Scientific Bases of Formation of Architectural Environment

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 7.191.01.O.019
Credits: 4.00
Department: Architectural Design
Lecturer: Mykola Habrel, prof.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: To acquaint students with the peculiarities of the scientific approach to design and the search for architectural and landscape solutions; with modern concepts, approaches to the architectural design of objects and structures, the main trends in the development of interactions between architecture and landscape in different historical periods. The student must learn to systematically represent the landscape, understand the essence, commonality and difference of architectural and landscape approaches to the formation of the environment.
Завдання: The study of an academic discipline involves the formation and development of students' competencies: integral competence – the ability to solve tasks of a research and/or innovative nature in the field of architecture and urban planning. general competences: GC 01 Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis. GC 02 Ability to communicate in the national language both orally and in writing. GC 04 Ability to use information and communication technologies. GC 06 The ability to act on the basis of ethical considerations (motives). GC 07 Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and professional activity. GC 08 Ability to communicate with representatives of other professional groups at different levels (experts from other fields of knowledge/activities). professional competences: CC 01 Ability to integrate knowledge and solve complex problems of architecture and urban planning. CC 02 The ability to solve problems of architecture and landscape formation in new (unfamiliar) environments in the presence of incomplete or limited information, taking into account aspects of environmental and moral responsibility. CC 03 The ability to analyze, develop and implement architectural and landscape solutions taking into account socio-demographic, national-ethnic, natural-climatic, engineering-technical factors and sanitary-hygienic, safety, energy-saving, ecological, technical-economic requirements. CC 04 Ability to continue learning with a high level of autonomy. CC 05 The ability to analyze experience, collect, accumulate and use information necessary for solving problems of a research and innovation nature in the field of architecture and urban planning. CC 11 The ability to critically consider the problems of architecture and urban planning.
Learning outcomes: SR 1 Have specialized conceptual knowledge that includes modern scientific achievements in the field of architecture and urban planning and is the basis for original thinking and conducting research SR 2 Have specialized skills/problem solving skills necessary for conducting research and (or) implementing innovative activities in the field of architecture and urban planning in order to develop new knowledge and procedures SR 8 Organize work with complex architectural and urban planning projects, cooperation with customers and the public during the development, coordination and public discussion of architectural projects; communicate one's own conclusions and arguments to specialists and non-specialists in an accessible and professional manner SR 10 Discuss the results of professional activities, research and innovative projects in the field of architecture and urban planning in the state and foreign (English) languages orally and in writing SR 11 Make effective decisions in the field of architecture and urban planning, develop and compare alternatives, consider limitations, assess possible negative consequences and risks SR 12 Know and apply in practice the legislation and regulatory framework for research and development of architectural and urban planning projects SR 14 Understand the procedure for the author's supervision of the implementation of projects in the field of architecture and urban planning SR 15 To analyze world and domestic experience in the design of objects of architecture and urban planning
Required prior and related subjects: Previous: Architectural Design Accompanying and following: Modern Concepts in Architecture and Urban Planning; Methodology of Architectural Research and Design
Summary of the subject: In the process of studying the discipline "Scientific foundations of the formation of the architectural environment", students of the second level of higher education must: master the appropriate amount of knowledge about the role and place of architectural science and scientific approaches in the process of architectural formation of the environment, about the influence of space on social and ecological processes; master modern methodological and theoretical tools for understanding architectural and landscape phenomena; learn to identify optimal architectural and design solutions; to investigate the specifics of the organization of research activities in the architectural field. During practical classes, master's students develop the ability to organize scientific and research activities, the ability to independently identify architectural and spatial problems and find their optimal solutions, to interact in a group with colleagues. Carrying out successive stages of the research, formulate scientific concepts, logically summarize the optimal results and clearly and correctly formulate conclusions and proposals with a graphic visualization of the research results. The content of the discipline was developed on the basis of the relevant requirements for the preparation of masters of architecture and urban planning to carry out research in architecture, for teaching work in the specialty, the development of the architectural and research part of complex projects of different hierarchical levels and purposes, for work in the field of management at the level of districts, territorial communities, bridge. Considerable attention is paid to the terminological base of architectural science. The educational discipline reveals the main forms and methods of scientific analysis, as well as approaches to the formation of the architectural environment, provides a personal vision and understanding of the theoretical and methodological foundations of landscape and architecture of buildings and structures, which determine independent research activity.
