International Investment in the Context of Global Stock Market Development

Major: lnternational Economic Relations
Code of subject: 8.292.00.M.028
Credits: 3.00
Department: Management and International Business
Lecturer: Doroshkevych Kateryna Olegivna
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of the discipline the student should know: theoretical and organizational basis for implementation services in the international stock market; the foundations of operations with the securities; the legal regulation of the stock market in Ukraine and abroad. The specialist must: be able to analytical thinking and practical skills of systematization of information in order to process large data sets, assess and forecast international economic and social phenomena; to generalize, think critically and analyze the phenomena and problems studied, to show flexibility in decision-making on the basis of logical arguments and verified facts in the conditions of limited time and resources on the basis of general scientific methodology; to have a scientific holistic view of the economic unity of the world, the regulatory mechanisms of international economic relations at the national, regional and international levels in the modern processes of convergence and divergence; possess analytical thinking and methods of systematization of information processing of large data sets, assessment and forecasting of economic and social phenomena; possess analytical thinking and methods of systematization of information processing of large data sets, assessment and forecasting of economic and social phenomena; identify scientific and practical problems, prepare scientific texts and reports, carry out public testing of research results in both state and foreign languages, demonstrate oral and written communication.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisite: "Global problems and challenges of economic development"; co-requisites: "Features of European Economic Development"
Summary of the subject: Overview of the international stock market. Overview of market securities traded on international stock markets. Action. Bonds. Bills of exchange. Deposit certificates. Options. The indices.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Current control (30%): oral questioning, work in the practice, performance of calculation and graphic work; - Final control (70%): semester control (written and oral component)
Recommended books: 1. Міжнародний фондовий ринок Навчальний посібник-практикум / О. Є. Кузьмін, Н. О. Шпак, О. Ю. Григор’єв, К. О. Дорошкевич, С. В. Князь, Т. В. Ясінська. Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013. - 200 с. 2. Vysotska, V., Bublyk, M., Vysotsky, A., Doroshkevych, K....Chyrun, L. Methods and Tools for Web Resources Processing in E-Commercial Content Systems. 2020 IEEE 15th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, CSIT 2020 - Proceedings, 2020, 1, pp. 114–118. 3. Haugen, Robert A. Modern Investment Theory. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: A Paramount Communications Company. 1993. 4. Madura, Jeff. Financial markets and institutions. - 2-nd edition.- West Publishing Company, 1994. 5. Chen H. J. Chen S. J. 2012. Investment-cash flow sensitivity cannot be a good measure of financial constraints: Evidence from the time series. Journal of Financial Economics103:393–410. 6. Amromin, Gene, and Steven A. Sharpe. 2014. “From the Horse’s Mouth: Economic Conditions and Investor Expectations of Risk and Return” Management Science 60 (4): 845–866. 7. Arif, Salman, and Charles M.C. Lee. 2014. “Aggregate Investment and Investor Sentiment.” Review of Financial Studies 27 (11): 3241–79. 8. Weinrich Y., Hoffmann U. Investitions analyse. Munchen, Wien, 1989. 9. Smith M. E. Another Road to Evaluating Knowledge Assets / Michael E. Smith// Human Resource Development Review. — 2016. — № 1. — vol. 2. — pp. 6-25. 10. Biryukov A. and Pustogarov I. Bitcoin over Tor isnot a good idea. In Security and Privasy, (SP), Symposium on, pages 122-134. IEEE, 2015. DOI: 10.1109/SP.2015.15