The Basics of Building and Construction Safety

Major: Industrial and Occupational Safety
Code of subject: 7.263.01.M.014
Credits: 5.00
Department: Civil safety
Lecturer: Ph.D., docent, Roman Soltysik
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • ЗН 3. Integrate knowledge from different fields to solve theoretical and / or practical problems and problems • УМ 7. Conduct inspections of the technical condition, the state of civil protection, man-made and industrial safety of facilities, buildings, structures, utilities and their certification
Required prior and related subjects: — prerequsite: Life Safety Physics Engineering and computer graphics — corequsite: Safe operation of engineering systems and networks Technical mechanics
Summary of the subject: 1. Introduction. Basic concepts of safety of buildings and structures. 2. Loads and impacts on buildings and structures 3. Safety of operation of metal structures and materials. 4. Safety of operation of stone structures and materials. 5. Safety of operation of concrete and reinforced concrete building structures. 6. Safety of operation of foundations and foundations of buildings. 7. Safety of operation of wooden structures and materials 8. Safety of operation of walls and partitions, windows and doors, facades and balconies of buildings. 9. Safety of operation of roofs, coverings, overlappings and floors of buildings 10. Physical and moral deterioration of buildings 11. Technical operation of buildings 12. Inspection of the technical condition of buildings and structures. 13. Repair and reconstruction of buildings
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control : written reports on practice works, testing; Final control
Recommended books: 1. Anatoliiovych T. O., Harnets V.M., Bahlai V.A., Ivlieva N.P., Nazarenko I.I., Boiko I.P., Korniienko M.V., Malyshev O.M., Virotskyi V.D., Kostyra N.O., Romanushko Ye.H., Shebek M.O., Bezukh A.V., Lavrynenko L.I., Nilov O.O., Bilyk S.I., Nilova T.O. Tekhnichnyi nahliad za budivnytstvom i bezpechnoiu ekspluatatsiieiu budivel ta inzhenernykh sporud:navch. posib. dlia stud. vyshch. navch. zakl./[za red. O. A. Tuhaia, V. M. Harnetsia] ; Kyiv. nats. un-t bud-va i arkhit.-K.:Vyd-vo "Khai-Tek Pres",2011 .-448 s. 2. Havryliak A.I. Tekhnichna ekspluatatsiia, rekonstruktsiia i modernizatsiia budivel. Navchalnyi posibnyk, Lviv. – 2010. S. 538. 3. Bezpeka ekspluatatsii budivel i sporud ta yikh povedinka v umovakh nadzvychainykh sytuatsii. Navchalnyi posibnyk / O.V. Vasylchenko, Yu.V. Kvitkovskyi, Yu.V. Lutsenko, O.V. Myrhorod. – Kharkiv: NUTsZU, 2010. – 372 s. 4. Havryliak A. I. Osnovy tekhnichnoi ekspluatatsii budivel ta inzhenernykh system:navch. posib. dlia studentiv bud. spets. VNZ/M-vo osvity i nauky Ukrainy, Nats. un-t "Lviv. politekhnika" .-Lviv:Vyd-vo Nats. un-tu "Lviv. politekhnika",2009 .-292 s. 5. Kinash R.I., Hladyshev D.H. Arkhitekturni konstruktsii vyrobnychykh budivel:navch. posib. [dlia studentiv VNZ]/M-vo osvity i nauky Ukrainy, Nats. un-t "Lviv. politekhnika" .-Lviv:Vyd-vo Lviv. politekhniky, 2015 . -288 s. 6. Boiko Kh. S. Typy budynkiv ta arkhitekturni konstruktsii:navch. posib. [dlia studentiv VNZ, yaki navchaiutsia za baz. napriamom 6.020207 "Dyzain"]/M-vo osvity i nauky Ukrainy, Nats. un-t "Lviv. politekhnika" .-2-he vyd., dopovn.-Lviv:Vyd-vo Lviv. politekhniky,2015.-204 s. 7. Budivelne materialoznavstvo / P. V. Kryvenko, K. K. Pushkarova, V. B. Baranovskyi, M. O. Kochevykh, Yu. H. Hasan, B. Ya. Konstantynivskyi, V. O. Raksha. — K.: TOV UVPK «EksOb», 2004. — 704 s. 8. Karvatska Zh. K., Karvatskyi D. V. Budivelni konstruktsii. – Vydannia 2-e, pereroblene y dopovnene. – Chernivtsi: Prut, 2008. – 516 s.