Distributed Database Systems and Knowledge

Major: System Analysis
Code of subject: 7.124.01.E.021
Credits: 5.00
Department: Information Systems and Networks
Lecturer: prof. Pasihnyk V.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: know the main concepts and principles of distributed database and knowledgebase systems organization and maintenance; ability to apply the knowledge about distributed database systems to real word tasks of database design, administration and maintenance;
Required prior and related subjects: The Theory of Database and Knowledge Base Systems, Methods and Tools for Data and Knowledge Engineering
Summary of the subject: The main concepts of distributed database systems. Fragmentation and replication. Vertical and horizontal fragmentation. Managing data consistency and access rights in distributed environments. Processing, optimizing queries to distributed and fragmented databases. Transaction processing. Resource isolation levels
Assessment methods and criteria: • Current control (40%): written reports on laboratory work, oral examination; • Final control (60%). in written – 50%, verbally- 10%.
Recommended books: 1.Бобровски С. Oracle8: Архитектура: Пер. с англ./ Бобровски С – М.: Издательство “ЛОРИ”, 1998 – 210с. 2.Дейт К.Дж. Введение в системы баз даних: Пер. с англ./ Дейт К.Дж – К.: Диалектика, 1998 – 784с., ил. 3.Луни К. Oracle8: Настольная книга администратора: Пер. с англ./ Луни К. – М.: Издательство “ЛОРИ”, 1999 – 502с. 4.Энсор Д. Oracle. Проектирование баз даных: Пер. с англ./ Энсор Д., Стивенсон Й – К.: Издательская группа BHV, 1999 – 560с. 5.Ozsu T. Principles of Distributed Database Systems/ Ozsu Tamer, Valduriez Patrick.- 3rd ed., Springer, 2011.- 866p.