Physical Methods of Analysis of Drugs

Major: Industrial Pharmacy
Code of subject: 7.226.02.O.046
Credits: 3.00
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof., Ph.D. Semen Khomyak
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of studying physical methods of drug analysis is for students to acquire basic knowledge, understanding and competence in the general principles and methods of practical application of physical methods for the analysis of various medicinal and biologically active substances, primarily based on the use of the latest achievements in chemistry and other fundamental sciences. The ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems during professional activity in the field of pharmacy or in the learning process, which involves the application of theories and methods and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions.
Завдання: learning outcomes: • knowledge of basic methods of determining the structure and composition of substances, in particular medicines, raw materials, and reagents. • demonstrate the relationship between structure and pharmacological properties and methods of confirming this relationship. • know methods of identification and quantitative and qualitative determination of drugs and their storage conditions. • know the main categories of regulatory documents on standardization, the main methods of determining drugs. general competences: GC2 Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations; GC5 Skills of using information and communication technologies; GC6 Ability to learn and master modern knowledge; GC7 Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources; GC8 Skills of performing safe activities; GC10 Ability to work both individually and in a team; GC11 Potential for further education; GC12 Responsibility for the quality of the work performed; GC 14 Ability to organize own work and the work of subordinates. professional competences: PC6 The ability to identify the correspondence between the structure of a substance, its physical and chemical properties, reactivity and methods of its synthesis; PC7 Ability to apply knowledge of specific methods of physical and chemical research to identify organic compounds, substances of various classes, including potential medicinal substances; PC8 Ability to conduct qualitative and quantitative analysis of raw materials, semi-products and finished pharmaceutical (including veterinary and medical-cosmetic) products according to the given methodology; PC11 Knowledge of modern methods of quality control of pharmaceutical products; PC22 Evaluate and interpret information and data of analysis results to ensure a normal technological process. PC28 Ability to conduct analysis of raw materials, materials, semi-products, finished pharmaceutical products;
Learning outcomes: learning outcomes: • knowledge of basic methods of determining the structure and composition of substances, in particular medicines, raw materials, and reagents. • demonstrate the relationship between structure and pharmacological properties and methods of confirming this relationship. • know methods of identification and quantitative and qualitative determination of drugs and their storage conditions. • know the main categories of regulatory documents on standardization, the main methods of determining drugs. K12 Knowledge of chemistry and technology of intermediate products for medicinal and other substances; K20 Knowledge of the chemical structure of medicinal substances, sources and methods of their preparation, laws of the relationship between chemical structure and pharmacological properties, methods of identification and quantitative recognition, storage conditions; K26 Know the legislative and regulatory framework for the production of pharmaceutical products, the main categories of normative documents on standardization, requirements for their content and design; general principles of quality management of pharmaceutical products, regulatory framework of proper manufacturing practice of medicinal products; schemes of work on product certification, production attestation; A3 To have methods of quality control of raw materials and finished pharmaceutical products and to carry out qualitative and quantitative analysis of substances of inorganic, organic and biological origin; A27 Be able to summarize and systematize information about the chemical structure, physical properties, methods of obtaining and analyzing modern medicinal substances;
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Physical methods of analysis of substances. Methods of organic synthesis. Pharmaceutical chemistry Co-requisites: Pharmacy Technology of Medicines Fundamentals of emergency medical care
Summary of the subject: Physical methods of drug analysis are a set of methods for studying the structure, composition, and properties of substances, as well as the physicochemical processes occurring in them, with the aim of identifying them and creating new substances with specified properties. Physical methods of drug analysis are one of the most important modern scientific disciplines. Knowledge of its basics is necessary for a specialist who works both in laboratories and workshops of enterprises that produce medicinal products, and in scientific and control institutions. This is connected both with the use of physical methods of analysis in the practice of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of various diseases, and with the fact that knowledge of modern methods of analysis must be adequate to the rapid development of scientific and technical progress in the modern world. Physical methods of drug analysis are a set of methods for studying the structure, composition, and properties of substances, as well as the physicochemical processes occurring in them, with the aim of identifying them and creating new substances with specified properties. The task of studying physical methods of drug analysis is to acquaint students with the general principles and methods of practical use of physical methods for the analysis of various medicinal and biologically active substances and methods of their improvement, primarily based on the use of the latest achievements in chemistry and other fundamental sciences.
Опис: Concept and definition of instrumental methods of analysis of drugs. Methods of determining the melting point. Distillation. Determination of relative density. Potentiometric and colorimetric method for determining pH. Potentiometric titration. Polarography. Refractometry. Refractive index. Polarimetry. Measuring optical rotation. Photometric methods. Law of Bouguer-Lambert-Ber. Spectrophotometry. Absorption spectrum. UV-visible and IR spectrophotometry. Optical density. Methods of determining the concentration of solutions using spectrophotometry. Basic schemes of photocolorimeters. Nuclear magnetic resonance. Instruments for NMR registration. Resonance frequency. Chemical shift. Spin-spin coupling. Interpretation of NMR spectra. Spectrum processing programs. X-ray Spectroscopy. Mass Spectrometry. Chromatography. Types of chromatography. Adsorbents and eluents for chromatography. Liquid and gas chromatography. Thin layer chromatography and paper chromatography. Ion exchange, affinity, adsorption chromatography.
Assessment methods and criteria: The main methods of knowledge diagnosis are: current (PC) and semester control (SC), which is carried out from educational material, the scope of which is determined by the work program of the discipline for the semester. Current control is carried out during lectures and laboratory classes in order to check the level of assimilation of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of the student. PC is conducted in the form of: performance of an individual scientific task in the form of a control work of the KR, written and oral control and defense of laboratory works. Semester control is conducted in the form of an exam. The exam is a form of SC of the student's training results exclusively for all types of work provided by the program of the academic discipline.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: written reports from laboratory works, oral survey (20 points), test (20 points) • final control (control event, exam): written and oral form (60 points)
Recommended books: 1. Yu.M. Volovenko Nuclear magnetic resonance / Yu.M. Volovenko, O.V. Turov // K .: Perun, 2007. 476p. 2. D.О. Melnychuk, S.D. Melnychuk, V.M. Voytsitskiy, V.А. Grytsenko, L.G. Kalachnuk, S.V. Khyznyak, Analitychny methody doslidzen, spektroskopichni: teorethychny osnovy and methodyky: К. – 2016. – 289с. 3. Zinchuk V.K., Levytska G.D., Dubenska L.O. Physico-chemical methods of analysis: A manual. Lviv: Publishing Center of Ivan Franko National University, 2008. 362 p. 4. Elementary organic spectroscopy, principles and chemical applications.- Y.R. Sharma. - New Delhi: S. CHAND & COMPANY PVT. LTD, 2013. – 385р. 5. Pharmatsevtychna himiya/ P.О. Bezugliy, V.А. Georgiyants, І.С. Grycenko. – Vinnytsa: Nova knyga, 2017.- 456p. 6. Skoog D., Holler F., Nieman T. Principles of Instrumental Analysis. – USA: Thomson Learning, 1998. 7. Introduction to Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry, Second Edition. Stig Pedersen-Bjergaard, Bente Gammelgaard and Trine Gronhaug Halvorsen.© 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2019 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.