Master’s Thesis Internship

Major: Chemical Technologies of Organic Substances
Code of subject: 7.161.02.O.035
Credits: 12.00
Department: Organic Products Technology
Lecturer: Teachers of the department
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • to know the current level, trends and prospects of the development of the field of science and technology on the theme of master's work; • be able to clearly articulate the purpose of research and the tasks that need to be addressed to achieve it; • know sources of information search and be able to process literature data to establish a research direction; • be able to mount an experimental installation for research; • to possess methods of experimental research; • know the methods of processing the results of research.
Required prior and related subjects: Investigation of chemical reactions and processes; Methodology of scientific research; Development of technological processes of organic synthesis; Technology of organic synthesis products; Application of organic synthesis products.
Summary of the subject: The individual task of the student in implementing the practice coincides with the theme of master's qualification work and should provide for the solution of a technological problem by conducting experimental (sometimes theoretical) research. The practice includes the following parts: 1. The purpose of the research, the task. 2. Search for information and data processing literature to set the direction of research. 3. Installation of an experimental installation for research. 4. Experimental research. 5. Processing of research results.
Assessment methods and criteria: Final control (100%, control measure, credit): written / oral form (100%,)
Recommended books: • Гетьманчук Ю.П., Братичак М.М. Хімія та технологія полімерів - Л.: Бескид Біт, 2006. - 496 с. • Теоретичні основи хімії та технології полімерів: Навчальний посібник / О. В. Суберляк, В. Й. Скорохода, Н. Б. Семенюк. Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014. 340 с. • Технология пластических масс/ Под. ред. В.В.Коршака.- М.: Химия, 1985.- 560с. • Ковалев В.М., Петренко Д.С. "Технология производства синтетических средств" М.: Химия, 1992 • Абрамзон А.А., Зайченко А.А., Файнгольд С.И. "Поверхностно-активные вещества" Л.: Химия, 1998. – 200 с. • Братичак М.М., Сікорський Р.-Т. Основи синтезу і реакційної здатності високомолекулярних сполук.- Львів Видавництво НУ"ЛП", 2003.- 340с. Literature on the subject of master's qualification work.