutional analysis of social phenomena and its heuristic possibilities. Social institutions as an object of sociological analysis; The essence and classification of social institutions; Social institutions as systems; Social institutions: functioning and dysfunction; Social institution as a dynamic phenomenon; Institutional system of society: essence, forms. Social work: the process of institutionalization in Ukraine.
Assessment methods and criteria: • oral interviews, participation in discussions and interactive exercises, presentation of the study project (40%) • final control test, written form (60%)
Recommended books: 1.Savka, V.,2009,Sotsialnyi instytut/ sotsialna instytutsiia: sproba terminolohichnoho rozmezhuvannia ta vyznachennia// Metodolohiia, teoriia ta praktyka sotsiolohichnoho analizu suchasnoho suspilstva. Zb. nauk. prats. Vyp.15. — Kharkiv: Vyd-vo Kharkivskoho un-tu. (in Ukrainian) 2.Savka, V., 2010, Sotsialna robota yak instytutsiia: strukturnyi analiz//Metodolohiia, teoriia ta praktyka sotsiolohichnoho analizu suchasnoho suspilstva. Zb. nauk. prats. Vyp.16. — Kharkiv, Vyd-vo Kharkivskoho un-tu. (in Ukrainian) 3.Savka, V., Myshok R., 2019, Elektronna demokratiia v Ukraini: instytutsiinyi analiz// Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu im. V.Karazina, T. 41, Seriia "Sotsiolohichni doslidzhennia suchasnoho suspilstva: metodolohiia, teoriia, metody".(in Ukrainian) 4.Guala, F., 2016, Understanding Institutions: The Science and Philosophy of Living Together, Princeton N. J.: Princeton University Press. 5.Hechter, M., Opp, K. D. & Wippler, R., 2018, Social Institutions: Their Emergence, Maintenance and Effects. London and N-York:Taylor and Francis Group. 6.Ludwig, K., 2017, From Plural to Institutional Agency: Collective Action II, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 7. Nort, D., 1990, Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge University Press. 8.Scott W. Richard, 2014, Institutions and Organizations. Stanford: Stanford University Press.