Designing Engineering Structures ofRrailways (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Railway constructions and track management
Code of subject: 6.273.03.M.063
Credits: 1.00
Department: Department of Railway Transport
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна

Designing Engineering Structures ofRrailways

Major: Railway constructions and track management
Code of subject: 6.273.03.M.059
Credits: 6.00
Department: Department of Railway Transport
Lecturer: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kovalchuk Vitalii
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 4. To carry out professional activities using information technologies, "Information databases", navigation systems, Internet resources, software and other information and communication technologies. 5. Use the principles of formation of labor resources; identify reserves for improving the work efficiency of employees of railway infrastructure facilities. 9. Apply international and national standards and practices in professional activities. 11. Know the main historical stages of development of the subject area and be able to operate with basic categories and concepts of the specialty. 12. To know the basic provisions of the regulatory and legislative acts of Ukraine in the field of railway transport, the Rules for the technical operation of railways of Ukraine, instructions and recommendations for the operation, repair and maintenance of railway infrastructure objects, its systems and elements. 13. To be able to identify and distinguish objects of the railway track and structures, their systems and elements. 14. To organize a measuring experiment on railway infrastructure objects and to evaluate its results. 15. To develop and implement technological processes, technological equipment and technological equipment, means of automation and mechanization during the construction, operation, repair and maintenance of railway track objects and structures, their systems and elements. 16. Develop, draw up and introduce into production documentation on the certainty of technological processes of construction, operation, repair and maintenance of railway track objects and structures, their systems and other instructions, rules and methods. 17. Develop technical tasks and technical conditions for the design of railway track objects and structures, their systems and individual elements; draw up plans for the placement of equipment, technical equipment and organization of workplaces, calculate the loading of mechanisms and indicators of product quality. 18. To calculate the main characteristics and parameters of the technological processes of production and repair of railway track objects and structures in order to compare them and form management decisions regarding the further functioning of enterprises (track distances, railway machine station, railway track and construction diagnostic center) with evaluation the quality of its products. 19. Know the structure of operation management, maintenance and repair of railway track objects and structures, their systems and individual elements. 20. To know the purpose and specifics of the work of the structural units of linear enterprises (track distance, railway machine station, railway track and facilities diagnostic center) and factories, small groups of performers (brigades, patrols, stations), regarding the construction, operation, repair and maintenance of objects of railway transport, their systems and elements. 21. Know the methods and be able to use the means of technical measurements, technical regulations, standards and other normative documents during the technical diagnosis of objects of the railway infrastructure, its systems and elements. 