Technology of Erection of Buildings and Structures

Major: Urban Construction and Economy
Code of subject: 7.192.03.O.005
Credits: 3.50
Department: Building Production
Lecturer: Ph.D., Professor Oleksiy Petrenko
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: -To carry out technical examination of projects of construction and civil engineering objects (according to specialization), controlling the compliance of projects and technical documentation with design tasks, technical conditions and other valid regulatory and legal documents in the field of architecture and construction. -Select modern materials, technologies and methods of construction work, taking into account the architectural and planning, constructive part of the project and the production base of the construction organization. -Specialized conceptual knowledge that includes current scientific achievements in the field of professional activity or field of knowledge and is the basis for original thinking and conducting research -Ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments in the presence of incomplete or limited information, taking into account aspects of social and ethical responsibility -Responsibility for contributing to professional knowledge and practice and/or evaluating the performance of teams and teams.
Required prior and related subjects: - "Building structures"; - "Construction machinery"; - "Organization, planning and construction management"
Summary of the subject: Problematic tasks in technology of buildings and structures and ways of their implementation. Methods of buildings and structures construction. Monolithic construction. Preparation of concrete mix, its transportation and compaction. Arrangement of formwork and reinforcement works on the site. Underwater concreting. The construction of roads, pavements, walkways. Building and construction of bridges, passages and tunnels. Water towers and technology of their construction. Chimneys and their construction. Hydraulic structures, classification and construction technology. The technology of cooling towers construction. Silos, bunkers and elevators, peculiarities of their construction. The technology of construction of exhibition halls, stadiums and other large-span buildings. Quality control of assembly and acceptance of the works. Safety rules.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Current control (20%); - Final control (80%, control - exam).
Recommended books: 1. 1. Технологія будівельного виробництва: Підручник / За ред. М. Ярмоленка Видання 2-е, доповнене та перероблене. К.: Вища шк., 2015. - 342 с.: іл. 2. Промислове та цивільне будівництво: Підручник/ М. І. Котляр, Т.В. Ряпіна; Харків. нац. ун-т міськ. госп-ва ім. О.М. Бекетова. – Х.: ХНУМГ, 2015-109с. 3. Промислове та цивільне будівництво/ укл.: В.Д. Жван; нац. акад. міськ. госп-да. – Х.: ХНАМГ, 2009. – 26с. 5. ДБН В.1.2-2:2006. Навантаження і впливи./ МІНБУД України. ./ МІНБУД України. – Київ.: 2006р.-75с.; 6. ДБН В.3.1 -2002. Ремонт і підсилення несучих і огороджувальних конструкцій і основ промислових будівель та споруд ./ МІНБУД України. – Київ.: 2002р.- 185 с.; 7. ДБН А.3.2-2.-2009. Охорона праці і промислова безпека у будівництві ./ МІНБУД України. – Київ.: 2009р.-180с.; 8. ДБН В.2.1-10-2009. Основи та фундаменти споруд. ./ МІНБУД України. – Київ.: 2009р.-83с.; 9. ДБН В.2.6-163-2010. Сталеві конструкції. / МІНБУД України./ МІНБУД України. – Київ.: 2011р.-202с.; 10. ДБН В.2.6-98-2009. Бетонні та залізобетонні конструкції./ МІНБУД України. – Київ.: 2011р.-73с.; 11. ДБН.В.2.6-161-2010. Дерев»яні конструкції./ МІНБУД України. – Київ.: 2010р.-96с.; 12. ДБН В.2.6-162-2010. Кам’яні та армокам»яні конструкції. ./ МІНБУД України. – Київ.: 2010р.-103с.;

Technology of Erection of Buildings and Structures

Major: Urban Construction and Economy
Code of subject: 7.192.03.O.006
Credits: 3.50
Department: Bridges and Structural Mechanics
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна

Technology of Erection of Buildings and Structures (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Urban Construction and Economy
Code of subject: 7.192.03.O.009
Credits: 3.00
Department: Building Production
Lecturer: Ph.D., Professor Oleksiy Petrenko
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: -To carry out technical examination of projects of construction and civil engineering objects (according to specialization), controlling the compliance of projects and technical documentation with design tasks, technical conditions and other valid regulatory and legal documents in the field of architecture and construction. -Select modern materials, technologies and methods of construction work, taking into account the architectural and planning, constructive part of the project and the production base of the construction organization. -Specialized conceptual knowledge that includes current scientific achievements in the field of professional activity or field of knowledge and is the basis for original thinking and conducting research -Ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments in the presence of incomplete or limited information, taking into account aspects of social and ethical responsibility -Responsibility for contributing to professional knowledge and practice and/or evaluating the performance of teams and teams.
Required prior and related subjects: - "Building structures"; - "Construction machinery"; - "Organization, planning and construction management"
Summary of the subject: Problematic tasks in technology of buildings and structures and ways of their implementation. Methods of buildings and structures construction. Monolithic construction. Preparation of concrete mix, its transportation and compaction. Arrangement of formwork and reinforcement works on the site. Underwater concreting. The construction of roads, pavements, walkways. Building and construction of bridges, passages and tunnels. Water towers and technology of their construction. Chimneys and their construction. Hydraulic structures, classification and construction technology. The technology of cooling towers construction. Silos, bunkers and elevators, peculiarities of their construction. The technology of construction of exhibition halls, stadiums and other large-span buildings. Quality control of assembly and acceptance of the works. Safety rules.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Current control (20%); - Final control (80%, control - exam).
Recommended books: 1. 1. Технологія будівельного виробництва: Підручник / За ред. М. Ярмоленка Видання 2-е, доповнене та перероблене. К.: Вища шк., 2015. - 342 с.: іл. 2. Промислове та цивільне будівництво: Підручник/ М. І. Котляр, Т.В. Ряпіна; Харків. нац. ун-т міськ. госп-ва ім. О.М. Бекетова. – Х.: ХНУМГ, 2015-109с. 3. Промислове та цивільне будівництво/ укл.: В.Д. Жван; нац. акад. міськ. госп-да. – Х.: ХНАМГ, 2009. – 26с. 5. ДБН В.1.2-2:2006. Навантаження і впливи./ МІНБУД України. ./ МІНБУД України. – Київ.: 2006р.-75с.; 6. ДБН В.3.1 -2002. Ремонт і підсилення несучих і огороджувальних конструкцій і основ промислових будівель та споруд ./ МІНБУД України. – Київ.: 2002р.- 185 с.; 7. ДБН А.3.2-2.-2009. Охорона праці і промислова безпека у будівництві ./ МІНБУД України. – Київ.: 2009р.-180с.; 8. ДБН В.2.1-10-2009. Основи та фундаменти споруд. ./ МІНБУД України. – Київ.: 2009р.-83с.; 9. ДБН В.2.6-163-2010. Сталеві конструкції. / МІНБУД України./ МІНБУД України. – Київ.: 2011р.-202с.; 10. ДБН В.2.6-98-2009. Бетонні та залізобетонні конструкції./ МІНБУД України. – Київ.: 2011р.-73с.; 11. ДБН.В.2.6-161-2010. Дерев»яні конструкції./ МІНБУД України. – Київ.: 2010р.-96с.; 12. ДБН В.2.6-162-2010. Кам’яні та армокам»яні конструкції. ./ МІНБУД України. – Київ.: 2010р.-103с.;