Financial Monitoring

Major: Accounting and Taxation
Code of subject: 7.071.01.E.038
Credits: 4.00
Department: Accounting and Analysis
Lecturer: Doctor of Science in Economics, Docent Oleh Skasko
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of the studying discipline, student should be able to demonstrate the following learning results: knowledge of international standards in the organization financial monitoring; knowledge of national legislation in the preventing and counteraction of legalization (laundering) incomes received in a criminal way or financing terrorism; knowledge of rights and responsibilities of the subjects of primary financial monitoring, knowledge and skills of order of financial monitoring by the subjects of primary financial monitoring, skills of the identify, register and transmit information about financial transactions subject to financial monitoring; knowledge and skills of risk management of money laundering and financing terrorism; knowledge of responsibility for violation of legislation on prevention and counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and financing terrorism.
Required prior and related subjects: -prerequisite: - Accounting in EnterpriseManagement - Auditing of taxation
Summary of the subject: International standards in the organization of financial monitoring. National legislation in the preventing and counteraction of legalization (laundering) incomes received in a criminal way or financing terrorism. The rights and responsibilities of the subjects of primary financial monitoring. Organization of financial monitoring by the subjects of primary financial monitoring. The procedure of the identify, register and transmit information about financial transactions subject to financial monitoring for identifying, recording and transmission of information about financial operations that are under financial monitoring. Risks management of money laundering and financing terrorism. The organization of international cooperation on combating with legalization (laundering) incomes and financing terrorism. Responsibility for violation of legislation on prevention and counteraction to legalization (laundering) incomes received in a criminal way or financing terrorism.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Current control (100%): oral questioning, work in the practice, Control work, scoring test control
Recommended books: 1. Внукова Н.М. Фінансовий моніторинг : навчальний посібник / Н.М. Внукова, Ж.О. Андрійченко : Харків : Видавництво ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця, 2013. – 312 с. 2. Розвиток національної системи фінансового моніторингу / [Т.І. Єфименко ... [та ін.] : Київ : ДННУ "Академія фінансового управління", 2013. – 378 с. 3. Єгоричева С.Б. Організація фінансового моніторингу в банках : навчальний посібник / С.Б. Єгоричева : Київ : Центр учбової літератури, 2014. – 291 с. 4. Чижмарь К.І., Гаєвський І. М. Фінансовий моніторинг в світлі нотаріальної діяльності: Методичні матеріали. – Київ: КНТ, 2016. – 87 с. 5. Антилегалізаційний фінансовий моніторинг : ризик-орієнтований підхід : монографія / О.О. Глущенко, І.Б. Семеген ; за загальною редакцією Р.А. Слав’юка : Київ : УБС НБУ, 2014. – 386 с.