22. To use modern software tools for the development of design and construction and technological documentation for the creation, operation, repair and maintenance of railway track objects and structures, their systems and elements. 24. To analyze technical and economic and operational indicators of railway infrastructure objects, its systems and elements.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous and related academic disciplines: Engineering geology. Railway track. Part 1. Geodetic measurements of the railway track. Design and operation of railway facilities. Part 1. Technology and mechanization of railway construction. Part 1 and Part 2 The following academic disciplines: Track management. Part 2 and Part 3. Railway track. Part 3 and Part 4. Management of capital construction of railways
Summary of the subject: Within the framework of this course, the structures of bridges, pipes and tunnels, which are built and operated on railways, and the basics of their design are studied. Prospective transport structures made of prefabricated metal corrugated structures, which are built on railways in the form of small bridges and culverts, are considered. Methods and criteria for assessing operational suitability, methods of repair and reconstruction of bridges, pipes and tunnels are studied. Students acquire theoretical skills in the methodology of conducting surveys and experimental tests of railway engineering structures in operating conditions. The issues studied in the discipline are focused on solving the main problems of railway transport and transport construction: improving the quality of buildings, technical reconstruction of transport, increasing transport and throughput capacity, ensuring the safe and uninterrupted operation of transport.
Assessment methods and criteria: Students' knowledge is assessed using the following methods: 1. Protection of reports for practical works by conducting an oral survey on the subject of the work. 2. Conducting a written exam based on the results of studying the discipline, which consists of three-level theoretical and practical tasks. 3. Conducting the oral component based on the results of the written exam, the questions of which are based on the content of lecture and practical tasks.
Recommended books: 1. Mosty i truby. Pravyla proektuvannia: DBN V. 2.3.-14:2006. - [Chynnyi vid 2007-02-01]. – K.: Minbud Ukrainy, 2006. – 359 s. - (Derzhavni budi¬velni normy Ukrainy). 2. Luchko Y. Y. Budova ta ekspluatatsiia shtuchnykh sporud [Tekst]: Za red. d. t. n., prof. Y. Y. Luchka / Y. Y. Luchko, O. S. Raspopov // M-vo osvity i nauky, molodi ta sportu Ukrainy; Dnipropetrovskyi nats. un-t zaliznych. transportu im. Akad. V. Lazariana. – Lviv: Kameniar, 2011. – 879 s. 3. Luchko Y. Y. Mosty, truby i tuneli [Tekst]: Za red. d. t. n., prof. Y. Y. Luchka / Y. Y. Luchko, O. S. Raspopov, P. M. Koval // M-vo osvity i nauky Ukrainy; Dnipropetrovskyi nats. un-t zaliznych. transportu im. Akad. V. Lazariana. – Lviv: Kameniar, 2014. – 879 s. 4. Metodychni vkazivky zi skladannia variantiv metalevoho mosta / Y. Y. Luchko, V. V. Kovalchuk – Lviv: Kameniar, 2012. – 34 s. 5. Ekspluatatsiia zaliznychnykh mostiv. Pravyla vyznachennia vantazhopidiomnosti metalevykh prohonovykh budov zaliznychnykh mostiv : HSTU 32. 6. 03. 111-2002. – [Chynnyi vid 2001-12-05 №850] – K.: Ministerstvo trans¬portu Ukrainy, 2003. – 381s. – (Haluzevyi standart Ukrainy). 6. Mosty ta truby. Otsinka tekhnichnoho stanu mostiv, shcho ekspluatuiutsia: VBN V.3.1-218-174-2002. – K.:Ukravtodor, 2002. – 74 s.

