Master’s Thesis Preparation

Major: Chemical Technologies of Organic Substances
Code of subject: 7.161.02.O.036
Credits: 15.00
Department: Organic Products Technology
Lecturer: Teachers of the department
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Know: - Theoretical bases of technology of production of chemicals on the theme of work; - modern technologies of chemical production; - designs and principles of modern equipment and equipment of chemical production; - typical methods of chemical and technological calculations. Be able: - summarize the data obtained from laboratory studies and measurements, from the point of view of their significance, and correlate them with the corresponding theory; - to select the appropriate technological equipment and graphically depict the technological process; - to carry out calculations of technological processes.
Required prior and related subjects: Methodology of scientific research Design of chemical and technological systems Technology of organic synthesis products Investigation of chemical reactions and processes Technology of high-temperature synthesis of materials of chemical production
Summary of the subject: Master's qualification work includes the following main sections: 1. Review of scientific and scientific and technical literature on the topic of work. 2. Description of experiments: schemes of installations, methods of synthesis and research, reagents and materials. 3. Results of research and their discussion. 4. Conclusions. 5. References.
Assessment methods and criteria: • relevance and purpose of work; • scientific novelty of the obtained results; • research methods; • the volume of research conducted; • registration of master's qualification work. Final control (oral form 100%).
Recommended books: • Гетьманчук Ю.П., Братичак М.М. Хімія та технологія полімерів - Л.: Бескид Біт, 2006. - 496 с. • Теоретичні основи хімії та технології полімерів: Навчальний посібник / О. В. Суберляк, В. Й. Скорохода, Н. Б. Семенюк. Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014. 340 с. • Технология пластических масс/ Под. ред. В.В.Коршака.- М.: Химия, 1985.- 560с. • Ковалев В.М., Петренко Д.С. "Технология производства синтетических средств" М.: Химия, 1992 • Абрамзон А.А., Зайченко А.А., Файнгольд С.И. "Поверхностно-активные вещества" Л.: Химия, 1998. – 200 с. • Братичак М.М., Сікорський Р.-Т. Основи синтезу і реакційної здатності високомолекулярних сполук.- Львів Видавництво НУ"ЛП", 2003.- 340с. Література за тематикою магістерської кваліфікаційної роботи.