Numerical Modeling of the Mass Transfer Processes

Major: Computer Chemical Engineering
Code of subject: 7.161.10.E.044
Credits: 5.00
Department: Chemical Engineering
Lecturer: Ph.D. Hnativ Z.Ya.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The learning outcomes of the course detailing programmatic the following studies results: 1. The ability to solve complex problems and practical problem issues for professional work in the field of chemical engineering and engineering and computer modeling. 2. apply in practice modern scientific achievements for numerical simulation of mass transfer processes with a view to intensifying energy and resource conservation.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous subjects: Physics Higher mathematics Physical chemistry Processes and equipment of chemical technology Machines and apparatus chemical plants Fundamentals of automated equipment design of chemical plants Related and the following subjects: Numerical modeling of hydro-mechanical processes Numerical simulation of heat transfer processes Numerical modeling of thermal processes Methodology physical modeling of chemical-engineering processes
Summary of the subject: Introduction. Basic concepts and definitions. The purpose and objectives of the course. Molecular diffusion. Diffusion steady and unsteady. Quasi diffusion. Determining the molecular diffusion coefficients. Diffusion equation and continuity. The equation of the medium. The equation of mass balance and energy to the interface. Diffusion boundary layer equations and boundary layer during mass transfer. Turbulent diffusion. Experimental study of turbulent diffusion. Turbulent diffusion coefficient. Differential equations of diffusion. Similarity criteria, Schmidt and Prandtl numbers. Molecular and molar flow transfer. Differential equations of mass transfer, momentum and energy. Linearly transfer. Mass transfer between liquid and solid. The properties of thin films of liquid. Flowing liquid film. Drops and bubbles. Inpatient evaporation drops. Differential equations of heat and mass transfer. Mass transfer through porous media. Structural characteristics of the capillary-porous bodies. Thermodynamic properties volohoperenesennya. Potential volohoperenesennya. Termohradiyentnyy koefitsiyent.Masoobmin during drying wet materials. Differential equations for diffusion finite size of the cylinder and sphere. Stefanivskyy flow. Impact masoviddachi the intensity of heat on one surface. Effect of temperature on mass transfer at the interface.
Assessment methods and criteria: Laboratory work, oral examination, the individual research tasks and settlement and graphic works (30%), work examination (written component - 60% oral component - 10%)
Recommended books: Recommended books Basic: 1. Гартман Т.Н. Основы компьютерного моделирования химико-технологических процессов: Учебное пособие для вузов./ Т.Н Гартман. Т.В. Клушин. – М. ИКЦ. «Академкнига», 2006.- 416 с ил. 2. Бруяка В.А. Инженерный анализ в ANSYS Workbench ч.1: Учеб. пособие./ В.А. Бруяка, В.Г. Фокин, Е.А. Солдусова, Н.А. Глазунова, И.Е. Адеянов.- Самара: Самар.гос. тех. ун-т, 2010.-271 с ил. 3. Бруяка В.А. Инженерный анализ в ANSYS Workbench ч.2: Учеб. пособие./ В.А. Бруяка, В.Г. Фокин, Е.А., Я.В. Кураева - Самара: Самар.гос. тех. ун-т, 2013.- 149 с ил. 4. Чигарев А.В., Кравчук А.С., Смалюк А.Ф., Ansys для инженеров. Справочное пособие. М.: Машиностроение, 2004. 5. Каплун А.Б., Морозов Е.М., Олферьева М.А., ANSYS в руках инженера. М.: Едиториал УРСС, 2004 Literature for laboratory studies: 1. Басов К.А., Графический интерфейс комплекса ANSYS. М.: Изд-во ДМК пресс, 2006. 2. Басов К.А., ANSYS. Справочник пользователя. М.: Изд-во ДМК пресс, 2006. 3. Басов К.А., ANSYS в примерах и задачах. М.: Изд-во КомпютерПресс, 2002 – 225 с ил. 4. Югов В.П. Решение задач теплообмена./В.П. Югов, Москва, 2001,110 с. Support 1. Иродов И.Е., Основные законы механики. М.: Высш. шк., 1997. 2. Андреева Е.Г., Шамец С.П., Колмогоров Д.В., Конечно-элементный анализ стационарных магнитных полей с помощью программного пакета Ansys. Омск: ОмГТУ, 2002. 3. Кучеряев Б.В., Механика сплошных сред. М.: МИСИС, 2000.