Modern Methods of Environmental Research

Major: Applied Ecology and Balanced Nature Management
Code of subject: 7.183.01.E.027
Credits: 4.00
Department: Ecological Safety and Nature Protection Activity
Lecturer: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Volodymyr Ivanovych Mokry
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Program competencies: 1. Mastering the system of instruments and methods for obtaining a unified experimental material, which is basic in remote sensing technologies and geographic information systems for modeling and computer processing of information about the functioning of ecosystems. 2. Study of the range of issues that reflect the biophysical foundations and means of original methodological developments of environmental research; 3. Development of information in the field of twisted instrumentation and experimental methods of measurements in laboratory and field conditions; 4. Assimilation of promising methods and tools for integrated operational assessment of the state and dynamics of ecosystems. 5. Acquisition of skills to solve engineering and technological problems of quality control, preservation, protection and improvement of the environment. Program results: • 1. Theoretical foundations and practical methods of instrumental research of natural and anthropogenic complexes in laboratory and field conditions; 2. The main types and characteristics of modern research equipment. 3. To use modern devices of ecological researches, measuring methods and information-analytical technologies. 4. Receive information on the current state of various components of the environment; 5. Assess the optimality of methods in solving a set of problems of environmental issues; 6. Develop scientifically sound recommendations for environmental measures.
Required prior and related subjects: Geoecoinformation systems Remote methods of ecological research Technologies for designing natural and man-made geoparks Waste processing and utilization technologies Innovative environmental technologies
Summary of the subject: The course is designed for: 1. Theoretical and practical training of students-ecologists on complex methods of environmental research to assess the state and productivity of natural and urban ecosystems; 2. Formation of theoretical knowledge, skills and practical abilities necessary for solving scientific and practical problems in the field of environmental monitoring; 3. Study of the peculiarities of the application of methods of natural sciences for environmental monitoring, quality control of human life and preservation of the natural environment.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control, oral examination (30%); Final control (control measure, exam): written form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Kapustyanyk VB Applied spectroscopy: textbook. way. / VB Kapustyanyk, VI Wet. - Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2009. - 320 p. 2. Environmental monitoring using space images of the NOAA satellite / Pashchenko RE, Radchuk VV, Krasovsky G.Ya. etc. // Edited by SO Dovgy. - Kyiv: FOP Ponomarenko EV, 2013. –316 p. 3. Israel YA Ecology and control of the state of the natural environment and ways to solve them.-M .: Gidrometeoizdat, 1984.-560p.