Architectural Design of Object in Groups (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Architecture of Buildings and Structures
Code of subject: 7.191.01.E.044
Credits: 3.00
Lecturer: Ass. prof., PhD. Olga Kryvoruchko
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. To have knowledge of the basic concepts, terms and meanings, the language of professional communication in the field of architecture and urban planning, to observe the norms of academic integrity. 3. Organize and carry out effective communications within the team, combine independent and collective work on complex architectural and urban planning projects. 6. To understand the social role of architectural activity, to assume responsibility for the effectiveness and consequences of decision-making in the field of architecture and urban planning in compliance with the basics of professional ethics. 14. Conduct research and/or innovative activities, apply traditional and innovative methods of designing and conducting research 15. Determine the stages and directions of the historical development of architectural phenomena, critically evaluate, research trends and processes in architectural theory and practice, reconstruction and renovation of architectural and urban planning objects, interior design 16. To develop theoretical, typological approaches to solving the problems of the formation and development of the architectural and urban planning environment based on the systematization of natural, humanitarian and technical sciences data
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Architectural design of public buildings and structures; Design of interior elements of residential and public buildings (architectural design) Modern concepts and innovations in architecture and urban planning. Co-requisites: Basics of building residential and public facilities (complex design). Comprehensive study of an architectural and urban planning object.
Summary of the subject: The content of the discipline "Group architectural design of the object (KP) - the design of the NULP campus involves the study of innovative changes in architectural thinking, new approaches in design, modern trends in urban planning, the latest technological, material and constructive means. During the study of the discipline, students apply in practice the main methods of pre-project analysis and architectural design in accordance with the following main stages: sketch-idea, sketch, design drawings. Students work on this topic in small teams (3-4 students) and acquire skills in organizing group work, establishing cooperation in a team for effective development of a project solution. Using modern architectural and planning, compositional and constructive methods, students acquire the skills of a systematic approach to solving project tasks, master the methodology of problem-based design. Acquaintance with innovative approaches in architectural design together with the application of a conceptual approach in group design are intended to qualitatively raise the level of practical professional design.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control: evaluation of the presentation of the materials of the pre-project studies of the territory, two closures and their protections, the preliminary presentation of the prepared KP drawings. Final control: review of the course project, differentiated assessment.
Recommended books: Cherkes, B. S., Linda S. M. Architecture of modernity. The last third of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st centuries: education. manual / B. S. Cherkes, S. M. Linda. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic, 2010. - 384 p. : ill., tab. Hnes I.P. Multi-apartment housing: trends of evolution [Text]: monograph / Ihor Hnes; National Lviv Polytechnic University. - L.: View in Lviv. polytechnics, 2013. - 650 p. State building regulations of Ukraine. DBN B.2.2-12:2019 Planning and development of territories. Kutsevich V.V. etc. Normative and methodical foundations of architectural design of public buildings and structures: teaching. manual Kyiv, 2016. 111 p. E. Neufert. Podrencznik proektowania architektoniczno-budowlanego. - Warszawa "Arkady": 2000. - 552 p., illustrations.