Museum and Monument Studies Museum and Monument Studies
Qualification awarded: Master museology, monuments studies
Entry year: 2020
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 1,5 years
Institute: Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Number of credits: 90 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: NQF Level 7 (Second cycle of QF-EHEA / EQF Level 7)
Field(s) of study: Culture and arts
Specific admission requirements: none, the admission is conducted on the general conditions of entrance.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: The education and professional program is based on the statements and results of modern scientific research in museology, monument protection activities, museum business management, monument protection resource studies and is oriented at the realization of the acquired competences in the research pedagogical, exhibitional activities of a future specialist. Under the condition that the previous educational degree has been received in another country, nostrification is needed and will be conducted by Lviv Polytechnic.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: Completed educational program, with the volume of 90 credits, successful defense of the master’s qualification work.
Characteristics of the educational program: Comprehensive consideration of the procedure of protection of cultural, historical legacy, the ability to conduct attribution, interpretation and popularizing of the material monuments. The education and professional program has two practical directions – museology and monument protection activities.
Gained competence: 1. The ability to show in practice the correspondence of the acquired knowledge to the scientific and legal standards in the sphere of museology and protection of the historical and cultural monuments, to use the acquired the knowledge in the practical work; 2. The ability to write a scientific essay in museology research, understanding of the order of work in preparing a scientific research; 3. The ability to adapt the results of the existing scientific research during creating new ones and using the existing exhibits, exhibitions, routes, etc.; 4. The ability to classify, to conduct attribution, to systematize, interpret museum exhibits, to conduct work in registration of museum collections, to be acquainted with the general rules of preserving the museum collections, the fundamentals of restoration and conservation; 5. The ability to use the acquired knowledge in forming the value orientations of citizens on the basis of personal comprehension of historical and cultural experience of the past, the establishment of historical-cultural experience of the emotional and value attitude to the world.
1. The ability to demonstrate the connections between the historical events distanced in time and the modern actions of an individual; dynamic experience of his/her historical and cultural practices as ways of self-fulfilment, the system of historical and cultural knowledge motivating humanistic orientation of the personality’s culture; 2. The ability to analyze critically phenomena, facts, alternatives of development of the monument protection sphere, of various information sources; the ability to communicate with others and conduct a dialogue, to show the skills of constructive co-existence (team work, cooperative learning, peaceful problem solving, etc.); to research various cultural practices, to consider controversial issues, personal reflection; 3. The ability to define and form problems directly pertaining to the sphere of decisions in museum management, to find the solving for difficult problems of the rational use of the possibilities of museum and monument protection institutions;
1. The ability to design, hold and complete an average scientific project uniting the tools of the related disciplines with the understanding of the universal knowledge of historical heritage and cultural traditions of Ukraine in the European context; 2. The ability to compare marketing strategies for business models of the development of museum and monument protection institutions, and also of tourist projects; 3. The ability to make a decision and find arguments concerning the choice of methods of solving specialized problems, to assess critically the acquired results and defend the taken decisions.
Academic mobility: There are none, but mobility is encouraged and recognized according to the procedures of ECTS.
Work placement(s): practice according to the topic of the master’s qualification work
Programme director: д.і.н. Муравська Світлана Василівна
Occupational profiles of graduates: 1. Understanding of a museum as a special phenomenon of social and cultural communication. Comprehension and understanding of peculiarities of heritage, its multiperspectivity, the ability to develop and enrich these qualities. 2.Practical skills. The capacity to fulfil museumification of the objects of cultural, historical and natural heritage. Mastering the skills of exposition and exhibition, museum collection and scientific-educational work. The ability to create a competitive museum product on the market of museum services. Using the main marketing tools in the practical museum and monument preserving work. The ability to use the acquired knowledge directly in museum and monuments protection institutions while performing professional duties. Learning the specifics of writing a scientific essay in museological research, understanding of the order of work in preparation of a scientific research. The ability to edit, annotate and comment texts in the cultural heritage sphere. 3. Problem solving. The ability to formulate, analyze and synthetize the ways of solving of scientific problems in the sphere of museology and monument protection activity. To evaluate the significant problems, controversies, concepts, debates, theories in the cultural heritage sphere. 4.The knowledge of resources available for holding musemification and scientific research of museum objects and musealia. 5.Modelling. The ability to build the appropriate models for making complete the collections of museums, exhibitions, exhibits, as well as the projects of interaction of museums and society, museums and mass media, etc. 6.Computer skills. To show the ability to create virtual museum exhibits and exhibitions. The skills of introduction of digital and IT technologies in the exhibit and scientific work with museum collections. Active use of computer, digital technologies and the Internet with the aim of analysis and processing of information. 7.Communication skills. The ability to communicate with colleagues in this sphere concerning the scientific achievements, both at the general level and at the level of specialists, the ability to prepare oral and written reports, to discuss the monument protection themes in the native language and in English. The capability to develop social awareness of the cultural heritage role. 8.Pedagogical mastery and public speech skills. The use of interactive pedagogical techniques and methods for different target groups of visitors while conducting excursions, the ability to analyze ways, in which pedagogical skills are used in practice, by using effectively the main pedagogical concepts. 9.The ability to use the tools of related humanity sciences according to the scientific project which is being implemented in museum or monument protection institutions. 10.Cooperation. The ability to communicate and cooperate with state and public organizations, international museum and monument protection institutions. The ability to communicate with target groups – specialized and non-specialized, to develop involving the community in protection and popularization of cultural heritage, to communicate and interpret knowledge and ideas to state institutions and officials and specialized audiences. 11.Management. The ability to manage and administrate the museum and monument protection institutions. Mastering the applied skills of museum and tourist management. The ability to make strategic museum planning in the conditions of market dynamics and competition.
Access to further studies: Obtaining third (educational and scientific / educational and creative) level