Technologies of Health Preservation in the Social Sphere

Major: Social work
Code of subject: 7.231.01.O.005
Credits: 7.00
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: D.Sc. in Education, Associate Professor Klos L.Ye.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: professional competencies: • the ability to identify and activate external and internal resources to maintain their own health and the health of customers; • the ability to determine the impact on the choice and implementation of technologies for the preservation of health of cultural, religious values, moral norms, national traditions of customers, art and media, etc .; • awareness of the possibilities and ability to use health technologies in the practice of social work - general (diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitation) and special (health education, healthy lifestyle, activation of personal potential, mediation, supervision, prevention of burnout) , occupational therapy, etc.); • readiness for professional activities in the design and implementation of health technologies in working with different groups of clients; • ability to apply methods, ways, techniques of research of health of the individual and the population and to analyze the basic indicators characterizing it; • the ability to determine the impact of health determinants, including social ones, on the health of the individual, family, community and ways to eliminate them by means of health technologies. learning outcomes: - Ability to solve complex problems and problems in the field of social work or in the learning process, which involves research and / or innovation and is characterized by uncertainty of conditions and requirements (int) - Ability to conduct research at the appropriate level - Ability to generate new ideas (creativity) - Interpersonal skills. - Ability to integrate knowledge and solve complex problems in broad or multidisciplinary contexts - Ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments with incomplete or limited information, taking into account aspects of social and ethical responsibility - Critical understanding of problems in the field and on the border of fields of knowledge - Ability to continue studies with a high degree of autonomy - Ability to understand and use modern theories, methodologies and methods of social and other sciences, including methods of mathematical statistics and quantitative sociological methods, in relation to the tasks of basic and applied research in the field of social work - Ability to professionally diagnose, predict, design and model social situations - Ability to implement methods and technologies of innovative practice and management in the system of social work - Ability to implement the results of scientific research in practice - Ability to effectively manage the organization in the field of social work, to initiate and manage the processes of planned changes in meso- and macro-social systems - Ability to develop, test and implement social projects and technologies
Required prior and related subjects: Previous academic disciplines Medical and social basics of health Social work with addicts, Issues of disability in social work Social work with children and families Co-requisites Methods and methodology of research in social work Professional support in social work Methods and methodology of scientific research Transcultural aspects in social work
Summary of the subject: Health care and health promotion activity - the leading idea of civil society. Research health of the individual, groups and communities to determine their needs in maintaining health, techniques, methods, techniques. Modern trends in science and practice of protection and preservation of human health in the world and in Ukraine. Technology preservation of health in social work as innovation. Design and implementation zdorov'yezberezhuvalnyh technologies in social practice, knowledge, abilities, skills, competence, values and personal qualities of a social worker. The specifics of the use of technology in maintaining health social work with persons with mental health problems, people with advanced health disorders (Alzheimer's disease, dementia synilna), HIV-positive and AIDS patients, cancer patients hospices, children with hyperactive disorder and attention deficit, autism spectrum disorders)
Assessment methods and criteria: • oral interviews, participate in discussions, presentation and protection training projects (40%) • • final control (control measure, exam), written-oral form (60%)
Recommended books: 1.Klos, L.Ye. (2015). Technologies for maintaining health in the social sphere: a textbook. Lviv: Lviv Publishing House. Polytechnic. 2. Klos L. (2017). Professional training of future social workers for health care in US universities: theory and practice: monograph (edited by Dr. Pedagogical Sciences, Prof. Laktionova GM). Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House. 3. Sociology of health: Methodical instructions for studying the course "Sociology of health" for students of the basic direction "Sociology" of educational qualification level "bachelor" / Encl .: L.Ye. Class. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2014. - 24 p. 4. Psychosocial support of children and youth in difficult life circumstances in the system of professional training of social workers "university - community". The experience of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" / for general. ed. N.M. Gaiduk, L.Ye. Class. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016. - 28 p. 5. Klos LE, Klimus TM Sociology of health and sociology of medicine // Special and branch sociologies: textbook. / For the head. ed. V.M. Furnaces. - Lviv: "New World-2000", 2019. - P. 192-252. 6. Flaherty, M. P., Sikorski, E., Klos, L., Vus, V., & Hayduk, N. (2019). Peacework and mental health: From individual pathology to community responsibility. Intervention, Journal of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Areas, 18 (1), 28-36 http: //www.interventionjournal. org / downloadpdf.asp? issn = 1571-8883; year = 2020; volume = 18; issue = 1; spage = 18; epage = 27; aulast = Budosan; type = 2 7. Klos LE Social work in health care institutions: consp. lectures [for students of special. "Social work" educational and qualification level master] / L. Klos. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2006. - 96 p. 8. Gehlert S. Handbook of Health Social Work / Sarah Gehlert, Teri Browne. - Second edition. - New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken. 2012. - 722 р. 9. Sheridan Ch.L., Radmacher SA: (1998) Health Psychology - Challenge for a Biomedical Model of Health, (Translation: Anna Dodziuk, Danuta Golec, Helena Grzegorzewska-Klarkowska, Barbara Mroziak Maria Zakrzewski). Warsaw. Wydawnictwo Instytut Psychologii Zdrowia, 531 p. 10. Nina Hayduk, Liliia Klos, Larysa Klymanska and Sofiya Stavkova (2020). The Organizing of Community Health Clinic of Lviv Polytechnic. Journal of Organizational Studies and Innovation, 7 (1), 1-16.