Industrial Equipment of Chemical-pharmaceutical Production

Major: Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy
Code of subject: 7.226.01.O.10
Credits: 3.00
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: Professor, Doctor of Science Maryna Stasevych
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: A student should: - know the design and principles of various kinds of equipment of chemical and pharmaceutical companies of domestic and foreign production, their use in different industrial processes; - know the characteristics of various types of industrial equipment of chemical and pharmaceutical industries; - select industrial equipment for the particular process in chemical-pharmaceutical industries; - carry out constructional calculations for a specific type of equipment.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Equipment and design of pharmaceutical plants, Processes and equipment of pharmaceutical industries. Co-requisites: Industrial pharmaceutical technology industries Part 1, Part 2, Modeling and design of chemical and pharmaceutical enterprises in GMP system
Summary of the subject: Features of processes and apparatus of chemical-pharmaceutical enterprises. Materials for manufacture of pharmaceutical equipment. Equipment for mechanical processes. Equipment for crushing process. Bolting of bulk materials. Batcher of solids in the pharmaceutical industry. Mixing of solids. Mechanisms for moving of solid materials. Processing of pressing. Drying equipment in the pharmacy. Ampoulation.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Written practical exercises and individual work - 40 points - Final control (exam) - 60 points (written-oral form)
Recommended books: 1. Технологічне обладнання біотехнологічної і фармацевтичної промисловості: підручник [для вищ. навч. закл.] Стасевич М.В., Милянич., А.О., Стрельников Л.С., Крутських Т.В, Бучкевич І.Р., Зайцев О.І Гузьова., І.О., Стрілець О.П., Гладух Є.В., Новіков В.П. – Львів: «Новий Світ-2000», 2018. – 410 с. 2. Технологія ліків промислового виробництва : підручник : у 2 ч. / В. І. Чуєшов, Є. В. Гладух, І. В. Сайко [та ін.]; Національний фармацевтичний університет. – 2-ге вид., перероблене і доповнене. – Харків : НФаУ ; Оригінал, 2012. – Ч. 1. – 694 с., Ч. 2. – 726 с : іл., табл. 3. Процеси і апарати хіміко-фармацевтичної промисловості. Навч посібник для фарм і хім спец. ВНЗ: Сидоров Ю.І., Чуєшов В.І., Новіков В.П. -Винница: Нова Книга, 2010. - 816 с.