Ecology of Urban Systems

Major: Environmental Protection Technology
Code of subject: 6.183.00.O.064
Credits: 5.00
Department: Ecological Safety and Nature Protection Activity
Lecturer: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Volodymyr Ivanovych Mokry
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Program competencies: CL04. Skills in the use of information and communication technologies. ЗК05. Ability to make informed decisions. ЗК06. Ability to develop and manage projects. ЗК07. The desire to preserve the environment and ensure the sustainable development of society. Program results: PR01. Know modern theories, approaches, principles of environmental policy, fundamental principles of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, biotechnology and professional and applied engineering and technological disciplines for modeling and solving specific environmental problems in the industrial sphere. PR02. Be able to analytically process foreign language sources in order to obtain the information needed to solve environmental problems. PR03. Be able to use information technology and communication networks for environmental tasks. PR04. Substantiate environmental technologies based on an understanding of the mechanisms of human impact on the environment and the processes occurring in it. PR05. Be able to develop projects for environmental activities and manage complex actions for their implementation. PR06. Substantiate and apply natural and artificial systems and processes in the basis of environmental technologies in accordance with the environmental imperative and the concept of sustainable development .
Required prior and related subjects: Ecological safety of production technology Technologies for the protection of protected areas Ecological safety Economics of nature management Landscape ecology Standardization of anthropogenic load on the environment Environmental legislation and environmental law Engineering methods of environmental protection, part 1 Environmental monitoring, Fundamentals of labor protection and life safety
Summary of the subject: The course is aimed at studying the city as an ecological system; analysis of factors, tendencies and consequences of urbanization, formation of urban environment; spatial and functional analysis of urban systems; study of the landscape and ecological basis of cities; analysis of adaptations of organisms, their populations and groups to the conditions of the urban environment; typology and research of urban biogeocenoses; analysis of interactions of biotic, technical and social components of the urban geosociosystem; optimization of the urban environment for the balanced development of urban geosociosystems.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control, oral examination (30%); Final control (control measure, credit): written form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Klimenko M.O. Ecology of urban systems: a textbook / M.O. Klimenko, Yu.V. Pilipenko O.S. Moroz. - Kherson: Oldi-plus, 2012. - 294 p. 2. Curly V.P. Urban ecology. - Lviv: Svit, 1999. - 360 p. 3. Rudko G.I., Sumatokhina I.M. The state of subsoil resources as a factor in the formation and development of cities and industrial-urban agglomerations. / Ed. G.I. Rudka. - K., 2008. - 354p. 4. Yankovskaya L.V. Urboecology: a textbook. - Ternopil: Editorial and Publishing Department of TNPU, 2016. - 151 p.