Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Major: Logistics
Code of subject: 7.073.07.O.001
Credits: 5.00
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Olena Pokhylchenko, PhD, Associate Professor of Economics
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As the studies results, student has: • know: models and features of the types of supply networks and supply chains; principles of the functioning of supply chains: models of business process, basic control elements, solutions in the sphere of supply, production, marketing and design of new products; methods and tools for assessing the effectiveness of the supply chain; characteristics of development of new products in supply chains; features of management of production capacities in the supply chain; the role of logistics in the strategic development of the supply chain; the features of the design of the supply chain and the achievement of its competitive advantages: • to be able to: planning the operation of the supply chain strategically and tactically; evaluate the impact of logistics on the results of the activities of the supply chain, as well as its individual participants; identify the reserves for improving the economic efficiency of the projected and operating supply chains.
Required prior and related subjects: • Prerequisites: Logistics • Co-requisites: Logistics system design.
Summary of the subject: The integration of enterprises in the supply chain as a new paradigm. Principles of the functioning of the supply chain. Effectiveness of the supply chain. Development of products in the supply chain. Product developing in the supply chain. Logistic paradigm for the formation of the supply chain. Features of designing the supply chain with a purpose of increasing its competitive advantages.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Current control (40%, tests, analytical and situation tasks, verbal control) • final control (60%, examination)
Recommended books: - Крикавський Є. Логістика та управління ланцюгами поставок: Підручник / Є. Крикавський, О. Похильченко, М. Фертч. ¬¬– Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019. – 848 с. - Крикавський Є.В., Похильченко О.А. Економіка логістики: Підручник / Є.В. Крикавський, О.А. Похильченко та інші (Н.В. Чорнописька Н., О.С. Костюк, Н.Б. Савіна, С.М. Нікшич, Л.Я. Якимишин). За загальною редакцією Крикавського Є.В. та Похильченко О.А. – Львів: Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», 2014. – 526 с. - Hugos M. Zarzadzanie lancuchem dostaw, Helion, Gliwice 2011. – 280 s. - Bozarth C.B. Wprowadzenie do zarzadzania operacjami i lancuchem dostaw / C.B. Bozarth, R.B. Handfield. – Helion, Gliwice, 2007. - Szymonik A., Logistyka i zarzadzanie lancuchem dostaw, Difin, Warszawa, czasc 2, 2011.

Logistics and Supply Chain Management (курсова робота)

Major: Logistics
Code of subject: 7.073.07.O.006
Credits: 2.00
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: PhD, Associate Professor of Economics Hirna O.B.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Studies results: As a result of study of the module does a student must: - to know: Modern concepts and technologies used in the process of supply chain management; the basic principles of the system in terms of supply chain management; master basic skills in strategic planning, organization and supply chain management in terms of areas of procurement, production and sales; - able: decisions in supply chain management, and develop practical skills in designing supply chains, coordinate the relationship between supply chain participants, to assess the economic efficiency of the supply chain, to support the information supply chain management
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites and co-requisites: - prerequisites: logistics systems, methodology and organization of scientific research; - co-requisites: logistics and supply chain management.
Summary of the subject: General characteristics of production, economic and financial activities of the object of study. Description of the five basic business processes of the SCOR model of supply chain participants: PLAN, SOURCE, MAKE, DELIVER, RETURN. Development of logistics solutions for scientific and practical solutions to improve the supply chain management of the studied enterprise.
Assessment methods and criteria: Final assessment (100% differentiated test): pass course project
Recommended books: 1.Бауэрсокс Д. Дж. Логистика: Интегрированная цепь поставок / Logistical Management / Д. Дж. Бауэрсокс, Д. Дж. Клосс; пер. с англ. - М.: Олимп-бизнес. 2010. - 640 с. 2.Иванов Д.А. Управление цепями поставок / Д.А. Иванов. - СПб. : Изд-во СПбГПУ. 2009.- 660 с. 3.Стерлигова А.Н. Управление запасами в цепях поставок: учебник. А.Н. Стерлигова. - М.: ИНФРА-М. 2008. - 430 с. 4.Управление цепями поставок: Справочник издательства Gower / под ред. Дж.Гатторны; ред. Р.Огулин, М.Рейнольдс; пер. с 5-го англ. изд. - М.: ИНФРА-М. 2010. - 670 с. 5.Чухрай Н. Формування ланцюга поставок: питання теорії та практики : монографія / Н. Чухрай, О. Гірна. - Л. : Інтелект-Захід. 2007. -232 с. 6. Дж. Пол Дитман Новые идеи в управлении цепями поставок. 5 шагов, которые ведут к реальному результату / Дж. Пол Дитман, Джон Т. Менцер, Рубен Е. Слоун; пер. с англ. - М.: Альпина Паблишер. 2015. - 230 с.