Financial Markets Analysis

Major: Finance, Banking and Insurance
Code of subject: 7.072.00.M.015
Credits: 5.00
Department: Finance
Lecturer: senior lecturer Serheiev Oleh
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - Use the fundamental laws of financial markets for professional activities. - To adapt and modify existing approaches and methods to specific situations of professional activity. - Apply management skills in the field of investment in financial markets. - Present the results of their own research, in particular, through the preparation of scientific publications and speeches at scientific events. - Choose methods of adaptation and directions of use of international standards and norms in the practical activities of a professional in the field of finance. - Choose and apply theoretical and applied methods and models of crisis management in the field of financial markets.
Required prior and related subjects: Financial services market. Portfolio management.
Summary of the subject: History of financial markets. Stock Market. Risks in trading. Technical analysis. Figures and indicators. Technical analysis tools. Fundamentals of fundamental analysis. Practical conclusions.
Assessment methods and criteria: 1. Thematic control of the level of knowledge during the semester (testing in the VNS) - 20 points 2. Execution and defense of the final task (individual research task / tests) - 80 points
Recommended books: 1. Акелис, Стивен Б. Технический анализ от А до Я: полный набор инструментов торговли ... от абсолютного индекса ширины до японских свечей = Technical Analysis from A to Z : covers every trading tool ... from the absolute breadth index to the zig zag [пер. с англ. : М. Волкова, А. Лебедев]. Москва: Диаграмма, 2000. 363 с. 2. Мероник А. Золотий грааль криптовалютного трейдингу. - Чернівці: Книги - ХХІ, 2020. - 176 с. 3. Арістова А. М. Економічний аналіз діяльності фінансових посередників: навч. посіб. К.: Київ. нац. торг-екон ун-т, 2009. 331. 4. Сохацька О., Роговська-Іщук І., Вінницький С. Фундаментальний та технічний аналіз цін товарних та фінансових ринків. К.: Кондор, 2012. 305 с.