
Major: Geotechnical Engineering
Code of subject: 7.103.03.E.013
Credits: 5.00
Department: Engineering Geodesy
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof., Ph.D. Petrov Sergey Leonidovich
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of teaching the discipline is to highlight the main concepts and approaches to the complex of engineering and geodetic search, monitoring and consulting works, in the fields of engineering and technical support of construction projects of engineering structures and buildings and geotechnical safety control during their construction and operation.
Завдання: 1. The ability to demonstrate knowledge and skills in conducting experiments, collecting geodetic data, conducting geodetic measurements and research, modeling and analyzing the obtained results in geotechnical engineering. 2. The ability to choose a specialization, plan and develop course and master's theses, use the resulting competencies to prepare and implement a research plan for geodetic prospecting and monitoring works. 3. To use the theoretical and practical achievements of humanitarian, natural and exact sciences when necessary to solve the given task or research in the field of geotechnical engineering. 4. The ability to clearly and unambiguously convey one's own well-founded conclusions and knowledge to specialists, non-specialists and people who are studying. 5. Ability to demonstrate understanding of basic environmental principles, occupational health and safety, and their application in the field of geotechnical engineering. 6. The ability to carry out engineering and geodetic survey work at the stage of designing engineering buildings and structures, geodetic support of construction and geodetic monitoring of these objects during operation. 7. Apply modern technologies of geodetic monitoring for complex modeling of the interaction of buildings and structures with the geological environment. 8. The ability to use methodical approaches of applied geodynamic analysis to solve predictive and search problems, assess risks from natural disasters in order to provide expert opinions in the field of geotechnical engineering.
Learning outcomes: The learning outcomes of this discipline detail the following program learning outcomes: 1. Ability to demonstrate knowledge of professionally oriented disciplines of specialization. 2. Demonstration of knowledge of the current state of affairs and the latest technologies in the field of natural sciences about the Earth. 3. To use theoretical and practical achievements of humanities, natural and exact sciences if necessary to solve the given task or research. 4. Ability to demonstrate knowledge and skills in conducting experiments, data collection, modeling and analysis of the obtained results in geotechnical engineering. 5. Ability to choose a specialization, plan and develop coursework and master's work, use the resulting competencies to prepare and implement a research plan according to the defined time frames. 6. To use theoretical and practical achievements of humanities, natural and exact sciences if necessary to solve the given task or research. 7. The ability to clearly and unambiguously convey one's own well-founded conclusions and knowledge to specialists, non-specialists and people who are studying. 8. Ability to demonstrate understanding of basic environmental principles, occupational health and safety, and their application.
Required prior and related subjects: Project management in geotechnical engineering
Summary of the subject: Geodetic preparation of project transfer in kind. Geodetic works at zero construction cycle. Geodetic maintenance of installation of constructions and technological equipment. Executive geodetic surveys. Geodetic observations of displacement and deformation of structures.
Опис: Geodetic preparation of project transfer in nature. Geodetic works at zero construction cycle. Geodetic maintenance of installation of buildings and technological equipment. Executive geodetic surveys. Geodetic observations of displacement and deformations of buildings.
Assessment methods and criteria: on laboratory work, oral examination, control work (40%); final control (60%, control measure, exam): written and oral form (60%).
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: The following methods are provided for monitoring the results of students' studies in the process of current and semester controls: • Current control over the performance of laboratory works and their protection; • Written test in the form of an exam.
Recommended books: 1.Войтенко С. П. Геодезичні роботи в будівництві навчальний посібник / Войтенко С. П. – К. ІСДО, 1993. – 144 с. 2. Могильний С. Г. Геодезія / С. Г. Могильний, С. П. Войтенко. – Чернігів КП Видавництво «Чернігівські обереги», 2002. – 408 с. 3. Островський О. Л. Геодезія / О. Л. Островський та ін. – Львів, 2004. – 164 с. 4. Ратушняк Г. С. Геодезичні роботи в будівництві / Г. С. Ратушняк, О. Г. Лялюк. – Вінниця ВНТУ, 2008. – 182 с. 5. Система забезпечення точності геометричних параметрів у будівництві. Геодезичні роботи у будівництві ДБН В.1.3-2:2010 – [Чинний від 2010-01-21]. – К. Мінрегіонбуд України, 2010. – 70 с. – (Національні стандарти України).