Modelling and Design of Chemical-Pharmaceutical Enterprises in GMP System (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy
Code of subject: 7.226.01.O.11
Credits: 3.00
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Andriy Mylyanych
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - Knowledge of the design and technology of design work, design features of production and auxiliary facilities; - Know the basic principles of building design chemical and pharmaceutical industries and principles of the layout of process equipment; - Be able to calculate, design and simulate new technological scheme of pharmaceuticals and chemical and pharmaceutical companies as a whole to meet the requirements and safety rules and regulations GMP.
Required prior and related subjects: Pre requisites: - Processes and equipment of pharmaceutical industries; - Equipment and design of pharmaceutical industries; - Chemistry and technology of medicinal substances, part 1 and 2. Ko requisites: - Industrial technology of pharmaceutical production; - Industrial equipment of pharmaceutical production.
Summary of the subject: Submitted material on basic principles and methods of designing and modeling new technological scheme of pharmaceuticals and chemical and pharmaceutical companies as a whole to meet the requirements and safety rules and regulations GMP. The main building codes, materials and components for manufacturing of industrial and auxiliary buildings of chemical-pharmaceutical companies.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Test control and oral examination at workshops on topics studied, written test and evaluation of individual tasks (30%); - Final evaluation (70% - control measure, exam), written-oral form (70%).
Recommended books: 1. Процеси і апарати хіміко-фармацевтичної промисловості. Навч посібник для фарм і хім спец. / Сидоров Ю.І., Чуєшов В.І., Новіков В.П. - Винница: Нова Книга, 2009. -816 с. 2. Технологічне обладнання біотехнологічної і фармацевтичної промисловості: підручник [для вищ. навч. закл.] / Стасевич М.В., Милянич., А.О., Стрельников Л.С., Крутських Т.В, Бучкевич І.Р., Зайцев О.І Гузьова., І.О., Стрілець О.П., Гладух Є.В., Новіков В.П. –Львів: «Новий Світ-2000», 2016. –410 с. 3. Технологія ліків промислового виробництва : підручник: у 2 ч. / В. І. Чуєшов, Є. В. Гладух, І. В. Сайко [та ін.];– Харків : НФаУ ; Оригінал, 2012. – Ч. 1 і 2.