Contrastive Linguistics, Part 2 (курсова робота)

Major: Philology (Applied Linguistics)
Code of subject: 6.035.10.O.066
Credits: 2.00
Department: Applied Linguistics
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна

Contrastive Linguistics, Part 2

Major: Philology (Applied Linguistics)
Code of subject: 6.035.10.O.063
Credits: 4.00
Department: Applied Linguistics
Lecturer: associate professor Marianna Dilai
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • to demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the linguistic paradigm evolution of ХІХ-ХХІ centuries; to have an idea about linguistics as a special science that studies the ontology of the language as a system of signs, its structure and functional focus; to understand the principles of the co-influence of language and society, language and culture, language and thought, language and religion, language and social strata; to have an idea about language as a factor integrating ethnos, nationality, people. • to have the knowledge and understanding of the language nature as a social phenomena, its correlation with mental processes, culture and social development of people; the principal relations between language and objective world; language origin and development, its levels; basic units of language and speech; functional peculiarities of language. • to be able to carry out the phonological, semantic, lexicological, morphological and syntactic analysis of the language material; to analyze different types of discourses/texts.
Required prior and related subjects: • Introduction to Linguistics, • Fundamentals of the Theory of Language Communication, • Contrastive Linguistics (part 1), • Theory and Practice of Translation (the English language), parts 1-4
Summary of the subject: Syntax within the course of Contrastive Grammar. Basic notions of syntax. Typology of syntactic structures in contrasted languages. Simple sentence. Parts of the sentence in English and Ukrainian languages. Composite sentence. Compound and complex sentences in English and Ukrainian languages. Semantic groups of words in English and Ukrainian languages. Contrasting of the word-formation types in English and Ukrainian languages. Contrastive analysis of the types of idiomatic units in English and Ukrainian languages.
Assessment methods and criteria: • current control/continuous assessment (30%): checking of practical tasks and oral check of the learned theoretical material; • final control (55 % exam): testing in a written form (45%), oral check of the learned theoretical material (10%)
Recommended books: 1. Karamysheva I.D. Contrastive Grammar of English and Ukrainian Languages: Textbook; Third edition, revised / Iryna Karamysheva. – Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha Publishers, 2017. – 336 p. 2. Zhluktenko Yu.O. Porivnialna hramatyka anhliiskoi ta ukrainskoi mov: posibnyk. / Yu.O. Zhluktenko. – K.: Radianska shkola, 1960. – 160 s. (Zhluktenko Yu.O. Comparative Grammar of English and Ukrainian Languages / Yu.O. Zhluktenko. – K.: Radianska shkola, 1960. – 160 p.) 3. Korunets I.V. Porivnialna typolohiia anhliiskoi ta ukrainskoi mov: navch. posibnyk. (Korunets I.V. Contrastive Typology of English and Ukrainian languages). – Vinnytsia: Nova knyha, 2003. – 464 p. 4. Kocherhan M.P. Osnovy zistavnoho movoznavstva: pidruchnyk / M.P. Kocherhan. – K.: Akademiia, 2006. – 424 s. (Kocherhan M.P. Fundamentals of Contrastive Linguistics: textbook / M.P. Kocherhan. – K.: Akademiia, 2006. – 424 p.) 5. Levytskyi A.E. Porivnialna hramatyka anhliiskoi ta ukrainskoi mov: pidruchnyk / A.E. Levytskyi. – K.: Vydavnycho-polihrafichnyi tsentr “Kyivskyi universytet”, 2008. – 264 s. (Levytskyi A.E. Comparative Grammar of English and Ukrainian languages: textbook / K.: “Kyivskyi universytet”, 2008. – 264 p.) 6. Alefirenko N.F. Spornyie problemyi semantiki: Monografiya. – M.: Gnozis, 2005. –326 s. (Alefirenko N.F. Disputable Issues of Semantics: Monograph. – M.: Gnozis, 2005. –326 p.) 7. Manakin V.N. Sopostavitelnaya leksikologiya. – K.: Znannya, 2004. – 326 s. (Manakin V.N. Comparative lexicology. – K.: Znannya, 2004. – 326 p.)