Home/ Majors directory/Business Economics/Intellectual Business
Intellectual Business
Major: Business Economics
Code of subject: 7.051.05.M.022
Credits: 5.00
Department: Business Economics and Investment
Lecturer: Myroshchenko Nataliia Yurivna, PhD, Аssistant Lecturer
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • knowledge and understanding of objects and subjects of intellectual business, essence and features of creation of intellectual products;
• understanding the essence of the intellectual potential of the organization and its role in the development of intellectual business;
• knowledge and understanding of the legal framework for starting and running an intellectual business;
• knowledge and understanding of the prospects for the development of intellectual business;
• ability to assess the risks of intellectual business;
• ability to apply schemes and models of promotion and commercialization of intellectual products;
• ability to develop motivation models for creative teams.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites:
Enterprise Economic Management
Financial management in business
Innovative development of the enterprise
Summary of the subject: Theoretical basis of intellectual business.
Intellectual potential of the organization.
Intelligent Products: The Essence and Features of Creation.
Regulatory and Legal Basis of Intellectual Business in Ukraine.
Motivation of manufacturers of intellectual products.
The Risks of Intellectual Business.
Intellectual business in Ukraine: problems of formation and directions of development.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (100%):
practical training ( 20 %);
individual control work (30 %);
control testing (50 %).
Recommended books: 1. Іванова В.В. Інтелектуальний бізнес: підручник / В.В. Іванова. Суми: Університетська книга, 2017. – 327 с.
2. Ходаківський Є.І. Інтелектуальна власність: економіко-правові аспекти: підручник 3-те вид., перероб. та доп. /Є.І. Ходаківський, В.П. Якобчук, І.Л. Литвинчук.К.: “Центр учбової літератури”, 2017. – 507с.
3. Інтелектуальний бізнес: навчальний посібник / Г.П. Ляшенко; Університет державної фіскальної служби України. – Ірпінь : УДФСУ, 2020. – 166 с.