Spatial Anisotropy of Induced Physical Processes

Major: Applied Physics
Code of subject: 7.105.01.O.002
Credits: 4.00
Department: Applied Physics and Nanomaterials Science
Lecturer: Professor, D.Sci. Andrushchak Anatoliy Stepanovych
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline the student must: - be able to conduct an analytical description of electro-optical and photoelastic phenomena in crystalline materials; - know the main differences in the representation of effects in crystals by tensors of 3rd and 4th ranks; - to acquire knowledge about the geometric representation of the spatial anisotropy of induced optical effects in crystals of different classes of symmetry; - have modern experimental methods and know the necessary equipment for the study of crystalline materials; - be able to determine all elements of matrices of electro- and piezo-optical coefficients by polarization-optical and interferometric methods; - know and master the methods of acoustic and acousto-optical studies of crystalline materials.
Required prior and related subjects: - pre-requisites: physics, modern methods of physical researches, basics of crystal optics; - co-requisites: functional materials of molecular energetics, physics of quantum-sized systems, physics of anisotropic materials.
Summary of the subject: 1. Analytical description of electro-optical and photoelastic phenomena in crystalline materials: - linear electro-optical effect; - piezo- and elasto-optical effects; - acousto-optical effect. 2. Description and geometric representation of the spatial anisotropy of induced optical effects in crystalline materials: - analytical description of the anisotropy of induced optical effects in crystals; - geometric representation of the anisotropy of electro-, piezo- and elasto-optical effects for crystals of all symmetry classes; - description of the spatial anisotropy of the acousto-optical effect. 3. Experimental methods and equipment for the study of crystalline materials: - automated interferometric-turning method for measuring the refractive indices in optical materials; - determination of electro- and piezo-optical coefficients by polarization-optical and interferometric methods; - methods of acoustic and acousto-optical research.
Assessment methods and criteria: Exam, defense of laboratory works, defense of individual research task; - current control (40%): surveys in laboratory classes, defense of reports (20%), defense of individual research tasks (20%); - final control (60%): exam - written component (50%), oral component (10%).
Recommended books: 1. A.S. Andrushchak, O.A. Buryy, N.A. Andrushchak, N.M. Demyanyshyn Spatial anisotropy of induced optical effects in crystalline materials. Volume 1. Analytical description, geometric representation and experimental methods. – Lviv: Prostir M, 2019. – 200 p. (in Ukrainian) 2. I. Martynyuk-Lototska, I. Yidak, O. Korneyev, A. Ratych, A. Andrushchak Determination of all piezoelectric coefficients and elastic stiffness in LiTaO3 crystals based on measurements of acoustic wave velocities // Journal of physical studies. – 2021.– Vol.25, iss.4.– P. 4602(1–5). 3. B. Mytsyk, N. Demyanyshyn, A. Andrushchak, O. Buryy. Photoelastic Properties of Trigonal Crystals // Crystals. – 2021. – Vol. 11, iss. 9. – P. 11091095(1–14) 4. Mytsyk B.G., Andrushchak A.S., Vynnyk D.M., Demyanyshyn N.M., Kost Ya.P., Kityk A.V. Characterization of photoelastic materials by combined Mach-Zehnder and conoscopic interferometry: Application to tetragonal lithium tetraborate crystals // Optics and Lasers in Engineering. –2020.–V.127 – P. 105991(1-8).