Home/ Majors directory/Administration of Cybersecurity Systems/Master’s Thesis Internship
Master’s Thesis Internship
Major: Administration of Cybersecurity Systems
Code of subject: 7.125.04.O.014
Credits: 15.00
Department: Information Security
Lecturer: Ph.D., prof. Opirskyi I.R.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Завдання: INT1. The ability of a person to solve tasks of a research and/or innovative nature in the field of information security and/or cyber security
General competences:
KZ1. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.
KZ3. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis.
KZ4. The ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of the work performed.
Professional competencies of the specialty:
KF1. The ability to reasonably apply, integrate, develop and improve modern information technologies, physical and mathematical models, as well as technologies for creating and using applied and specialized software for solving professional tasks in the field of information security and/or cyber security.
KF3. Ability to research, develop and support methods and means of information security and/or cyber security at objects of information activity and critical infrastructure.
KF5. The ability to research, system analysis and ensure the continuity of business/operational processes in order to determine the vulnerabilities of information systems and resources, analyze risks and determine the assessment of their impact in accordance with the established strategy and policy of information security and/or cyber security of the organization.
KF7. The ability to research, develop and implement methods and measures to counter cyber incidents, to implement management, control and investigation procedures, as well as to provide recommendations for the prevention and analysis of cyber incidents in general.
KF9. The ability to analyze, develop and support the system of auditing and monitoring the effectiveness of the functioning of information systems and technologies, business/operational processes in the field of information security and/or cyber security of the organization as a whole.
Learning outcomes: Learning outcomes: RS1. Communicate freely in national and foreign languages, orally and in writing, to present and discuss the results of research and innovation, ensure business/operational processes and issues of professional activity in the field of information security and/or cyber security.
RS2. Integrate fundamental and specialized knowledge to solve complex information security and/or cyber security challenges in broad or multidisciplinary contexts.
RS3. Conduct research and/or innovation activities in the field of information security and/or cyber security, as well as in the field of technical and cryptographic protection of information in cyberspace.
RS4. Apply, integrate, develop, implement and improve modern information technologies, physical and mathematical methods and models in the field of information security and/or cyber security.
RS5. Critically consider the problems of information security and/or cyber security, including at the interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary level, in particular on the basis of understanding the new results of engineering and physical and mathematical sciences, as well as the development of technologies for creating and using specialized software.
RS6. Analyze and evaluate the security of systems, complexes and means of cyber protection, technologies for creating and using specialized software.
RS9. Analyze, develop and support the organization's information security and/or cyber security management system based on the information security strategy and policy.
RS10. Ensure the continuity of business/operational processes, as well as identify vulnerabilities of information systems and resources, analyze and assess risks for information security and/or cyber security of the organization.
RS15. Clearly and unambiguously convey own conclusions on information security and/or cyber security issues, as well as the knowledge and explanations that justify them to staff, partners and others.
RS17. Have the skills of autonomous and independent learning in the field of information security and/or cyber security and related fields of knowledge, analyze one's own educational needs and objectively evaluate the results of training.
RS18. Plan training, as well as accompany and supervise work with personnel in the direction of information security and/or cyber security.
RS 20. Set and solve complex applied engineering and scientific problems of information security and/or cyber security, taking into account the requirements of domestic and international standards and best practices.
Required prior and related subjects: -
Summary of the subject: The purpose of the practice is to prepare students to independently conduct scientific research in the field of specialization and design their results, which will be used in the future when writing a master’s qualification thesis, as well as to deepen the study and mastering by students of modern technologies and forms of work organization in the field of cyber security, the formation of students on the base of theoretical knowledge and practical training, professional skills and abilities acquired during studies at the university for making independent decisions in the course of their professional activities; formation of the ability to systematically update one's knowledge and creatively apply it in practical activities, conducting scientific research on cyber security issues with the aim of acquiring innovative competencies, scientific research, scientific pedagogical or management skills.
Опис: During the internship on the subject of MKR, each student must obtain specific scientific results from the chosen scientific problem, which will be reflected in the master's qualification thesis.
Assessment methods and criteria: The current monitoring of the student's work during practice by the educational institution is carried out on the basis of entries in the "Tasks and results of practice" form and entries in the workbook. This control is carried out by the practice manager from the enterprise, who systematically checks the performance of production and educational tasks by the student-intern, gives him appropriate assignments and makes comments. The company controls the student's compliance with the rules of the internal procedure and the performance of the individual task. The company informs the management of the educational institution about gross violations of the rules of the internal procedure by the student.
The supervision of practice by the university is carried out by a teacher of the department appointed as the head of practice, who has the right to visit enterprises and check the performance of production and educational tasks by each student-intern.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: After the end of the internship, the student prepares and submits a report to the department. 2-3 days are allocated at the end of the internship to summarize the results of the work done by the student during the internship and prepare the report. The student's report on practice must comply with the rules for the design of scientific reports in compliance with the EKSD, state standards, etc. The materials of the report must correspond to the topic of the master's qualification thesis.
The report briefly and concretely describes the work personally performed by the student, it is not allowed to copy literally the materials of the practice bases, as well as to cite literary sources without references. The structure and content of the practice report must correspond to all stages of scientific research and its logical sequence.
Recommended books: 1. Order of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine dated 08.04.1993 No. 93 (With changes introduced in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education No. 351 (v0351281-94) dated 20.12.94) On the approval of the "Regulations on conducting internships for students of higher educational institutions of Ukraine" / http:/ /zakon.rada.gov.ua › z0035-93.
2. Methodological recommendations for drawing up the internship program for students of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine dated February 14, 1996 No. 31-5/97. / http://sites.znu.edu.ua › Metod_rekom_pro_rozrob_progr_prak
3. Regulations on the organization of the educational process at the Lviv Polytechnic National University, approved by the order of the rector dated December 10, 2015 No. 235-10. / Collection of normative acts of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic", Lviv, ed. Lviv Polytechnic, 2018, p. 87-109.
4. Regulations on the organization of internships for students of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, approved by the rector's order dated November 22, 2017 No. 265-10 / Collection of normative acts of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, ed. Lviv Polytechnic, 2018, p. 133 - 147.
5. The procedure for forming the work program of the academic discipline" was approved by the rector's order dated June 24, 2016 No. 118-06.
6. Regulations on the academic mobility of students, postgraduates, doctoral students, scientific and pedagogical and scientific workers. / Collection of normative acts of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic", Lviv, ed. Lviv Polytechnic, 2018, p. 203 - 211.