Technologies and Protocols of Radio Engineering and Telecommunication

Major: Programming of radio engineering systems hardware
Code of subject: 7.172.09.E.029
Credits: 7.00
Department: Theoretical Radio Engineering and Radio Measurement
Lecturer: Prof., Dr. Eng. Sc. Ivan Horbatyi
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Know: - basic concepts of the theory of reliability of radio-electronic systems and complexes, the essence of modern circuit engineering, system engineering and reliability aspects of designing radio-electronic equipment and hierarchical levels of abstraction of models of design objects; - classification of methods and types of control and diagnosis of radio-electronic equipment (REA), main schemes of organization of control and diagnosis of REA; - functional schemes of REA control devices, main hardware and software methods of REA control and main indicators of their effectiveness; - the concept of building automated control systems of radio-electronic devices and systems; - types of maintenance, means and methods of increasing the reliability of radio-electronic systems and complexes; - evaluation methods and methods of increasing the reliability and safety of non-reserved, reserved, renewable and non-renewable radio electronic systems and complexes; Able: - effectively apply automated design methods and tools in the circuit design process, in particular MicroCap and MATLAB Simulink programs, synthesize stable macromodels of linear and non-linear circles with concentrated parameters with using these programs; - to apply the acquired knowledge on control and diagnosis of REA, hardware implementation of existing REA control methods; - to evaluate the impact of control on the reliability indicators of controlled objects.
Required prior and related subjects: • Digital systems and means of organizing information networks: sections " Principles of construction of digital systems "; " Principles of of construction of information networks". • Design of radio engineering systems: sections "Principles of construction of radio engineering systems", "Structures of radio engineering systems"; • Design of radio frequency remote control devices: sections "Principles of building radio frequency remote control devices", "Protocols of radio frequency remote control devices".
Summary of the subject: The educational discipline is designed to acquaint students with new technical solutions in the field of radio engineering, telecommunications, modern data transmission technologies and speech signals. The principles of functioning, technologies and protocols of modern radio engineering and telecommunication systems are considered. Methods of signal formation and processing in radio engineering and telecommunication systems are considered.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current monitoring of students' learning results is carried out in laboratory classes by checking the performance of individual laboratory classes. Semester control is carried out by checking individual written works completed according to the semester control schedule.
Recommended books: 1. Горбатий І.В. Телекомунікаційні системи та мережі. Принципи функціонування, технології та протоколи : навчальний посібник / І.В. Горбатий, А.П. Бондарєв. – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016. – 336 с. 2. Воробієнко П.П. Телекомунікаційні та інформаційні мережі : підручник [для вищих навчальних закладів] / П.П. Воробієнко, Л.А, Нікітюк, П.І. Резніченко. – К. : САММІТ-Книга, 2010. – 708 с. : іл. 3. Бондарєв А.П. Пристрої цифрових систем стільникового зв’язку : навчальний посібник / А.П. Бондарєв, Б.А. Мандзій, С.В. Давіденко. – Львів : Видавництво національного університету “Львівська політехніка”, 2011. – 222 с.