Home/ Majors directory/Education Institution management/Master’s Thesis Preparation
Master’s Thesis Preparation
Major: Education Institution management
Code of subject: 7.073.14.O.33
Credits: 18.00
Department: Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education
Lecturer: The scientific supervisor of a master's qualification work can be a teacher of the Department of Pedagogy and Innovative Education, who is a candidate or doctor of sciences
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • ability to demonstrate basic knowledge of methodology and tools of scientific pedagogical research;
• knowledge of the essence of the managerial activity of the head of the educational institution, the organization of the activities of subordinates, methods of diagnosing pedagogical, socio-psychological phenomena;
• ability to conduct research on the topic of master's work and interpret its results;
• the ability to demonstrate the basics of managing individual and collective (educational) activities of different types in practice to ensure its specified parameters;
• the ability to make practical decisions that are suitable for immediate implementation, which should be reflected and developed in the further implementation of the master's qualification.
• ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of classical and modern approaches to the management of organizations and administration (by types of economic activity), principles, laws, technologies, methods of management of organizations, process of making management decisions, leadership and leadership styles, peculiarities of conflict resolution in the process solution of tasks of professional activity;
• the ability to use professionally-specialized knowledge and practical skills in management, marketing, finance, logistics, economics for effective management of economic entities in a market economy;
• the ability to reveal the socioeconomic nature of the phenomena and processes of economic activity of organizations, to assess the impact on economic processes of external factors, trends in the development of the world economy, to have a coherent understanding of the organization's development system, to analyze and use historical experience in solving urgent problems of the national economy.
Required prior and related subjects: A master's program has been completed, including a completed qualifying exam.
Summary of the subject: Abstract. Introduction (relevance of the subject; purpose, object and subject of research, methods of research, elements of scientific novelty, practical significance of research). Research and analytical section. Design and recommendation section. Conclusions References. Attachments
Assessment methods and criteria: • when evaluating the qualification work of the master, the level of theoretical, scientific and practical training of the applicant, as well as the evaluation of the work of the supervisor and the reviewer, is taken into account.
• master's qualification paper is evaluated on a 100-point scale at a meeting of the Examination Commission
Recommended books: 1. Ortinsky V.L. Pedagogics of the Higher School: a textbook / Vladimir Ortynskiy - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House. – 500
2. Tvrezovska N.T. Methodology of pedagogical research [taught. manual] / N.T.Tevrezovskaya. - K .: "Center for Educational Literature", 2013 - 440 p.
3. Educational Institution [Text]: Handbook. for the stud higher teach shut up / [WITH. G. Nemchenko and others.]. - Donetsk: LANDON-XXI, 2012. - 515 p.
4. Methodology for preparing the qualification work of the masters: a teaching aids / L.L. Sukhentseva, Yu.M. Kozlovsky, I.S. Collodion. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2018. - 88 p.