Designing Engineering Structures ofRrailways

Major: Railway constructions and track management
Code of subject: 6.273.03.M.059
Credits: 6.00
Department: Department of Railway Transport
Lecturer: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kovalchuk Vitalii
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 4. To carry out professional activities using information technologies, "Information databases", navigation systems, Internet resources, software and other information and communication technologies. 5. Use the principles of formation of labor resources; identify reserves for improving the work efficiency of employees of railway infrastructure facilities. 9. Apply international and national standards and practices in professional activities. 11. Know the main historical stages of development of the subject area and be able to operate with basic categories and concepts of the specialty. 12. To know the basic provisions of the regulatory and legislative acts of Ukraine in the field of railway transport, the Rules for the technical operation of railways of Ukraine, instructions and recommendations for the operation, repair and maintenance of railway infrastructure objects, its systems and elements. 13. To be able to identify and distinguish objects of the railway track and structures, their systems and elements. 14. To organize a measuring experiment on railway infrastructure objects and to evaluate its results. 15. To develop and implement technological processes, technological equipment and technological equipment, means of automation and mechanization during the construction, operation, repair and maintenance of railway track objects and structures, their systems and elements. 16. Develop, draw up and introduce into production documentation on the certainty of technological processes of construction, operation, repair and maintenance of railway track objects and structures, their systems and other instructions, rules and methods. 17. Develop technical tasks and technical conditions for the design of railway track objects and structures, their systems and individual elements; draw up plans for the placement of equipment, technical equipment and organization of workplaces, calculate the loading of mechanisms and indicators of product quality. 18. To calculate the main characteristics and parameters of the technological processes of production and repair of railway track objects and structures in order to compare them and form management decisions regarding the further functioning of enterprises (track distances, railway machine station, railway track and construction diagnostic center) with evaluation the quality of its products. 19. Know the structure of operation management, maintenance and repair of railway track objects and structures, their systems and individual elements. 20. To know the purpose and specifics of the work of the structural units of linear enterprises (track distance, railway machine station, railway track and facilities diagnostic center) and factories, small groups of performers (brigades, patrols, stations), regarding the construction, operation, repair and maintenance of objects of railway transport, their systems and elements. 21. Know the methods and be able to use the means of technical measurements, technical regulations, standards and other normative documents during the technical diagnosis of objects of the railway infrastructure, its systems and elements. 22. To use modern software tools for the development of design and construction and technological documentation for the creation, operation, repair and maintenance of railway track objects and structures, their systems and elements. 24. To analyze technical and economic and operational indicators of railway infrastructure objects, its systems and elements.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous and related academic disciplines: Engineering geology. Railway track. Part 1. Geodetic measurements of the railway track. Design and operation of railway facilities. Part 1. Technology and mechanization of railway construction. Part 1 and Part 2 The following academic disciplines: Track management. Part 2 and Part 3. Railway track. Part 3 and Part 4. Management of capital construction of railways
Summary of the subject: Within the framework of this course, the structures of bridges, pipes and tunnels, which are built and operated on railways, and the basics of their design are studied. Prospective transport structures made of prefabricated metal corrugated structures, which are built on railways in the form of small bridges and culverts, are considered. Methods and criteria for assessing operational suitability, methods of repair and reconstruction of bridges, pipes and tunnels are studied. Students acquire theoretical skills in the methodology of conducting surveys and experimental tests of railway engineering structures in operating conditions. The issues studied in the discipline are focused on solving the main problems of railway transport and transport construction: improving the quality of buildings, technical reconstruction of transport, increasing transport and throughput capacity, ensuring the safe and uninterrupted operation of transport.
Assessment methods and criteria: Students' knowledge is assessed using the following methods: 1. Protection of reports for practical works by conducting an oral survey on the subject of the work. 2. Conducting a written exam based on the results of studying the discipline, which consists of three-level theoretical and practical tasks. 3. Conducting the oral component based on the results of the written exam, the questions of which are based on the content of lecture and practical tasks.
Recommended books: 1. Mosty i truby. Pravyla proektuvannia: DBN V. 2.3.-14:2006. - [Chynnyi vid 2007-02-01]. – K.: Minbud Ukrainy, 2006. – 359 s. - (Derzhavni budi¬velni normy Ukrainy). 2. Luchko Y. Y. Budova ta ekspluatatsiia shtuchnykh sporud [Tekst]: Za red. d. t. n., prof. Y. Y. Luchka / Y. Y. Luchko, O. S. Raspopov // M-vo osvity i nauky, molodi ta sportu Ukrainy; Dnipropetrovskyi nats. un-t zaliznych. transportu im. Akad. V. Lazariana. – Lviv: Kameniar, 2011. – 879 s. 3. Luchko Y. Y. Mosty, truby i tuneli [Tekst]: Za red. d. t. n., prof. Y. Y. Luchka / Y. Y. Luchko, O. S. Raspopov, P. M. Koval // M-vo osvity i nauky Ukrainy; Dnipropetrovskyi nats. un-t zaliznych. transportu im. Akad. V. Lazariana. – Lviv: Kameniar, 2014. – 879 s. 4. Metodychni vkazivky zi skladannia variantiv metalevoho mosta / Y. Y. Luchko, V. V. Kovalchuk – Lviv: Kameniar, 2012. – 34 s. 5. Ekspluatatsiia zaliznychnykh mostiv. Pravyla vyznachennia vantazhopidiomnosti metalevykh prohonovykh budov zaliznychnykh mostiv : HSTU 32. 6. 03. 111-2002. – [Chynnyi vid 2001-12-05 №850] – K.: Ministerstvo trans¬portu Ukrainy, 2003. – 381s. – (Haluzevyi standart Ukrainy). 6. Mosty ta truby. Otsinka tekhnichnoho stanu mostiv, shcho ekspluatuiutsia: VBN V.3.1-218-174-2002. – K.:Ukravtodor, 2002. – 74 s.

Designing Engineering Structures ofRrailways (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Railway constructions and track management
Code of subject: 6.273.03.M.063
Credits: 1.00
Department: Department of Railway Transport
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна