Designing of Production of High Molecular Compounds

Major: Chemical Technologies of High-molecular Compounds
Code of subject: 7.161.07.E.044
Credits: 5.00
Department: Chemical Technology of Plastics Processing
Lecturer: Associate professor Bratychak Mykhaylo Mykhaylovich
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • tehnorlohiyi know the basics of planning and design work, and especially the design of production facilities and equipment layout principles; the general principles of technological schemes • design new technological scheme of production of polymers and plastics; design and production facilities efficiently locate and assemble equipment;
Required prior and related subjects: • Engineering graphics, • Processes and devices of chemical technology,
Summary of the subject: Describe the basic design stage. Design estimates. Ensuring raw materials, electricity, water and etc. General Plan. General information on industrial buildings. The basic design principles of industrial buildings. Casting and unification of industrial structures and their elements. Vnutrishnotsehove handling equipment. Industrial buildings with fire and explosive industries. Industrial shelving and open areas. Terms of reference structural elements of buildings to rozbyvchoyi axis. Structural elements of industrial buildings. Basis and foundations. They riznovydnosti.Fundamenty in machinery and equipment. Concrete rolled beams and lintels. Columns of single-storey buildings. Columns of multistory buildings. Cover. Coating. General Information. Deformation shvy.Tehnolohichne design flowsheet its structure. Technological installations that make up the plant. Valves. Venteli. Latches. Cranes. Safety Valves. Check valves. Reducing valve basic principles of layout equipment. Industrial Ecology. Wastes.
Assessment methods and criteria: • oral examination on practical (30%) • final control (70% control measure, exam): written, oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. М.М.Братичак, Ю.П. Гетьманчук. Хімічна технологія синтезу ВМС: Навч. посібник. Львів: Вид-во НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2009. 495 с. 2. Кавецкий Г.Д. Оборудование для производства пластмас.-М.: Химия, 1986, 224с. 3. Бродянский В.Н. Эксергетический метод термодинамического анализа. М., Энергия, 2003. –246с. 4. Бортников В.Г. Основы технологии переработки пластических масс. Л., Химия, 1983. –304с. 5. Сафронов В.С. Принципы построения и анализ эфективности химико-энергетических систем. Куйбышев, КПИ, 1984. –92 с. 6. Веселов В.А. Оборудование для переработки пластических мас в изделия. . М., Машгиз., 2003. –212 с. 7.ПивеньА.И., ГречанаяП.А., Теплофизические своиства полимерных материалов. Справочник. Киев, В. школа, 1996. –180 с. 8. ПавловК.Ф.,Романков П.Г. Примеры и задачи по курсу процессов и аппаратов химической технологии. Учебное пособие для вузов. Л., Химия, 1997. –576 с.