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Training in Occupational Safety and Health
Major: Industrial and Occupational Safety
Code of subject: 7.263.01.O.005
Credits: 3.00
Department: Civil safety
Lecturer: Korzh Halyna Ivanivna
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PH01. Apply specialized conceptual knowledge, including modern scientific achievements, to solve scientific and applied problems in the field of civil security.
PH03. Integrate knowledge from different fields to solve theoretical and / or practical problems and problems in the field of civil security.
PH04. Develop and implement socially significant projects in the field of civil security and related interdisciplinary projects, taking into account social, economic, technical and legal aspects.
PH12. Determine the indicators and characteristics of products, processes, services in terms of their compliance with the requirements of standards when solving practical and / or scientific problems.
PH14. Carry out forecasting, risk assessment during professional activities and the ability of relevant units to respond to emergencies and events.
PH16. Make effective decisions in complex unpredictable conditions, define goals and objectives, analyze and compare alternatives, evaluate resources.
Required prior and related subjects: Occupational hygiene and occupational diseases.
Automation of safety systems and labor protection
Summary of the subject: Legal framework for training and testing of knowledge on occupational safety and health and organizational aspects of training.
1. Standard regulations on the procedure for training and testing of knowledge on occupational safety.
2. Creation of an order on preparation for training and testing of knowledge on labor protection.
3. Organization of the commission
4. Plans-schedules of training and testing of knowledge on occupational safety and health
Typical thematic curriculum and training program on occupational safety and health.
1. Thematic plan and training program on labor protection for officials
2. Curricula and special training programs
3. Internship programs (duplication) for specific professions
Organization of occupational safety briefings, development and implementation of instructions on occupational safety and health.
1. Content and construction of instructions
2. Presentation of the text of the instructions
3. The order of development, approval and implementation of instructions.
4. Registration, accounting and issuance of instructions at the enterprise
5. Review, terminate and revoke instructions.
6. Instructions on labor protection by professions and types of work (for on-the-job training)
Logs of registrations
Registration of introductory instruction
2. Registration of on-the-job safety briefings
3. Registration of instructions on labor protection at the enterprise
4. Accounting for the issuance of instructions on labor protection at the enterprise
5. Accounting for training on labor protection
Forms of training and testing of knowledge on occupational safety and health
1. Primary training and duplication.
2. Extraordinary training.
3. Special training.
4. Course training
5. Advanced training
6. Admission of employees to work
Conducting training and testing of knowledge on occupational safety and health in educational institutions
1. Organization of training and testing of knowledge on occupational safety and health in educational institutions.
2. Training on occupational safety and health of pupils, students, cadets, students in educational institutions.
3. Forms of testing knowledge on occupational safety and health
4. Examination tickets for testing knowledge on occupational safety for officials.
5. Examination tickets for testing knowledge on occupational safety for persons involved in high-risk work.
6. Registration of learning outcomes.
Methodical support of the educational process on occupational health and safety
1. Typical regulations on the labor protection office
2. Laws, regulations, reference books
3. Textbooks and visual aids, methodological developments, models, lecture material
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control - 30%: practical work;
final examination - 70%: exam - 60%; oral component - 10%.
Recommended books: 1.V. Ts. Zhidetsky, V. S. Dzhigirey, O. V. Mel'nikov - View. 2nd, stereotyped. Lviv: Poster, 2000. 348 p.
2. K. N. Tkachuk, M. A. Khalimovsky, V. Zatsarniy, V. V. Zatsarniy, D. V. Zerkalov, R. V. Sabarno, A. I. Polukarov, V. S. Koz ' Yakov, L.O. Mitiuk. Basics of Occupational Safety: Textbook. 21st edition, supplemented and redone. K .: Osnova, 2006. 448 p.
3. Kuzminsky AI Pedagogy of the Higher School: A Manual .- Kind.2, a stereotype. K .: Knowledge, 2011.486 p.
4. НПАОП 0.00-4.12.05. Typical Regulations on the Procedure of Training and Verifying Knowledge on Occupational Safety