Industrial Technologies and Cleaning of Ventilation and Technological Emissions

Major: Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
Code of subject: 7.192.07.O.006
Credits: 3.50
Department: Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
Lecturer: c.t.s.(PhD), docent Yurkevych Y.S.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The main goal of the course is to study the most common technological processes and the main types of hazards that are released during these technological processes. As a result of studying the course, the student should acquire the knowledge necessary for design and production-technological activities in the field of industrial ventilation.
Завдання: The study of an educational discipline involves the formation of competencies in students of education: general competences: - the ability to solve complex engineering, technical and scientific research problems during professional activity in the field of heat and gas supply and ventilation, which involves the ability to perform a technical and economic comparison of alternative solutions, the application of modern methods of field studies of the equipment of DVT systems, the use of energy-saving technologies. professional competences: - the ability to create products in the DVT specialization, taking into account all aspects of the task, including creation, promotion, implementation and improvement. - the ability to use methodical approaches to the assessment of natural resource potential and its environmentally safe forms of use and reproduction.
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: know: - technological bases of designing of ventilation of industrial enterprises; - technological bases of production and the main properties of hazards which are allocated in the most widespread productions (in thermal, forging and pressing, welding, woodworking, galvanic and painting shops); - methods of cleaning technological and ventilation emissions characteristic of specific technological enterprises. - methodologies for design and modernization of dust and gas cleaning facilities in accordance with the regulatory requirements of current standards and specifications; - modern achievements of innovative technologies in the field of services for the design, installation and operation of dust and gas cleaning systems at industrial enterprises; - basics of economics and project management in the field of services for the design, installation and operation of dust and gas cleaning systems; - structure, principles of work and design, technical characteristics and features of functioning of the basic elements of dust and gas cleaning systems. be able: - apply the acquired knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve problems of development of dust and gas cleaning systems, using known methods; - apply knowledge of technical characteristics, technological features of the formation and implementation of dust and gas cleaning systems; - search for information in various sources to solve problems in the field of services for the design, installation and operation of dust and gas cleaning systems; - to determine the amount of hazards that are released during the most common technological processes in the industry; - substantiate and select equipment for cleaning of ventilation and technological emissions. PH01. Design buildings and structures (according to specialization), including using computer design tools. PH02. Make effective design and technical decisions, taking into account the features of the construction object, aspects of social and ethical responsibility, technical and economic justification, determination of the optimal mode of its operation and implementation of resource and energy saving measures. ЗН1. Specialized conceptual knowledge that includes current scientific achievements in the field of professional activity or field of knowledge and is the basis for original thinking and conducting research. KOM 1. Clear and unambiguous presentation of own knowledge, conclusions and arguments to specialists and non-specialists, in particular to persons studying
Required prior and related subjects: Previous academic disciplines Physics Ventilation Monitoring of the internal condition of the premises Heating, ventilation Related and subsequent disciplines Design of heating systems Design of ventilation systems Rational use of fuel and energy resources Unconventional energy sources
Summary of the subject: Technological bases of ventilation of industrial enterprises; the main ways to determine the amount of hazards that are released in the most common industries. Technological bases of production in welding shops. The most common processes of welding and harmfulness that are distinguished by it, ways to determine the amount of harmfulness, their main characteristics. Technological bases of production in galvanic shops. Characteristics of hazards emitted in galvanic shops, methods for determining their number. Technological bases of the painting process, materials used and sanitary-technical characteristics of production. Workshops for mechanical processing of metals, the main characteristics of the harmful hazards. Technological bases of basic chemical productions (production of mineral fertilizers, detergents, sulfuric acid, paints and varnishes, carbon black and rubber products). Technological bases of productions connected with processing and transportation of bulk materials. Installations of dedusting of units of an overload of loose materials.
Опис: n this educational discipline, the issues of the main sources of dust and gas emissions in the most common industrial productions are considered, methods of calculating the amount of harmful substances released from technological equipment into the working area are given. Special attention is paid to the selection and calculation of dust and gas cleaning equipment.
