Teaching Practice

Major: Building and Civil Engineering
Code of subject: 8.192.00.O.025
Credits: 3.00
Department: Building Production
Lecturer: Ph.D., prof. Myroslav Sanytsky Ph.D., assoc. prof. Uliana Marushchak
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the philosophical methodology of scientific knowledge, psychological and pedagogical aspects of professional and scientific activities, own scientific worldview and moral and cultural values. Demonstrate knowledge of theoretical and methodological foundations and conceptual and categorical apparatus of professional pedagogy; the essence of the organization of the educational process; modern approaches to planning, organizing and conducting educational, research and educational work with student youth; continuous professional development and pedagogical skills of a scientific and pedagogical worker.
Required prior and related subjects: • Professional pedagogy; • Current trends of research in the field of construction and engineering systems; • Academic entrepreneurship.
Summary of the subject: The pedagogical practicum is a compulsory component of the educational scientific program for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and is aimed to gain knowledge, skills of postgraduate students' practical activities in the direction of carrying out the educational process in higher school, in particular the teaching of disciplines in the specialty «Сonstruction and civil engineering» at the Institute of Сonstruction and civil engineering in agreement with the scientific supervisor and under the organizational and methodological guidance of the institute teacher, scientific and methodical obotu the discipline and organization of learning activities of students.
Assessment methods and criteria: Assessment of gained knowledge and skills is carried out on the basis of results of the defense of student's report. Semester control of the pedagogical workshop is carried out in the form of undifferentiated test.
Recommended books: 1. Кузьмінський А.І., Омеляненко В.Л. Педагогіка: Підручник. - 3-тє вид., випр. К.: Знання-Прес, 2008. 447 с. 2. Лозова В. І., Троцко Г. В. Теоретичні основи виховання і навчання. Xарків: “ОВС”, 2012. 287 с. 3. Мойсеюк Н. Є Педагогіка : навчальний посібник. – 5-те вид., доп. і перероб. – Київ, 2009. 656 с. 4. Волкова Н.П. Педагогіка: навч. посіб. – 4-те вид., стереотип. К.: Академвидав, 2012. 616 с.

Teaching Practice

Major: Building and Civil Engineering
Code of subject: 8.192.00.O.026
Credits: 3.00
Department: Building Constructions and Bridges
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна

Teaching Practice

Major: Building and Civil Engineering
Code of subject: 8.192.00.O.027
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Hydraulic and Water Engineering
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof., PhD Volodymyr Zhuk
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. To produce innovative scientific ideas, to possess the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity, to solve complex problems in the process of innovation-research and professional activity, to carry out original scientific researches in the field of civil and environmental engineering at the international and national levels. 2. Apply knowledge from related subject areas to substantiate new theoretical and practical recommendations in the field civil and environmental engineering. 3. Perform experimental research independently and evaluate the feasibility of using existing test methods. 4. Independently propose new research methods and techniques and modern technologies in the problems of civil and environmental engineering. 5. Ability to adhere to research ethics, as well as the rules of academic integrity in research and teaching.
Required prior and related subjects: • Professional Pedagogic • Modern trends of scientific investigations in the field of civil and environmental engineering.
Summary of the subject: Modern methods of research in the field of civil and environmental engineering. Ukrainian and foreign scientific achievements and practical experience in the field of civil and environmental engineering. Pedagogical methods and technologies at the level of implementation of the developed programs of educational disciplines and for the teaching of vocational-oriented disciplines in the field of civil and environmental engineering. Transfer and dissemination of professional knowledge. Modern knowledge base on education. Philosophical methodology of scientific knowledge and psychological and pedagogical aspects of professional and scientific activity.
Assessment methods and criteria: final control (test): written-oral form (100 %)
Recommended books: 1. Natsionalna stratehiia rozvytku osvity v Ukraini na period do2021 roku // Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrainy vid 25 chervnia 2013 roku № 344/2013. 2. Kozlovskyi Yu.M. Modeliuvannia naukovoi diialnosti vyshchoho navchalnoho zakladu: teoretyko-metodolohichnyi aspekt: [Monohrafiia] - Lviv: SPOLOM, 2012. - 484 s. 3. Meshchaninov O.P. Suchasni modeli rozvytku universytetskoi osvity v Ukraini: monohrafiia. - Mykolaiv: Vyd-vo MDHU im. Petra Mohyly, 2005. - 460 s. 4. Pro vyshchu osvitu : Zakon Ukrainy vid 01.07.2014 r. № 1556-VII. 5. Scientific Research in Education / Editors R. J. Shavelson, L. Towne // Committee on Scientific Principles for Education Research, National Research Council. - National Academy Press, Washington, DC. 2002. - 209 p.

Teaching Practice

Major: Building and Civil Engineering
Code of subject: 8.192.00.O.028
Credits: 3.00
Department: Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
Lecturer: Stepan Shapoval
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the philosophical methodology of scientific knowledge, psychological and pedagogical aspects of professional and scientific activities, their own scientific worldview and moral and cultural values. Demonstrate knowledge of theoretical and methodological foundations and conceptual and categorical apparatus of professional pedagogy; the essence of the organization of the educational process; modern approaches to planning, organizing and conducting educational, research and educational work with student youth; continuous professional development and pedagogical skills of a research and pedagogical worker. Be able to apply pedagogical technologies at the level of implementation of the developed programs of academic disciplines and for teaching professionally-oriented disciplines in the field of construction and civil engineering. Organize and conduct group and individual educational work, develop and use didactic tools for methodological support of educational activities, analyze and statistically process the learning outcomes of students; identify and develop creative abilities of the individual; analyze pedagogical situations and solve pedagogical problems. Ability to communicate in business scientific and professional language, to apply different styles of speech, methods and techniques of communication, to demonstrate a wide scientific and professional vocabulary. Ability to apply modern information and communication tools and technologies to ensure effective scientific and professional communications. Ability to treat the work responsibly and achieve the goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous: 1. Professional pedagogy; 2. Modern directions of scientific research in the field of construction and civil engineering. The following and related: Academic entrepreneurship.
Summary of the subject: The pedagogical workshop is a mandatory component of the educational component of the educational-scientific program for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and is aimed at acquiring knowledge, skills, abilities of postgraduate students in the direction of educational process in higher school, including teaching disciplines "Construction and Civil Engineering »In the Institute of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering in coordination with the supervisor and under the organizational and methodological guidance of the teacher of the institute, scientific and methodological work in this discipline, the organization of educational activities of students.
Assessment methods and criteria: Based on the results of the pedagogical workshop, the graduate student draws up a report. The volume of the report with the completion of the workshop is 20-30 pages of typewritten text in A4 format, which takes a week to complete at the end of the workshop.
Recommended books: 1. Bezpalko OV Social pedagogy in schemes and tables: textbook. way. /AT. V. Bezpalko. - Kyiv: Training Center. l-ri, 2002. - 139 p. - 966-8253-82-5. 2. Volkova NP Pedagogy: textbook / NP Volkova. - Kyiv: Academy, 2002. - 575 p. - 966-580-109-0. 3. Volkova NP Pedagogy: a guide. for students. / NP Volkova. - Kyiv: Academy, 2003. - 576 p. - 966-580-109-0. 4. Fitsula MM Pedagogy of higher school: textbook. way. / MM Fitsula. - Kyiv: Akademvydav, 2006. - 351. - 966-8226-35-6.

Teaching Practice

Major: Building and Civil Engineering
Code of subject: 8.192.00.O.024
Credits: 3.00
Department: Highways and Bridges
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна