Industrial Biotechnology

Major: Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Code of subject: 6.162.02.E.100
Credits: 3.50
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: аssociate Professor, Ph.D. Kurka Mariya Severynivna, аssociate Professor, Ph.D. Shved Olha Vasylivna
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • to know foundations in natural science and engineering required to learn of professionally oriented disciplines; • to know the features of storage and preparation of microorganisms for the production process, culture medium, the main methods of industrial microorganism cultivation, health and environmental requirements for the biotechnological production, aseptic technique in the biotechnological industry, types of final products; • to be able to manipulate with industrial producers and laboratory biological objects of biologically active substances of different origins in the laboratory and production; • to know metabolic pathway regulation and the impact of environmental factors on bacterial cells to improve the yield of industrial strains.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Molecular biology, General microbiology and virology Co-requisites: Bioengineering (cell and genetic), Biotechnology of fermentation, Theoretical foundations of immunology, Bioenergy technologies and biogeotechnologies
Summary of the subject: Biotechnology of microbial synthesis products. Biotechnology of enzymes. Production of organic acids; vitamins; antibiotics; microbial surfactants. Biotechnology of polysaccharides. The preparation of industrially important steroids; microbial immunological products. Food biotechnology. Environmental biotechnology. Genetic engineering. Cell engineering. Biotechnology of animal and human cells.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports from laboratory work, oral questioning, final test – 40 points; • final control (exam) – 60 points (written-oral form
Recommended books: 1.Загальна біотехнологія: підручник / Т. П. Пирог, О. А. Ігнатова. - К.: НУХТ, 2009. - 336 с. 2.Основы промышленной биотехнологии: Учебное пособие для вузов / В.В. Бирюков – М.: Колос, 2004. - 296 с. 3.Основы биотехнологии: Учеб. пособие для студ. вузов, обучающихся по спец. «Биология». Т. А. Егорова, Е. А. Живухина, С. М. Клунова - М.: Асаdemіа, 2006. - 208с.Egorov, E.A. Zhyvuhyna, S.M. Klunova - M.: Academy, 2006. –208 p.