City Planning and Urban Design City Planning and Urban Design
Qualification awarded: Master in architecture and town planning
Entry year: 2022
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 1,5 years
Institute: Institute of Architecture and Design
Number of credits: 90 credits ECTS
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: NQF Level 7 (Second cycle of QF-EHEA / EQF Level 7)
Field(s) of study: Architecture and construction
Specific admission requirements: An applicant must have the
higher education document of state standard of the first level (bachelor)and pass the creative competition.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: The recognition of foreign higher education is made by Lviv Polytechnic National University. There are no mechanisms for the recognizing of informal education.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: Full implementation of the educational program and defense of master's qualification work
Characteristics of the educational program: The educational-professional program is based on well-known positions and results of modern scientific researches in the field of: architecture theory and urban planning, architectural design, landscape architecture, regional planning. There is possible the further professional and scientific career growth within these topical specializations.
Програмні результати навчання: -to be able to use historical archival materials, conduct full-scale survey of natural conditions and urban constraints;
-carry out analysis of reference plan, functional using of the territory the values and typologies оf the buildings, transport infrastructure;
-identify the conflict points, nodes and urban situations which are needed in solution;
-understand the concept of architectural and planning and spatial resolution of the general plan of the city, and use it for future detail planning of the territory.
-forming of the residential, industrial, landscape and recreational areas in the city;
-placing of the the public buildings, institutions of cultural and community services, industrial objects in the city planning structure;
-planning of the street and road infrastructure, organization of parking system with parking lots and garages;
-landscaping of the green areas;
-solve the architectural planning and volumetric spatial composition of the building fragments;
-count of technical and economic parameters.
-to analyze global trends and trends in the urban planning;
-rate the opportunities for development of individual segments of urban structure;
-to use a participatory approaches to design;
-to test expediency of application of certain technical solutions to implement the assigned tasks;
-to identify the perspective of the projected urban solutions;
-to apply anthropocentric considerations and ecological methods;
-to understand the continuity of urban development and value of the objects that should be protected;
-to base the decisions on energy-saving technologies.
- ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions;
- ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired and gain new professional knowledge;
- ability to respond responsibly to the work performed, to make decisions independently, to achieve the stated purpose, observing the requirements of professional ethics;
- ability to demonstrate an understanding of the basic environmental principles of occupational safety and health and their application.
Academic mobility: There is possibility of students mobility based on bilateral agreements between the Lviv Polytechnic National University and universities of Ukraine or higher educational institutions of foreign partner countries.
Work placement(s): The program provides practice on the theme of master's qualification work in volume of 6 credits
Programme director: Professor, Ph.D.Halyna Petrivna Petyshyn, e-mail:
Occupational profiles of graduates: A trained specialist has the opportunity to work in following structures: design bureaus of architectural, urban and regional planning directions; divisions of the state-level and local self-government administration (Department of Architecture and Urban Development, Department of City Development, Department of Urban Planting and Economy); the institutions of historical environmental protection; research institutes as well as research and forecasting centers; utilities enterprises; construction organizations.
Access to further studies: Obtaining third (educational and scientific / educational and creative) level
Other program features: The program is implemented in Ukrainian and partly in English