Media Economics

Major: Journalism
Code of subject: 7.061.01.O.003
Credits: 6.00
Department: Journalism and Mass Communication
Lecturer: Hotsur Oksana Ivanivna
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of studying the discipline is to acquaint students with the basics of media economics, principles of the media market, basic laws, functions, goals of the media enterprise, forms of media business organization, structure of the editorial budget.
Завдання: - familiarization with the essence of economic processes and relations in the media business; - studying the economic basis of media activities by students; - mastering by students the skills of organizing various forms of media business; - to give an understanding of the regulatory framework for the creation of forms of media business organization and their activities in practice; - to develop the student's ability to create and implement the structure of the editorial budget, pricing and advertising policy of the media; - to formulate students' understanding of the responsibilities of media workers, determining the economic efficiency of the media; - to acquire students' knowledge of taking into account the economic component in professional activities.
Learning outcomes: to be guided in economic aspects of functioning of mass media; take into account the economic component in professional activities; draw up a budget for a media company; apply the studied material to solve practical problems; strategically analyze and forecast economic problems, identify social problems; assess the quantitative, temporal and spatial characteristics of economic problems.
Required prior and related subjects: Organization of editorial work and journalist's work Theory and methods of journalistic creativity Management of editorial office and issue of newspaper, magazine Ukrainian journalism studies Theory and methods of journalistic creativity
Summary of the subject: Mass media and their place in the modern economy. Mass media as a market player. Mass media market. Forms of media ownership. Financial processes and flows in the editorial office. The price of media goods. Working capital of the media. Intangible resources and assets of the media. Human resources of the media. Investment resources of the media. Planning the work of the editorial office. Fundamentals of economic interaction of the editorial office. "Smart savings" in the media.
Опис: Mass media economics is based on the knowledge and conscious use of economic laws and patterns of functioning and development of media production, covers and defines the essence of the processes that take place in the media environment, gives an idea of the basics of media business, its basic and key concepts, processes and phenomena, advertising and pricing component, determines the necessary managerial skills necessary for the successful functioning of the media. The course "Mass Media Economics" accumulates all the acquired knowledge in the field of journalism, focuses on the economic component of media activities, the legal basis of media business in the market conditions of Ukrainian realities, which is extremely important in the context of professional activity; offers tools for effective professional activity in individual and team work, taking into account the needs of information consumers and the peculiarities of the media market.
Assessment methods and criteria: Practical lesson, oral examination, written individual work (40%); final control (control measure, exam): written and oral form (60%)
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Practical classes (7 classes of 5 points) - 35 Performance of control (independent) works - 5 Test (examination) control - 60
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: Depending on the complexity and level of the task, the student can receive from 1 to 5 points during the practical lesson. 1-2 points are given for an oral answer that corresponds to the theoretical material presented at the lecture. 3 points a student receives for an oral answer, which includes information received by the student in addition to lectures also as a result of studying additional literature. 4-5 points provide for supplementing the oral answer with a presentation or performing a creative task, in particular: writing a journalistic material on the topic of the Russian-Ukrainian war, analyzing psychological operations, refuting fakes in the media, analyzing comments on social networks on current, problematic topics and identifying bots / trolls. The control task involves the creation of a draft business plan for a media project and is evaluated with a maximum of 5 points.
Recommended books: 1. Mariana Kitsa, Iryna Mudra Impact of the COVID-19 on the Economic Medialiteracy in Online Media. Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), 2021, 17(2), pp. 290-300. 2. Timmermans, J. (2019). Financial Journalism. Communication and technology, communication and social change. Journalism Studies. [Electronic resource]. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.812 3. Undurraga, T.. Making news of value: exploiting dissonances in economic journalism. Journal of Cultural Economy. 2017, 10(6): 510-523. DOI: 10.1080/ 17530350.2017.1359794. 4. Barzilovych O., Grigorova 3., Punchak L. Fundamentals of media management: textbook. Kyiv, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 2017. 296 с. 5. Wei U. Organizational and economic aspects of the editorial office of the printed media [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: 6. Galushko O.I., Petkevich A.V. Current state and prospects for the development of the global media market. ??GO?. Online, 2019. DOI 10.11232/2663-4139.04.31 7. Features of the development of the modern print media market of Ukraine // Innovations and peculiarities of the functioning of the media in a democratic society: collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference [Lviv, October 28, 2021]. 2021, pp. 27-28. 8. From economic crisis to Covid-19: features of the print media market development: Lviv University Herald. Journalism Series, 2022, No. 51, P. 73-80. rg/10.30970/vjo.2022.51.11396 9. Hotsur O., Popil D. Crisis periods of the print media market (2000-2022), Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Ser. Journalism, 2022, No. 2(4), pp. 38-45.
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