Assessment methods and criteria: Assessment of students' knowledge in the discipline "Design of heat supply systems" is carried out in the form of semester control of knowledge, which is carried out at the end of the semester. Current control of students' knowledge in the discipline of Heating ”includes the following forms of assessment: Assessment during the lesson: - Evaluation of laboratory work and their protection during the lesson - 5.0 points for each performance of laboratory work during the lesson during the semester (6 laboratory work) Semester control of knowledge includes the results of the current control of students' knowledge, which was conducted during the semester, and examination control. Exam tasks are also built on three levels of difficulty. The maximum amount of points for the exam task is 70. To this number are added the results of the current control (maximum - 30 points). The oral component is missing. The maximum number of points for semester control is 100. The actual number of point
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Assessment of students' knowledge of the discipline "Industrial technologies and cleaning of ventilation and technological emissions" is conducted in the form of a semester knowledge control, which is conducted at the end of the semester. Current control of students' knowledge in the discipline "Industrial technologies and cleaning of ventilation and technological emissions" includes the following forms of assessment: Assessment during class: – Evaluation of laboratory works and their defense during class – 5.0 points for each performance of laboratory work during class during the semester (6 laboratory works) The semester control of knowledge includes the results of the current control of students' knowledge, conducted during the semester, and examination control. Exam tasks are also structured according to three levels of difficulty. The maximum number of points for an examination task is 70. The results of the current control are added to this number (maximum - 30 points). There is no oral component. The maximum number of points for the semester control is 100. The actual number of points received by the student is transferred to the state final assessment.
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: Current control of students' knowledge in the discipline "Industrial technologies and cleaning of ventilation and technological emissions" includes the following forms of assessment: Assessment during class: – Evaluation of laboratory works and their defense during class – 5.0 points for each performance of laboratory work during class during the semester (6 laboratory works) The semester control of knowledge includes the results of the current control of students' knowledge, conducted during the semester, and examination control. Exam tasks are also structured according to three levels of difficulty. The maximum number of points for an examination task is 70. The results of the current control are added to this number (maximum - 30 points). There is no oral component. The maximum number of points for the semester control is 100.
Recommended books: Educational and methodological support 1. ENMK "Industrial technologies and cleaning and ventilation-technological emissions", certificate No. 04768 dated 01.06. 2022 2. Yurkevich Yu.S., Wozniak O.T., Zelich V.M. Industrial technologies and cleaning of technological and ventilation emissions. Lviv, 2012. 3. Yurkevich Yu.S., Shapoval S.P.. Omelchuk O.V. Spodynuk N.A. Industrial technologies and cleaning of technological and ventilation emissions. Methodical instructions for laboratory work. Lviv 2013. Recommended Books Basic 1. Gichov Yu.O. Gas purification. Ch 1,2. Synopsis of lectures. DnipropetrovskNMetAU, 2015 p.44 2. H. S. Ratushnyak O. G. Lyalyuk Means for cleaning gas emissions. Tutorial. UNIVERSUM-Vinnytsia 2008 p.207 3. V.V. Blagodatny, N.I. Magos, Yu.M. Kharitonov. Devices for cleaning waste gases from pollution. - Mykolaiv NUK -2019. -50 s. 4. Zatserklyannyi M.M., Zatserklyannyi O.M., Stolevych T.B. Environmental protection processes. Textbook. - Odesa. Phenix, 2017. -453 p. 5. Martynenko S.A. Modern technologies of atmosphere protection. Study guide for students of higher educational institutions of environmental profile - Kropyvnytskyi: Central Technical University, 2019 .- 155 p. 6. V.O. Gneushev Ventilation and pneumatic transport. Tutorial. - Rivne: NUVHP, --138 p. 7. Onyshchuk O.O. Fundamentals of chemical production design: a course of lectures - Lutsk: Vezha-Druk, 2020. – 38 p. 8. Hurin V.A., Vostrikov V.P., Kuzmych L.V. Basics of industrial technologies and materials science: textbook. - Rivne: NUVHP, 2019. -310p. Auxiliary 1. Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Atmospheric Air" (as amended by Law No. 2756-VI dated 02.12.2010); Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2011, No. 23, Art. 160. 2. GOST 12.1.005-88 "General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area." 3. DSN Sanitary norms of the microclimate of industrial premises. Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 42 dated December 1, 1999. -K., 1999. 4. DSTU 3273-95. Safety of industrial enterprises. General provisions and requirements. - Kyiv: State Standard of Ukraine, 1995. 5. DSTU 60839-1-1-2001. State standard of Ukraine. Alarm systems. Part 1. General requirements. - Kyiv: State Standard of Ukraine, 2001.
Уніфікований додаток: Lviv Polytechnic National University ensures the realization of the right of persons with disabilities to obtain higher education. Inclusive educational services are provided by the Service of accessibility to learning opportunities "Without restrictions", the purpose of which is to provide permanent individual support for the educational process of students with disabilities and chronic diseases. An important tool for the implementation of the inclusive educational policy at the University is the Program for improving the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers and educational and support staff in the field of social inclusion and inclusive education. Contact at: St. Karpinsky, 2/4, 1st floor, room 112 E-mail: Websites:
Академічна доброчесність: The policy regarding the academic integrity of the participants of the educational process is formed on the basis of compliance with the principles of academic integrity, taking into account the norms "Regulations on academic integrity at the Lviv Polytechnic National University" (approved by the academic council of the university on June 20, 2017, protocol No. 35).