Environmental Regulations and Environmental Law

Major: Environmental Protection Technology
Code of subject: 6.183.00.O.026
Credits: 3.00
Department: Civil Law and Procedure
Lecturer: M. Tarnavska
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Know: problematic issues of theory, practice and lawmaking in the field of environmental relations; current ecological legislation; basic concepts and elements of the legal mechanism of environmental protection; legal regime of protection and rational use of certain natural objects; legal remedies for protecting and ensuring the rights and interests of citizens in the field of environmental protection. Be able to: compare and analyze the norms of environmental legislation; interpret and apply current environmental legislation; generalize environmental legal practice and draw conclusions; to give legal qualifications to relations related to the use and protection of the environment.
Required prior and related subjects: Theory of state and law; Сonstitutional law; Civil law; Land law.
Summary of the subject: The program is aimed at forming the students of the ecological and legal world outlook, ecological and legal thinking, consolidating the necessary legal knowledge in order to address specific issues of practical activities in protecting environmental human rights, ensuring environmental law and order. The purpose of the study is the students' knowledge of the theory of environmental law, their assimilation of the environmental legislation of Ukraine, the formation of skills in its application in practice.
Assessment methods and criteria: Validated oral interviews on practical classes; presentation on practical classes with a lecture, a report, participation in a discussion, etc.; Testing students' knowledge on the topic of the lecture course; written control work (answers to the questions of the lecture course, the solution of practical tasks, exercises, etc.); protection of individual tasks; homework assignment.
Recommended books: 1. Babiak O.S. Ekolohichne pravo Ukrainy : [navch. posib.] / O.S. Babiak, P.D. Bilenchuk, Yu.O. Chyrva. – K. : Atika, 2000. – 216 c. 2. Baliuk H.I. Ekolohichne pravo Ukrainy: konspekt lektsii u skhemakh (Zahalna i Osoblyva chastyna) : [navch. posib.] / H. I. Baliuk. – K. : Yurinkom Inter, 2006. – 192 s. 3. Protsevskyi V.O. Vodne pravo Ukrainy : navch. posib. / V.O.Protsevskyi, O.M. Shumilo. – K. : Tsentr uchb. l-ry, 2012. – 176 s. 4. Hetman A. P. Vstup do teorii ekoloho–protsesualnoho prava Ukrainy : [navch. posib.] / A.P. Hetman. – Kh. : Osnova, 1998. – 205 s. 5. Ekolohichne pravo Ukrainy. Akademichnyi kurs: pidruchnyk. – 2-he vyd. /za zah. red Yu.S. Shemshuchenka. – K. : Yuryd. Dumka, 2008. – 720 s. 6. Ekolohichne pravo Ukrainy : pidruch. dlia stud. vyshch. navch. zakl. /za red. I.I. Karakasha. – Odesa : Feniks, 2012. – 788 s. 7. Ekolohichne pravo Ukrainy. Zahalna chastyna [navch. posib.] /za zah. red. O.M. Shumilo. – Kh. : KhNUVS, 2010. – 292 s. 8. Zuiev V.A. Ekolohichne pravo Ukrainy. Osoblyva chastyna: [navch. posib.] / V.A. Zuiev, I.V. Bryhadyr ta in. – K. : Tsentr uchb. l–ry, 2013. – 432 s. 9. A.P. Hetman Ekolohichne pravo Ukrainy v pytanniakh ta vidpovidiakh : [navch. posib.] / A.P. Hetman, M.V. Shulha, H.V. Anisimov, A.K. Sokolova. – Kh. : TOV «Odissei», 2007. – 480 s. 10. Kovtun O.M. Pravova okhorona terytorii ta obiektiv pryrodno-zapovidnoho fondu Ukrainy : navch. posib. / O.M. Kovtun. – K. : Pretsedent, 2010. – 229 s.