Business, Trade and Exchange Activities Business, Trade and Exchange Activities
Qualification awarded: Doctor of Philosophy in Management and administration by Specialty Business, trade and exchange activities
Entry year: 2021
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 4 years
Institute: Department of Doctoral and Post-graduate studies
Number of credits: 60 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: Third (Doctoral) level, 8-th level of NQF, EHEA third Cycle
Field(s) of study: Management and Administration
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: Provided that the previous level is obtained in another country, nostrification is required. conducted by Lviv Polytechnic.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: Complete implementation of the curriculum, passing the qualification exam
Characteristics of the educational program: The educational and scientific program is based on fundamental theories of management and administration and the results of modern scientific research. It is aimed at the development of theoretical and methodological and methodological and applied base of entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity with accentuation of the latest tendencies of management and administration development, which deepens the professional scientific outlook and provides the basis for carrying out scientific researches and further professional and scientific activities. specialty within which further scientific and teaching career is possible.
Gained competence: 1. Mastering the skills of planning, organizing and analyzing various types of classroom and extra-curricular classes, as well as the use of modern effective methods of teaching, teaching, education and socio-cultural development of students.
2. Application of modern information technologies for acquaintance with modern pedagogical theoretical and methodological provisions, as well as for organization of conducting of auditorium and extra-auditory classes.
3. Awareness and understanding of modern theoretical and methodological provisions in the field of economic development of entrepreneurship on the basis of the concept of sustainable development.
4. Understanding current trends in the field of e-commerce implementation and ensuring the safety and comfort of consumption, knowledge of virtual economy technologies and methods of searching and researching information on the implementation of e-commerce.
5. Awareness of the basic principles of pricing in stock markets, understanding the essence of the concept of reflexivity and its role in analyzing and forecasting the dynamics of prices in stock markets.
6. Awareness of the basic principles of heuristics and its importance in entrepreneurship, understanding of modern theoretical and methodological provisions on enterprise management based on the application of heuristics methods.
7. Awareness of the theoretical and applied principles of idea generation based on the use of synectics, understanding of the importance of synectics in deciding on the positioning and promotion of goods.
8. Awareness of theoretical approaches to optimizing organizational development of business structures, understanding of the essence of ZFC tools and its role in organizing business activities.
1. Knowledge of current theoretical principles and teaching experience in various universities with the purpose of planning and organizing classroom and extracurricular classes, as well as controlling the level of students' mastering of knowledge.
2. Knowledge of modern theoretical and methodological concepts in the management of economic development of entrepreneurship, knowledge of the experience of enterprises in the field of sustainable development concept.
3. Knowledge of modern e-commerce technologies, knowledge of methods of protection of information in virtual trade and providing the necessary level of comfort of consumption of products distributed through the use of e-commerce.
4. Knowledge of the mechanism of pricing in stock markets and methods of modeling its dynamics based on the concept of reflectivity.
5. Knowledge of the methods of heuristics, their theoretical and applied basis, knowledge of the basic principles of enterprise management in an uncertain environment.
6. Knowledge of the mechanism of idea generation with the use of synectics, understanding of theoretical and applied provisions in the field of positioning and promotion of goods.
7. Knowledge of ZFC tools and theoretical and applied provisions of their use in optimizing organizational development of business structures.
8. Knowledge of modern theoretical approaches to interpreting its essence, determining its level and measuring the impact on the development of the organization.
9. Knowledge of modern features of international legal regulation of offshore business and its role in commercial enterprise.
10. Knowledge of theoretical positions and experience of economically developed countries on enterprise clustering.
11. Knowledge of theoretical and methodological provisions in the field of management approaches, directions of their transformation in the conditions of activation of the European integration processes
1. Ability to plan and organize classroom and extracurricular activities, as well as analyze their results.
2. Ability to analyze the theoretical position and experience of enterprises in the practical implementation of the concept of sustainable development in order to generalize and identify the underlying trends.
3. Ability to analyze current theoretical and applied positions in the field of e-commerce, to explore the experience of virtual trade implementation in practice, to determine and improve the level of protection of information in the field of e-commerce.
4. Ability to model the dynamics of prices in stock markets based on the use of the concept of reflectivity.
5. Ability to use heuristics methods in the management of the enterprise in the implementation of management functions and management decisions.
6. Ability to use synectics when generating ideas to identify strategic and tactical landmarks for positioning and promoting goods.
7. Ability to implement and improve the process of optimizing the organizational development of business structures based on the use of ZFC tools.
8. Ability to carry out anti-crisis management of the organization on the basis of forming the intellectual potential of the organization.
9. Ability to manage the development of a commercial enterprise taking into account offshore opportunities.
10. Ability to implement and improve the process of enterprise clustering on the basis of modern theoretical concepts and experience of economically developed countries.
11. Ability to adapt and improve management processes on the basis of taking into account the transformation of management approaches caused by the European integration processes.
Academic mobility: within the framework of the EU Erasmus + program on the basis of bilateral agreements between the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" and the educational institutions of the partner countries
Work placement(s): pedagogical workshop
Programme director: Leader: Kniaz Sviatoslav Volodymyrovych
Access to further studies: scientific program of the fourth (scientific) level of higher education "Doctor of Sciences"
Other program features: educational and scientific program is implemented in Ukrainian