Materials Science and Construction Materials Engineering

Major: Computer-integrated technologies of art and jewelry casting
Code of subject: 6.136.03.O.015
Credits: 7.00
Department: Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Lecturer: DScTec., Professor Zoya Antonovna Duryagina Ph.D., Associate Professor Lidiya Bohun Ph.D., Associate Professor Alexei Bіlous
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - Guided by state and industry standards and regulations, with the help of relevant rules and background information, in preparation for inspection to be able to determine the basic mechanical properties of materials; - Predict the impact of various factors on the structure and properties of structural materials; - Assess the behavior of materials during operation of products; - Assign heat treatment of materials in order to promote a set of properties and optimal structure that would ensure reliable and long-term operation of products in operating conditions; - Using the results of mechanical tests, with the help of regulatory and technical documentation, in the conditions of the mechanical laboratory to establish the conformity of the mechanical properties of the material to the requirements; - Qualified to make technical decisions to ensure high efficiency of equipment; - It is reasonable to appoint the technology of processing products to obtain the necessary set of properties with the optimal structure, which allows to achieve high reliability and durability of products
Required prior and related subjects: - Prerequisites: Higher Mathematics, Physics, Applied Mechanics, Chemistry, Physical Metallurgy
Summary of the subject: The course studies the relationship between chemical composition, structure and properties of materials, as well as their influence on the properties of thermal, chemical, electromagnetic and other factors. The issues of increasing the durability and reliability of structural elements that work in conditions of long-term creep are considered. The curriculum contains theoretical information on the basics of materials science, the theory of heat treatment of metals, classification, physicochemical, technological properties and use of basic structural, construction and operational materials, manufacturing technology and their processing. This allows you to choose them on a scientific basis for the manufacture of various parts, to assign the necessary heat treatment of the relevant steels and alloys, to make a full and high-quality replacement of materials in the repair of equipment. The considered basic principles of a choice of constructional materials, technologies of their manufacture and processing form at students idea of achievement of scientific and technical progress in the field of creation of new materials, improvement of technological processes, and also abilities and skills of practical definition of physical and mechanical properties of materials. The basic information on the technology of extraction and processing of metals and non-metallic construction materials is stated. The general concepts of the structure of metals and their alloys, metallurgical processes of production of ferrous and nonferrous metals are briefly considered. Foundry production, production of blanks by pressure treatment and cutting tools are described.
Assessment methods and criteria: - current control (40%), individual tasks; laboratory works; presentation of reports; - final evaluation (60%) exam.
Recommended books: 1. В. Попович, В. Попович. Технологія конструкційних матеріалів і матеріалознавство. Підручник. — 8 Львів: Світ. 2006. — 623 С. 2. Металознавство: Підручник. / О.М. Бялік, В.С. Черненко, В.М. Писаренко, Ю.Н. Лахтин Ю.М., Леонтьева В.П. Материаловедение. — М.: Машиностроение, 1990. — 528 с. 3. Конструкційні та функціональні матеріали: Навч. Посібник: У 2 ч. — К.: Техніка, 2003. — 4.1: Основи фізики твердого тіла. Конструкційні матеріали. /В.П. Бабак, Д.Ф. Байса, В.М. Різак, С.Ф. Філоненко. — 344 с. 4. Махорт А.В., Чумак М.Г. Термічна обробка металів: Навч. посібник. — К.: Либідь, 2002. — 512 с 5. Попович В. Технологія конструкційних матеріалів та матеріалознавство: Навчальний посібник для вищих навчальних закладів: у 2-х кн. Книга II, - Суми: ВТД "Університетська книга", 2002. — 260 с. 6. Попович В. Технологія конструкційних матеріалів та матеріалознавство: Навчальний посібник для вищих навчальних закладів: у 2-х кн. Книга 1 -Львів, 2002. — 264 с. 7. Технологія конструкційних матеріалів. /М.А.Сологуб, І.О.Рожнецький, О.І.Некоз та ін. // Під ред. М.А.Сологуба. — 2 вид., виправ, та доп.: Підручник для студентів механічних спеціал. Вищих навч. закл. — К.: Вища шк., 2001. — 274 с.