Geology and Basics of Geomorphology

Major: Environmental Studies
Code of subject: 6.101.00.O.026
Credits: 5.00
Department: Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management
Lecturer: PhD, Assoc. Prof., Berezyuk Dariya
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Program competencies: • understanding of the main scientific approaches to the formation of the universe; magnetic and gravitational fields of the Earth, relief and tectonics of the earth's and ocean surface, geological and relief-forming activity of water. • ability to critically comprehend the basic theories, methods and principles of natural sciences. • formation of knowledge on the definition of geographical, geophysical, climatic, man-made factors influencing the habitat of the human population in order to preserve and restore human adaptation mechanisms in the context of man-made progress. Program results: • obtaining basic knowledge of geological structure, tectonic structure and topography of the Earth. Learning outcomes: - basic knowledge of the geological structure, tectonic structure sand topography of the Earth. - Тhe magnetic and gravitational field of the Earth daily rotation and annualmotion of the Earth and its consequences; - Tectonics. The concept of the geosyncline and platforms. - The form of the earth's surface, mountains, ocean surface topography; - The chemical and material composition of crust. Minerals and rocks.
Required prior and related subjects: • Meteorology and climatology • Hydrology • Soil science • Future geography
Summary of the subject: Basic data about the Earth. Hypotheses about the origin of the Earth. The main features of the structure of the universe. The history of the crust. The structure of the crust. Chemical and material composition of crust. Minerals. Rocks. Geological activity and rel'yefotvorcha water. Ocean water circulation. Rica. Lakes. Underground water. Oceans, Seas.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Current control, oral examination (40%) • final control (control measure, exam), written-oral form (60%)
Recommended books: 1. Геологія з основами геоморфології Підручник. / Рудько Г. І., Адаменко О.М., Чепіжко О.В., Крочак М.Д. -Чернівці: «Букрек», 2010 р. - 400 с. 2. Енциклопедія " Земля" (гол. ред.Джеймс Ф. Лер)/ (укр. мовою) - ДК. 2007, 520 с. 3. Олійник Я.Б., Федорищак Р.П., Шищенко П.Г. Загальне землезнавство. Навчальний посібник.- К.:"Знання-прес", 2003 .-247с.