Опис: Lecture classes • Introductory lesson. Discussion of the main problems, topics and tasks that are considered during the course. Categorical and conceptual apparatus • The essence and main characteristics of landscapes, types and types of landscapes, their properties and features. Basic provisions of landscape architecture • Space, landscape, environment in the process of architectural design. Theoretical foundations of landscape research and design • The genesis of the landscape and spatial approach. The environment of society's life and activity in the history of architecture and urban planning • A functional and content approach to the analysis and formation of landscape architecture. The phenomenon of architectural attractiveness • Compositional and figurative organization of architectural objects and systems. Symbols and signs of the environment • Features and uniqueness of landscapes. Architectural design and solving of "atypical" tasks in landscape architecture Practical training • Understanding the phenomenon of landscape and landscape architecture from the standpoint of modern architectural and urban theories and its application to practical activities • Methodological bases of research and assessment of landscape properties, use in the justification of architectural solutions • Classification, structure of architectural and landscape tasks and interactions. Selection of the site, specification of tasks • Requirements and principles of substantiation of decisions in architectural and landscape design. Approaches to the protection and organization of the space of human existence. Architectural activity in the natural environment. Principles and methods of optimizing the interaction of society and the environment • Protection of monuments of history, culture, urban planning and architecture, as well as garden and park art. Applied methods of implementing a landscape approach to architectural design in a historical environment • Requirements and approaches to the organization of the village space and the formation of "rural" architecture • Architectural organization of the selected fragment of the landscape, requirements for the formation of the architecture of objects
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control: conducting a selective oral survey in practical classes, assessing activity in classes, checking practical tasks, evaluating the presentation - speech of the master's student, participation in discussions. Evaluation of the completed calculation and graphic work. Final control: test control and differentiated assessment.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Graphic work Functional landscape model. Part 1. Selection and analysis of the research object. Choose and characterize the object of research, conduct field and theoretical studies, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the object Evaluation criteria: • completeness and versatility of the analysis of the current situation; • structuredness and visibility of presentation of the results of conducted research; • clarity of the conclusions drawn Part 2. Functional landscape optimization. On the basis of the conducted analysis, justify and evaluate possible approaches to solving the architecture of the object and the environment and choose the most successful of them. Formulate proposals for functional and landscape optimization of the object's architecture and environment, accompanying them with graphic material Evaluation criteria: • the validity of the selected characteristics of the object and environment; • clarity of wording of the architectural proposal • quality and clarity of graphic material Part 3. Presentation of research results. Graphically design the process and results of the work, having designed the main provisions in the form of diagrams. On this basis, prepare a presentation (up to 10 slides) that reveals the main stages of research and proposals. Prepare a short report (up to 10 minutes), present the results and proposals to the audience. To formalize the results of conducted research, formulated conclusions and project proposals, their justification and presentation. Choose the appropriate compositional presentation of materials, graphically present the results of your research. Evaluation criteria: • completeness and visibility of the demonstration of results; • justification of the adopted design decisions; • clarity of the architectural proposal; • structuredness and literacy of oral speech
Recommended books: Educational and methodological support 1. Elektronnyy navchal?no-metodychnyy kompleks «Naukovi osnovy formuvannya arkhitekturnoho seredovyshcha» / Dyda O.A.. – L?viv: VNS NU«L?vivs?ka politekhnika» 2. Tekhnolohiya arkhitekturno-proektnoho protsesu: Konspekt lektsiy dlya studentiv bazovoho napryamu 6.060102 «Arkhitektura» / Ukl.: V.B. Yakubovs?kyy, I.V. Yakubovs?kyy. – L?viv: Vyd-vo Nats. un-tu «L?vivs?ka politekhnika», 2014. – 119 s. 3. Habrel? M.M. Prostorovyy pidkhid do obgruntuvannya arkhitekturnykh rishen?: navch. posib. / M.M. Habrel?, M.M. Habrel?. – L?viv: Spolom, 2016. – 282 s. Recommended Literature Basic 1. Bilokon? YU. Funktsiya ta struktura formy v rehional?nomu planuvanni / YU. Bilokon?. – K.: Kyy, 2002. – 98 s. 2. Kryzhanivs?ka N. YA. Osnovy landshaftnoho dyzaynu: pidruch. – K. : Lira-K, 2009. – 218 s. 3. Kucheryavyy V. P. Landshaftna arkhitektura: pidruch. – L?viv : Novyy Svit-2000, 2017. – 521 s. 4. Vstup do arkhitekturnoho proektuvannya. Seredovyshchnyy pidkhid: Konspekt lektsiy / Vdovyts?ka O.V., Dr?omova L.V., Panova L.P., Shubovych S.O. – Kharkiv: KHDAMH, 2003. – 78 s. 5. Shepelyuk M. O. Landshaftna arkhitektura: Metodychni rekomendatsiyi do vykonannya praktychnykh robit / M.O. Shepelyuk, V.V. Andreyeva. – Luts?k: Skhidnoyevropeys?kyy natsional?nyy universytet imeni Lesi Ukrayinky, 2019. –50 s. Supporting 1. Bilous V. I. Sadovo-parkove mystetstvo: korotka istoriya rozvytku ta metody stvorennya khudozhnikh sadiv: navch. posib. – K.: Nauk. svit, 2001. – 299 s. 2. Brydzhuoter, A. Arky, lavochky, fontany, prudy, bordyury, dorozhky y druhye konstruktsyy yz kyrpycha / Alan Brydzhuoter, Dzhyll Brydzhuoter ; per. s anhl.: Pavel Malyshev. – Khar?kov: Klub semeynoho dosuha, 2012. – 143 s. 3. Timokhin V.O. Osnovy dyzaynu arkhitekturnoho seredovyshcha: pidruchn. / Timokhin V.O., Shebek N.M., Malik T.V., Zhytkova N.YU., Shemsedinov H.I., Chudutova O.P., Myronenko V.P., Bavykin YE.M. ta in. – K.: KNUBA, 2010. – 400 s. 4. Cherkes B.S. Arkhitektura suchasnosti. Ostannya tretyna KHKH - pochatok KHKHI stolit? / B.S. Cherkes, S.M. Linda. – L?viv: Vyd-vo «L?vivs?koyi politekhniky», 2010. – 384 s. Information resources 1. Elektronnyy navchal?nyy kurs z dystsypliny «Dyzayn landshaftu». 2. Landshaftne proektuvannya ta dyzayn. Metodychni rekomendatsiyi. 3. Eremia, M., Toma, L., Sanduleac, M. (2017) The Smart City Concept in the 21st Century. Procedia Engineering, 181, 12-19. Retrieved from:

Scientific Bases of Formation of Architectural Environment

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 7.191.01.O.020
Credits: 4.00
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна