Computer Technologies and Systems for Publishing and Printing Industry Computer Technologies and Systems for Publishing and Printing Industry
Qualification awarded: Master of Publishing and Printing
Entry year: 2022
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 1 year 4 months
Institute: Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies
Number of credits: 90 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: NQF Level 7 (Second cycle of QF-EHEA / EQF Level 7)
Field(s) of study: Production and Technologies
Specific admission requirements: Bachelor degree is needed. Students enrollment is on the basis of entrance examinations.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: The full implementation of the educational program, final Master thesis.
Програмні результати навчання: PH 1. To be responsible for the development of professional knowledge and practices, assessment of the strategic development of the team, and the formation of an effective personnel policy.
PH 2. Assess prospects, create scientifically and technically sound forecasts, research and carry out conceptual and substantive modeling of industry development trends.
PH 3. Make effective decisions on publishing and printing, including in complex and unpredictable conditions, forecast their development and market conditions, identify factors that affect the achievement of goals, including customer requirements, analyze and compare alternatives, assess risks and likely consequences of decisions.
PH 4. Communicate fluently orally and in writing in Ukrainian and one of the foreign languages (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish) when discussing professional issues, research and innovation in the field of publishing and printing and related issues.
PH 5. To develop and implement projects of publishing and printing production and systems of their engineering and technical support, taking into account engineering, legal, economic, environmental and social aspects, to provide them with information and methodological support.
PH 6. Manage complex activities in the field of publishing and printing, organize and improve the activities of publishing and printing industries, develop plans and measures for their implementation, ensure quality, and calculate the technical and economic efficiency of production.
PH 7. Perform computer-aided design of individual components of the technological process.
PH 8. Develop and implement effective technologies, develop instructions and technological regulations for the production of publishing and printing products.
PH 9. Conduct research and/or carry out innovative activities in order to obtain new knowledge and create new technologies and products in the field of publishing and printing and in broader multidisciplinary contexts.
PH 10. To build and research models of technological processes of publishing and printing, to assess their adequacy, to determine the limits of applicability.
PH 11. Apply modern experimental and mathematical methods, information technology and specialized software for research and development in the field of publishing and printing.
PH 12. Search for the necessary data in the scientific literature, databases and other sources, analyze and evaluate these data.
PH 13. To use in practice the knowledge of domestic and international legislation on the protection and preservation of copyright in the production of printed and electronic publications, packaging, multimedia information products and other types of publishing and printing products.
Block 01. Multimedia information systems.
PH 1.1. To know and use in practice the principles of construction and functioning of integrated data mining systems and features of the use of their components in printing.
PH 1.2. Design and develop interactive multimedia applications and their individual elements, process multimedia content
PH 1.3. Be able to solve problems of creating multimedia fragments and their use on the Internet, know the basic concepts of multimedia and the basics of multimedia technologies, hardware and software of multimedia systems.
PH 1.4. Acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills to design and use databases and data warehouses and knowledge bases based on them.
Academic mobility: On the basis of bilateral agreements between the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" and universities of Ukraine and/or higher educational institutions of foreign partner countries.
Work placement(s): Field placement (research practice) is a part of the programme.
Programme director: Dr.Sc., Professor Tkachenko R.O.
Occupational profiles of graduates: Professional in: IT-enterprises and organizations that produce products with elements of computer design, artificial intelligence; information systems design and implementation; printing industry; publishing offices; business media industry; research institutions.
Access to further studies: Obtaining third (educational and scientific / educational and creative) level