Hydraulics and Oil and Gas Hydromechanics

Major: Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology
Code of subject: 6.185.00.O.061
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Robotics and Integrated Mechanical Engineering Technologies
Lecturer: Dmyterko Petro
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - to know the algorithm for organizing work in the process of designing objects in the oil and gas industry; - to carry out collection, processing, analysis and systematization of information in the area of performance of works; determine fundamental differences in approaches to the design of technical objects, systems and technological processes; - use the basic laws of natural and scientific disciplines; - PN 10. Predict and analyze the physical and chemical properties of oil and gas in the processes of their extraction, transportation and storage. - RN 11. Calculate the parameters of hydro-gas dynamic processes that accompany the movement of oil and gas and process fluids in the formation/wells/industrial and main pipelines using the laws of thermodynamics, hydraulics and gas dynamics and modern methods of relevant calculations - RN 12 To carry out calculations of technological parameters of oil and gas wells, oil and gas preparation systems, industrial and main gas and oil pipelines, gas and oil storage facilities using appropriate mathematical and engineering methods.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites - Physics - Technical mechanics requisites - Mathematical modeling of the stressed and deformed state of oil and gas reservoirs and pipes - Chemical properties of oil and gas and the basics of their processing technology
Summary of the subject: Lecture 1. General information about liquid Lecture 2. Hydrostatics Lecture 3. Kinematics and dynamics of fluids (hydrodynamics) Lecture 4. Fluid flow regimes and hydraulic supports Lecture 5. Local supports Lecture 6. Leakage of liquid from holes and nozzles Lecture 7. Hydraulic calculation of pipelines Lecture 8. Unsteady movement of liquid in pipes
Assessment methods and criteria: Assessment of students' knowledge of the discipline is carried out in accordance with the working curriculum in the form of current and examination controls. The procedure determines the procedure for evaluating the training of applicants, based on the results of completed practical tasks and the results of independent work tasks (control work (ro-bit). Assessments of the student’s mastery of the educational material of the discipline are carried out based on the results of current success. Current success in the discipline is evaluated from 0 to 100 points, inclusive. The total number of points scored by the student based on the results of all types of current control is displayed in a separate column in the "Evaluation Journal" of the Department of Internal Affairs of the discipline at the last classroom session, is brought to the student's attention and is entered into the electronic database performance record data (report, record book). Current control - 50 points Credit control - 30 points Oral component - 10 points Total 100 points
Recommended books: 1. Гідравліка, гідро- та пневмоприводи : навчальний посібник / Ю. А. Бурєнніков, І. А. Немировський, Л. Г. Козлов. - Вінниця : ВНТУ, 2013,- 273 с. ISBN 978-966-641-518-2 2. Електронний навчально-методичний комплекс "Гідравліка і нафтогазова гід-ромеханіка" для студентів спеціальності 185 ««Нафтогазова інженерія та технології»» https://vns.lpnu.ua/course/view.php?id=12861/Укладачі: Дмитерко П. Р. 3. Омельченко О.В., Цвіркун Л.О. Гідравлічні машини : навч. посіб. Кривий Ріг: Дон-НУЕТ, 2020. 100 с. 4. Modi P.N., Seth S.M. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Including Hydraulics Machines. Standard Book House, 2017. — 1420 p. — ISBN 978-81-89401-26-9. 5. Пелевін Л.Є., Комоцька С.Ю., Балака М.М. Гідравліка, гідроприводи та гідропневмо-автоматика. Навчальний посібник. — Київ: Київський національний університет будівницт-ва і архітектури (КНУБА), 2012. — 120 с. 6. Гідравліка : навчальний посібник / М. П. Андріїшин, Л. В. Возняк, Р. Ф. Гімер та ін. ; за ред. Р. Ф. Гімера. — Івано-Франківськ : Факел, 2000. — 253 с. — ISBN 966-7327-14-0